This shit is so stupid it actually got me wondering (briefly - I'm over it now) whether Dark Enlightenment and Tom Riddle might be the same person.You are fairly new to the site. You'll find that these tirades occur fairy often and are annoying. It hadn't happened in a bit and I was hoping it wasn't going to happen anymore, but it has - which is disappointing. I used to think it was due to slow activity on the site. When nothing was going on, the tirades and nonsensical shit took over, like on every single thread.
I like Canis. I really do, but you all must remember - he has multiple personalities and can he triggered by the smallest, seemingly innocent thing. Then he switches. The most we can do is ignore it and continue commenting threads and posting blogs that make sense and hope that he calms his ass down and decides to go back to being talented and productive, because as you've seen - he really is and really can be.
Also, keep in mind, none of his identities on here are his own.
Canis, calm down and forget about SIN J.