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Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 4 '21

Quote from Wolfie This shit is so stupid it actually got me wondering (briefly - I'm over it now) whether Dark Enlightenment and Tom Riddle might be the same person.

You are fairly new to the site. You'll find that these tirades occur fairy often and are annoying. It hadn't happened in a bit and I was hoping it wasn't going to happen anymore, but it has - which is disappointing. I used to think it was due to slow activity on the site. When nothing was going on, the tirades and nonsensical shit took over, like on every single thread.

I like Canis. I really do, but you all must remember - he has multiple personalities and can he triggered by the smallest, seemingly innocent thing. Then he switches. The most we can do is ignore it and continue commenting threads and posting blogs that make sense and hope that he calms his ass down and decides to go back to being talented and productive, because as you've seen - he really is and really can be.

Also, keep in mind, none of his identities on here are his own.

Canis, calm down and forget about SIN J. 

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21

Consider this. 

It's like how Anna posted a video of a rodent. 

That's it, just a rodent. 

But... EVERYONE can easily pick out two things in the subtext: 

1. It was to validate herself as a Polish person when being called out and tell me to fuck off. 

2. To call me a hurt little rodent. 

While that is a fucking obvious example, it works in the same way.  You just know when the subtext is present. As obviously to you, as that is to everybody here. And fuck, when it's deliberately done in all parts of your life, it's the most bullshit thing you can ever experience.  You then become bitterly obstinate to all subtext employed and make yourself look crazy in the process. 

@ Baphomets.

About every three to six months I remember I'm still pissed I don't have an answer. It's less about Sin J and more about what she knows. Which I don't need to, apparently. 

No multiple personalities or anything like that. They would have indentifiably different syntax. And crazy folk write disorganized music.  "Hebephrenic" music even. 

Ultimate goal is the post proceeding yours. That you can fully diagnose. And also be the 46th person to cite some DSM shit about assuming relation to myself and megalomaniac confirmation bias.  

I'll wear the tin foil hat on this one from here on out. 

And I can assure you this is the last time I try, if that helps.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 4 '21
I did entertain 1, but 2 hadn't crossed my mind. I can't speak for her, but I don't see her as someone who feels the need for validation towards anyone.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Let's see.

Anna, True or False,

Was there a "hidden" context to mock me like a lost rodent you found along your way. Thought that was supposed to be obvious, but okay.

I'm 99.99% sure #2 is accurate. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment

Consider this. 

It's like how Anna posted a video of a rodent. 

That's it, just a rodent. 

But... EVERYONE can easily pick out two things in the subtext: 

1. It was to validate herself as a Polish person when being called out and tell me to fuck off. 

2. To call me a hurt little rodent. 

While that is a fucking obvious example, it works in the same way.  You just know when the subtext is present. As obviously to you, as that is to everybody here. And fuck, when it's deliberately done in all parts of your life, it's the most bullshit thing you can ever experience.  You then become bitterly obstinate to all subtext employed and make yourself look crazy in the process. 

@ Baphomets.

About every three to six months I remember I'm still pissed I don't have an answer. It's less about Sin J and more about what she knows. Which I don't need to, apparently. 

No multiple personalities or anything like that. They would have indentifiably different syntax. And crazy folk write disorganized music.  "Hebephrenic" music even. 

Ultimate goal is the post proceeding yours. That you can fully diagnose. And also be the 46th person to cite some DSM shit about assuming relation to myself and megalomaniac confirmation bias.  

I'll wear the tin foil hat on this one from here on out. 

And I can assure you this is the last time I try, if that helps.

@ DE. Disorganized music? Like Hunter Biden's attempt at artwork?
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Aug 4 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Pretty much.

It's harder to tell with art. With music It's like written improvisation. Unintentional jazz noodling. 

And my arts actually kinda close to his, so thanks for helping. And it kinda doesnt support my point. 

[Watercolor traced by pen]

And that's a tree.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment 

Was there a "hidden" context to mock me like a lost rodent you found along your way. 


Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Okay, I'll take your word on that one. 

Are you sure that isn't me through the peephole?  Really? 

You like to reffer to people as rodents, and you're one of the few left who can work in irony, so it stands to reason.

Disappointing Anna. So it was really no more than to validate your identity? Your too subversive to just leave it there. I know I'd make the video poke fun at the person I was proving wrong. I really don't mind if it was. 

Zero for whatever.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Wolfie Aug 4 '21
I didn't know Hunter Biden does art but I like it.

I like yours too, DE. (I'm surrendering to the expedience of abbreviation. Too many damn letters in your user name.) You make the kind of modern art that entices the observer into weaving a story around the picture. Sort of a Rorschach test.

I remember going with my adult daughters to the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. They didn't know how to appreciate what they were looking at. I said to them, "What do the lines and colors make you feel?" Then I told them what a particular abstract painting made me feel - and the light bulb went on for them. Suddenly they wanted to look at every painting and explore their emotional reactions. Pretty soon their feelings were evolving into brief fictional vignettes. "A pregnant mom is having a baby. She's pushing. Clamping down." Did the painter intend for that exact reaction? Who knows? Who cares? It doesn't matter.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21

Thank you for liking my music and art. 

If there's anything useful I can get out of this it's trying to weave my unbelievable narrative, however authentic it actually is to me, into art.  

Contrary to the appearance, I really don't have much of an ego. I just thought I was entitled to something I wasn't in this case. 

I don't like it, but I'm sick of irritating the random or pissing real people off because I believe something I ultimately can't prove shit about.

And like the person talking about secret airbase in the 80's or two stage substratosperic vehicles today, you will always be crazy even when you're right.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment 

Disappointing Anna. So it was really no more than to validate your identity? Your too subversive to just leave it there. 

No it was no more than to share a video of an animal I got fascinated with.

I don't need to validate my identity. I use a standard browser. 

Couldn't tell my neighbors to shut their mouths though. They were filming it too.

I know it sucks you're not all that important.

Nice artwork though.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Would you have posted that if this event of myself freaking out not occurred..  Comes off very LBM-ish.

Sorta "Oh, shut your mouth" like.

That is the first time you have ever posted a video of yourself talking that I have seen on this website. Or any youtube video I have seen or yours. I don't follow you elsewhere, I just know it hasn't occurred here.

You have to maintain it is simply coincidence that your first video of a Polish person talking in your name surfaced, after 9 years, within 12 hours of a need to post that.  

And if you'd lie about that.

And thank you for liking my art. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21
It's my neighbor talking, not me.

Seriously dude. WTF?

What's been happening to you lately?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
No you don't get to do this. No redirection tactics. 

You can admit it.  

That was specifically to fuck with me for saying you weren't a chick in Poland.  It's irrelevant who is talking. It's that you uploaded a YouTube video to ask THIS specific site, in a way that establishes your Polish identity, a question about some fucking marmot you didnt care about, within 12 hours of my calling it into question. 

And I think you realize how transparent that is too.

Of all the times to ask that question. I'm calling an LBM spade a spade. 

Okay though... if you say so... I guess... 


Okay, now everyone else. Imagine this shit occurring in your life for 9 strait years. No, you're not seeing that at all, it's just a illusion.  Maddening. 

Oh no, the Satan made me crazy! *sigh* 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21
You're really dumb.

I've been coming here since 2011 so my identity could be easily verified.

Maybe not the exact identity but nationality and whereabouts for sure.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
You really can't admit you would have never posted that thread had I not erroneously called you out for being some Satanist I knew in California?  

Look at Chloe's fucking white girl avatar and tell me your identity means anything more here.  Yeah, you had an Avatar. And people maybe talked to a Polish chick on the phone. But you never posted a video like that before. Or felt a need to. 

Here was your motivation for the timing: 

Discrediting what someone says and mocking them simultaneously. 

To cast doubt on my belief of your identity. That's it. And it was funny. It was a lost rat thing. A needy rat thing. Looking for its way.  See, I'd want to take credit for that. Sorta brilliant. 

Guess, you're too pious.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Anna Aug 4 '21
Meh believe whatever shit you want to believe.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21

Isn't it obvious I will do that anyway?

But hey, thanks for helping me demonstrate something. You were helpful this time. 

It can be my Exposer la lampe à gaz.

Did your part perfectly.  

Why you want me doubt myself I will never know, but you have plausible deniability of "crazy" anyway.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Aug 4 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment Pretty much.

It's harder to tell with art. With music It's like written improvisation. Unintentional jazz noodling. 

And my arts actually kinda close to his, so thanks for helping. And it kinda doesnt support my point. 

[Watercolor traced by pen]

And that's a tree.  

There are those who dabble and those who actually have dedicated their lives to these artforms. Dabbling and "hobbying" seems disorganized and less emotional. Well, to the critics and professionals, anyway.

As far as disorganization compared to jazz improv, I disagree. As a jazz musician who has won awards in the artform, I can attest that jazz improv is not "disorganized." There are rules in improv too. Like, we can't just play "whatever," but it has to make sense. It has to be tonal in the same jazz or blues scale as the head and rhythm section are maintaining. If it weren't, it would sound horrible and would truly be disorganized and dissonant against the background. Secondly, the improv that is played is typically a type of variation of the head - meaning following the same theme, rhythm, and variations on each. Jazz is very complex and those that do not understand it truly may think it is "disorganized and whatever" but it is not. It takes a trained ear to understand and appreciate it for what it is and the most skilled musicians are those who take this bull by the horns to be able to follow these rules and patterns in a split second, on the spot, to let their innermost thoughts and comprehension of the theme out, as they are making something up that has not been written or rehearsed. It's astounding!

I compare this to Hunter Biden who has only recently picked up a paintbrush as a hobby. There are the Hunter Bidens out there who dabble and hobby and then there are the Picassos who have dedicated their entire lives to their art and the volumes that speak through it. Oh, and I guarantee you'll never find an original Biden in any art museum.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
I had a specific one I heard once in mind. 

With jazz it's like, 7/4 time, B flat. And improv in the framework. 

It shared the noodling part. 

The schizo music I heard was like this picture in music form, if you consider each different color a different tempo, theme, and key. 

Luckily there's only two invisible enemies after me. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 4 '21
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