What's this creature near my home? | Forum

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Anna Aug 3 '21
This is a video:

This is the picture:

I thought it was a vole but they have rounded muzzles. This one has an elongated and rather pointed one. The neighbors were wondering too. For sure, it's not a mouse. It was very tame, seemed not afraid of people.

What's this? Any ideas? 

The Forum post is edited by Anna Aug 3 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 3 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 3 '21
...and the way it's aimlessly moving and circling indicates it has poor eyesight. Also why it seems to be not afraid of humans. It may not see you well.
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Aug 3 '21
Anna Aug 3 '21
Thank you!

I was so intrigued. I've seen it for the first time. Didn't know about such an animal before.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 3 '21
Okay, I'll stop calling you Tracy and including you as anything but a passive onlooker.. Could still be, but how can I dispute that? 

And that almost works as good as a paper... I guess.  

Thanks in any case.  You didn't need to, but you did. Now if you can do that...

I have to admit It must have been a different account explained. 

Well sorry some Transwoman I worked with really did describe your account perfectly. Was she picking random 600 club persona's to say she is?  I can go with that. But why I was offered information of a site I didn't care about... who knows? Hell of a thing to make up and not just do. 

Well, 0/2 with thinking accounts are other people. 

And I like the video of me! 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 3 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 3 '21
I don't know, but it's cute and I hope you were all nice to it, and maybe helped it along its' way. Poor thing.
Anna Aug 3 '21
Yeah we pushed it gently onto the grass and hid it there. There was a damned cat nearby, we chased it away. Dunno what was later. Let's hope it's safe.

It had such a nice soft fur.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Aug 3 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 3 '21
All of the squabble aside, my cat really did kill and bring shrew carcasses to my doorstep to leave as gifts. IRONIC!
Wolfie Aug 3 '21
Because the only question that ever really matters to a guy is, "Who would win?"

Anna Aug 4 '21

Quote from Baphomets All of the squabble aside, my cat really did kill and bring shrew carcasses to my doorstep to leave as gifts. IRONIC!

Oh this is understandable in the case of cats. My friend's cat often brings her gifts: dead mice, frogs, sometimes even small rabbits. Mine sits at home so he hunts mosquitoes. He tries to catch them with his paws. It's so cute! Sometimes, he sits at the window and imitates the sound of birds.

Quote from Dark Enlightenment 

Thanks in any case.  You didn't need to, but you did.

Nah, not because of you. I'm a bit bored with hiding under the table.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
Quote from Anna Yeah we pushed it gently onto the grass and hid it there. There was a damned cat nearby, we chased it away. Dunno what was later. Let's hope it's safe.

It had such a nice soft fur.

That's cool, it just looked so cute and helpless in the video. I'm actually pretty good to most creatures these days, as opposed to when I was younger. I won't even harm a spider. I'm one of those people who catch them and put them outside. Once in a while I see a wolf spider crawling along the wall while on here typing stuff, and the last time I didn't even bother with it and then it was gone. It did show up again later, but that's another story. There are black widows under the porch where we keep the lawn and garden stuff, so you have to be a bit careful around those, but never been bitten by a spider.

Earwigs on the other hand, I hate those fucking things. I've been bitten by those more times than I can shake a stick at. Lots of assassin bugs around here, and they pretty much share the top of the insect food chain, but they don't bother with humans as far as I can tell.

Edit : couple typos

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21
When I was young, I used to pick up snails from the pavements after the rain and throw them onto the grass. I don't bother now because there are too many of them. I try not to kill bees, wasps, spiders or ladybugs. I just try to delicately throw them outside. Sometimes, I let ladybugs and small spiders to stay. There are no poisonous snakes or really harmful bugs here.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
Those big black wasps and very large hornets often find their way inside around the windows somehow I think, and the cats will usually find them first, so you have to act quick so they don't get stung in the nose, I guess they might learn after the first time. Usually in a hurry I fold a paper towel and grab it to put outside.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
My housemate got a laugh out of the fact that I threw this same little black beetle in the trash four times because hours or a day later it kept finding its' way out. I didn't want to kill it or be bothered with putting it outside so I kept throwing it in the trash.
Anna Aug 4 '21
I keep the windows in the tilt position. I don't open them full so that the cat won't jump out. But it also keeps most insects away. Wasps and bees can come in but it rarely happens.
Wolfie Aug 4 '21
I don't kill spiders. I don't even put them outside. I leave them there on the wall. I like looking at them.

My parents used to have a house in Florida and sometimes little lizards would somehow get in. This fascinated me. I never interfered with the little creatures. I just watched them. I think eventually they went outside on their own. I was surprised to learn that my parents didn't mind them.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
It is true. Some creatures deserve more respect than some people.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 8 '21
Initially I just watched the video and skimmed over everything. It wasn't until after that I realized that post number five may have been the one that took the cake.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 8 '21
Well, some personality types can be a bit obsessive, especially when they already have OCD.
Anna Aug 8 '21
I don't get it. Really.

Anyway, I showed the video to my friend and told her to guess what it is. She said it's a mouse. Hilarious. This little thing is quite uncanny here.

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