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Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment I had a specific one I heard once in mind. 

With jazz it's like, 7/4 time, B flat. And improv in the framework. 

It shared the noodling part. 

The schizo music I heard was like this picture in music form, if you consider each different color a different tempo, theme, and key. 

Luckily there's only two invisible enemies after me. 

Hoodlum88 Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment I

I wanna be a martyr. Waaaaa! People on the internet were mean to me! Waaaaa! 

That's you. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21

Quote from Hoodlum88
Quote from Dark Enlightenment I

I wanna be a martyr. Waaaaa! People on the internet were mean to me! Waaaaa! 

That's you. 
You're certainly entitled to think that, and I would think that too. Apparently it's really annoying. Still, how do I approach this without looking like I'm trying to play it off? I'm trying to maintain some air of artistry with this.  

So you go through it for 9 years and then tell me how you feel. After you get fucked with for years and that's all you get with no explanation why. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Hoodlum88 Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment
 like I'm trying to play it off? I'm trying to maintain some air of artistry with this.  

And then they took my toy, and then the other kids wouldn't let me play, and then they all made fun of me, and then, and then...

For fuck sake. Got what? What you deserve for being an annoying fucking sissy? Fuck yourself you pretentious twat. 

I don't know who Anna is but I commend her for her gaslight of you.  That a single video can drive you to such action, reaction, redaction, reposting, reevaluation, and utter retardedness is a credit to her magical power over you. Well done, Anna. Gave me a chuckle. 

But do keep thinking any of this shit you vomit on this forum qualifies you as anything more than a whiny little bitch crying on the internet. Just like every whiny little bitch crying on the internet. 

And then kill yourself. Have a nice day. :)
The Forum post is edited by Hoodlum88 Aug 4 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Aww, look at you all puffing your chest. I bet everyone agrees with you too.  That's the way society is programmed to behave. Crazy things Like, "I'm being fucked with by the government and they are people who post online" is as auto-default crazy as belief in an afterlife is accepted.  Despite being equally preposterous. 

You are nothing but a drone programmed to serve a role. It shows by what you choose to always view through that "UFO disinformation" lens stick there by a lying government. 

I know what happened, and I'm honored it perturbed you enough to post that. Touched even. 


It's rigged that way. You can scream the truth about the veiled and hidden from the rooftops and you're equivalent to Kareem Abdul Jabber screaming about the dark man. :)

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Hoodlum88 Aug 4 '21
Dark Enlightenment and all your characters,

Let me give you a piece of life advice: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Anna Aug 5 '21

Quote from Hoodlum88
I don't know who Anna is but I commend her for her gaslight of you.  That a single video can drive you to such action, reaction, redaction, reposting, reevaluation, and utter retardedness is a credit to her magical power over you. Well done, Anna. Gave me a chuckle. 

Thank you for the compliment but it wasn't my intention to fuck with anyone. The little thing was moving so quickly that it was really hard to make a quality photo. So instead I made a short movie. I have no clue how you can post videos here without uploading them first to YouTube.

Besides, gaslighting is overrated. The term comes from the very old movie depicting a helpless heroine who could leave her abusive husband at any time but she didn't. Talk about the prison with the door unlocked.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Aug 5 '21
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