Seriously, this is the world we live in? One of them, anyway. Neo, the matrix has you, there is no "waking up", this is the reality, for now.
- the aethyrs of existence
Seriously, this is the world we live in? One of them, anyway. Neo, the matrix has you, there is no "waking up", this is the reality, for now.
- the aethyrs of existence
C, I've taken an interest in those eight questions in the Death And The Dead thread upon reading just now - I'm a little late sometimes, but I think that would make a good blog entry at some point(soon); adhering the principle of parsimony with the least amount of conjecture as possible of course.
RE : Smells Like Fish
Tired of smelling like a fish? Put on some Brut!
- it smells like a man
"Everywhere you look there's butterflies! Catch 'em in your net when you see them flying by!"
Elusive butterflies, we caught them.
Heinz Ketchup
An ti ci pa tion, an ti ci pa ay tion is makin' me wait