like I'm trying to play it off? I'm trying to maintain some air of artistry with this.
And then they took my toy, and then the other kids wouldn't let me play, and then they all made fun of me, and then, and then...
For fuck sake. Got what? What you deserve for being an annoying fucking sissy? Fuck yourself you pretentious twat.
I don't know who Anna is but I commend her for her gaslight of you. That a single video can drive you to such action, reaction, redaction, reposting, reevaluation, and utter retardedness is a credit to her magical power over you. Well done, Anna. Gave me a chuckle.
But do keep thinking any of this shit you vomit on this forum qualifies you as anything more than a whiny little bitch crying on the internet. Just like every whiny little bitch crying on the internet.
And then kill yourself. Have a nice day. :)