So I imagined that, and later imagined talking to moderators of this site at a bar how they have to delete accounts with avatars of skinned cats all the time? That still happening btw?
No, I must have imagined it all.
Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Bitch-faced lie. Can't even come direct with something you said.
Wanna know how good my memory is?
You said something to the effect of, "They eventually got rid of that fruitcake" at the end of the comment.
I want to know why you're such a cunt you can't even cop to that?
And you could go a long way of posting a picture of yourself holding a picture of a Warsaw paper with the current date.
I mean if you'd lie about things you've said, what else would you lie about? Of course you could have acquired the account. I got offered some balloon bitch account once by whoever the bitch is that posts o9a shit and then changes or deletes it. So you could actually be some bitch in Poland. Though I have my doubts, and I'd look crazy if you did that.
I also gotta think that's an event that is significant enough to stick out.
And ALSO, why you up posting at 12-5 AM Warsaw time? On a Sunday night? Am I that important you stay up all night for? Important enough to always be the first to comment, like that crimson bullshit you are on about, or look at my blog 790 time in 5 months way back in 2014.
What the fuck is your fucking deal?
First, what time I post here and how often is none of your business. I don't think there is some rule specifying what time exactly one should post. During the nightshifts, there is a couple of hours of leisure when you don't have too much work but you have to stay up. Or I stay at night because I slept during the day after coming back from work.
There was a girl here in 2015 who got pissed with me for no reason and tried to provoke me via pms by posting pictures of dead cats, dead not skinned. Not sure where you took the skinned cats from. I didn't answer her because it was stupid asshurt shit so she caused some drama in the public, she messaged to inform me about that but at the time I logged in to read it, she and everything she posted was no longer here. She posted some other stupid macabre images she found on Google, including skinned dogs. Dogs, not cats. You've got the animal wrong. I guess for the short time you were a moderator here, you entertained yourself with reading people's private messages. Fortunately, or unfortunately, knowing the real reason of your lunatic butthurt with Alison and Chloe and your persistent licking of JK's drunk ass, I don't post here anything fascinating enough. Because who knows what little rejected Canis would do to regain the precious approval of his former friends?
Anyway, that was a one time event. There was no talk about transexual spies, me holding a newspaper, showing a pussy or God knows what. Unless someone signs up here and posts shit that is visible only and primarily to you. Which wouldn't be so weird considering that you keep jumping from the democrats to republicans and from republicans to democrats. You're a fucking spineless guy. Oh I forgot you're adversarial but only for the last three years. Before, you were a squeaking hard-to-notice mouse.
I don't understand your anger. I only suggested an easy way out; that is addressing anyone you have issues with directly. What is this that you're afraid of? That you become a barbecue chicken dish instead of a phoenix avatar?
You're a damned pussy talking shit behind people's backs. And you even had a nerve to desecrate the ONA sigil. How can these old asshats from the UK sleep peacefully? Riddle me this out.