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Anna Aug 2 '21

Quote from Geraldo Respuesta

So I imagined that, and later imagined talking to moderators of this site at a bar how they have to delete accounts with avatars of skinned cats all the time?  That still happening btw? 

No, I must have imagined it all. 

Seriously, go fuck yourself.  

Bitch-faced lie.  Can't even come direct with something you said.  

Wanna know how good my memory is?

You said something to the effect of, "They eventually got rid of that fruitcake" at the end of the comment. 

I want to know why you're such a cunt you can't even cop to that? 

And you could go a long way of posting a picture of yourself holding a picture of a Warsaw paper with the current date.  

I mean if you'd lie about things you've said, what else would you lie about? Of course you could have acquired the account. I got offered some balloon bitch account once by whoever the bitch is that posts o9a shit and then changes or deletes it. So you could actually be some bitch in Poland. Though I have my doubts, and I'd look crazy if you did that.

I also gotta think that's an event that is significant enough to stick out. 

And ALSO, why you up posting at 12-5 AM Warsaw time? On a Sunday night?  Am I that important you stay up all night for? Important enough to always be the first to comment, like that crimson bullshit you are on about, or look at my blog 790 time in 5 months way back in 2014. 

What the fuck is your fucking deal? 

First, what time I post here and how often is none of your business. I don't think there is some rule specifying what time exactly one should post. During the nightshifts, there is a couple of hours of leisure when you don't have too much work but you have to stay up. Or I stay at night because I slept during the day after coming back from work.

There was a girl here in 2015 who got pissed with me for no reason and tried to provoke me via pms by posting pictures of dead cats, dead not skinned. Not sure where you took the skinned cats from. I didn't answer her because it was stupid asshurt shit so she caused some drama in the public, she messaged to inform me about that but at the time I logged in to read it, she and everything she posted was no longer here. She posted some other stupid macabre images she found on Google, including skinned dogs. Dogs, not cats. You've got the animal wrong. I guess for the short time you were a moderator here, you entertained yourself with reading people's private messages. Fortunately, or unfortunately, knowing the real reason of your lunatic butthurt with Alison and Chloe and your persistent licking of JK's drunk ass, I don't post here anything fascinating enough. Because who knows what little rejected Canis would do to regain the precious approval of his former friends?

Anyway, that was a one time event. There was no talk about transexual spies, me holding a newspaper, showing a pussy or God knows what. Unless someone signs up here and posts shit that is visible only and primarily to you. Which wouldn't be so weird considering that you keep jumping from the democrats to republicans and from republicans to democrats. You're a fucking spineless guy. Oh I forgot you're adversarial but only for the last three years. Before, you were a squeaking hard-to-notice mouse.

I don't understand your anger. I only suggested an easy way out; that is addressing anyone you have issues with directly. What is this that you're afraid of? That you become a barbecue chicken dish instead of a phoenix avatar?

You're a damned pussy talking shit behind people's backs. And you even had a nerve to desecrate the ONA sigil. How can these old asshats from the UK sleep peacefully? Riddle me this out.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Aug 2 '21
Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Ha. Got all that. So, why'd it take a post to get that out of you? You should have equated skinned cats to dead cats.  Just now remembering it? Hell of a selective omission. 

  Yeah, I know how even ONA faux bitches get with all this honorless shit talking. But there's enough still around here.  And It's a shame you are not Tracy like I thought. Then I would be doing it as directly as I could. And she is ultimately way more important in all this. "Satan" Itself. 

And to be fair Alison is the only bitch I shit talk behind her back, who doesn't qualify as a person to me.  

And I am still curious what your deal with me is? 

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
And you mean this right:

Aww, did I mock Vysol?  Are the sinister faggots and dark gods going to come get me for it? 

I'd love to show off my "sinister praxis" for them. 

I thought this was hilarious regardless of whichever meme spreading dumbfuck I didn't know used this avatar for all that sinister bullshit. Don't know because I don't fucking care enough.  So that's not technically "behind the back" shit-talking.

I thought it was all a joke anyway, right?

Or did you mean the stupid phoenix one with the star?

I wanna learn how seriously they take their shit.

And are you sure they're not spies? At least in origin and purpose. 

Cuz they all kinda come off like clandestine Jew bitches using neonaziism for veiled SJW purposes. I mean it ripped off a lot of Kabbalah bullshit.  Gotta get those skinheads!

What you say is what you say. Just remember what you said. And always know who you're playing with... Or at least enough 

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Anna Aug 2 '21

And always know who you're playing with

It sucks ass I don't deserve any better toys.

What I said is enough. No need to edit your mental gymnastics one hundred times.

Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Oh, thats a shot. 

Might edit it a few more times.

And you sure you're not Tracy? Cuz then I'd be talking shit to exactly who I want! How fun would it be to call a sinister tranny bitch Bruce Jenner directly to her sock?  

Come on, she told me in 2011 she created a cat sock account in Europe. Even explained the cute avatar. Seems like a hell of a thing for a person you deliver pizzas with to offer up and start talking about. But learned enough and remember it well. 

Talked about how she had to use a proxy because moderation still checked. Interesting. 

I mean those ONA accounts all get passed around so it's easy enough to insinuate someone gave you that account if you're not her anymore.  It really bums me out I am not shit talking her directly though. 

It's hard to believe such a prolific person is no longer around. Are you sure? 

And here is an edit - Alison is a nothing thing. Just want to know why a bitch that looked like her showed up to fuck with me once. Another player added after the fact. Seemingly forced to importance. Going after her wouldn't do anything anyway, too used to it, wouldn't get me anywhere. I could say everything I wanted, and get the same thing as here.  

Shit talking to use to get to the root of this. And you are always the first to defend her. 

And one more edit to notice - That's pretty much my purpose here. Mocking people who use abstraction, and trying to get Tracy, maybe even her former blue account nym, to come engage me directly.   I can only use what's real to get at this. And it is rather limited in what I can do to smoke this bitch out. 

And a final edit explaining an edit to notice - That was why I created my Satanism account to begin with. And then decided I wanted to see how fast I could become a moderator, and other challenges to myself.  Then I am thinking Tracy used Alison's ass (among others) through her sock accounts to come back at me again. And then later gave her a website. 

I want that bitches head for it. 

Mind you these are only based on things said directly or directly observed.  Or Traveler themed CoD wordpresses that link my blog. Or anything else learned in that upgraded analytics tab. There was a persistent Polish IP that kept coming up. Almost 800 times.  And also a lot from Seattle. A lot of administration tab, "Track IP address". 

Final final final edit -  Gone on too long. Bullshit for too long. And the only end is through the people still around here that entitle themselves to fuck with people in real life over their fake ass internet Satanism shit if any still exist. 

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21

Quote from Anna

And always know who you're playing with

It sucks ass I don't deserve any better toys.

What I said is enough. No need to edit your mental gymnastics one hundred times.

Alternate answer: At least you got me to face my fear of calling bitches out for something designed to make anyone that calls it out look crazy.  

It loses credibility like people who said there was a secret air force base in Nevada in 1986. And now I don't care about keeping as much apparent credibility as possible. 

As such I am going to treat you like I would treat a domestic spy from here on out. Been a good little government bitch slave? Been sinister for the greater good?

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Anna Aug 2 '21
Nobody gave me any account. I would never consent to such bullshit.

Or any other bullshit.

As for you, choices have consequences. *shrugs*

Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21

Quote from Anna Nobody gave me any account. I would never consent to such bullshit.

Or any other bullshit.

As for you, choices have consequences. *shrugs*

Oh, so I won't get away with talking shit this time? Have the last 19 I tried this. What makes this time any different?  

The only consequences I see are in my current behavior. Which should horribly demean me, but they don't.

And not like threatening a fake online persona who doesnt even use their real fucking name is a fucking transgression anyway.  

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Aug 2 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21
Nope. 4th wall didn't budge.  Here's the part where I play it off. 

You'd think I'd try something different, but I truly hoped I was right Anna really was or is a spy and I am crossing some "National Security" line right now. That way I may get a nice small federal room somewhere, where I no longer have a cause to fight for my life back anymore, or need concern with the mess I made of it doing so. 

And since what I know happened can't be let go, or mystified, I'll be the example of a non-satanist that talked shit one too many times and blah blah blah.  

I decided a life with this set of circumstances (way more in real life than here) going unexplained is not one I want. Only i wont just get a gun and shoot people like the Naval yard shooter did.  I have a different ELF weapon that allows me to live longer while still using a "suicide by cop" mentality as the only option.  Otherwise I might end up getting a pat on the back for doing this all right, nothing disgusts me more. 

Well see where this stands in a month, gotta watch out for the devil and all.. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21
Wolfie Aug 2 '21
If this thread was submitted to a literary magazine as a short story, it might get published. Not at a genre magazine like detective stories or sci-fi. Something with literary pretentions.

Or else, written as a sci-fi story, all of the characters would be artificial intelligences pretending otherwise. Each succeeding chapter would zero in on one of the characters and what it does when it's not posting on the forums. 


Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21
That would be good. And I wish I could say I'm not motivated by anger and bitter teenage vengeance. I wish I could say this was entirely creative. Looks better for me even.

Truth is all people will read from this is: 

"I have no idea what this is or what this person's on about, but it's entertaining". 

And I have to agree. I would be all over this too. Glad to provide it. 

Now please someone tell me who the fuck used shit from a spy memoir to fuck with me as I went to buy my destitute loser Americanese food. Or showing up with dopplegangers in a parking lot. I have strong suspicion, but circumstantial doesn't win my case. Can't be a real spy thing so it must have been a prank.  Someone must know something about that.  Not that much to ask to want to know which sinister satanist pranked you for their shiggless.

And i just get more pissed the longer it goes without someone copping to it. 

Anyone still around and willing to elucidate that? Someone with honor that would be strait up about shit they did, pointed things they said, and why. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21
Wolfie Aug 2 '21
Dark Enlightenment, let's say Skank666, who never posts on the forums but likes to send pussy pix to Horndog9Angles, raised her hand and said, "It was me, I did it, the spy shit, the parking lot shit, it was all me," and let's say she had enough background information to convince you she really did it. What would you do then?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21


It would have to be a situation where they offer some of the information omitted by myself. If they knew the exact parking lot, or Shitty fake Chinese food location, or could tell me one of the other things only the person that set this shit all up would know. 

It wouldn't take much. 

I want only an answer capable of providing closure to the last decade. From 2012 on. Whatever the self-gratifying or Fuck You reason. Never had illusions my best interest was in mind by anyone.  Just know someone was using pseudo-spy tactics to fuck with all parts of my life for their amusement.

Wolfie Aug 2 '21
So is your goal to get confirmation that you aren't crazy? That you really and truly were gaslighted? Armed with that confirmation, could you then put all of it behind you?

Tactically, you've put yourself in the unfortunate position of making it clear that all this person has to do to continue torturing you is to remain silent.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21

Did the other thing. I tried from 2012-2017. 5 years of trying to ignore it and play dumb to it all. Trying to get a feel through playing along.  Got me nowhere. Real life, or online. 

I'm pretty sure it was made clear I was suppose to be like you would be. (According to your blogs, if I had employed your satanism.it would be been different).  Be cunning or some shit, go out of my way to show them all with my fucking refinement by not letting it get to me, or my ability to stay collected. Say something like, "You will not take away my love of life, cuz I'm a tedtalk watching sublimating bitch". 

As stupid as it sounds, I couln't do what you suggest (not let it get to me and do the proper version of Satanism) because it's what I thought I was being told I needed to do to get my answer. So it felt like submission.

* Or in even simpler terms: Because I thought Satanists were behind it, and also giving me subtle annoying advice, it made me want to shove their advice up their ass.  And this is my final edit to this one. 

It's useful to say it was done for their amusement, as thats all I can prove, but all the pointed shit people said also says I wasn't doing what they wanted with it all. Always some shit about "not getting it", Or not being able to figure out how to "get the other shoe to drop", or "needing a picture drawn". And occaissionally bizarre references to love. 

How about a picture of someone who can't be direct with why it matters so fucking much? I honestly don't think there was ever a way to avoid a shitty outcome no matter what I did. 

Too far down that route to backtrack now. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 2 '21
Phil_Lopian Aug 2 '21
I watched this video in 2015... I think:

Anna Aug 3 '21
I think that back in 2015 some Asian chick (she had something to do with the ONA) joined this forum and suggested some debate game. Just after a few guys expressed their enthusiasm about what they thought would be a great intellectual challenge, she edited the OP to read like this: "Guys, who would like to fuck each other in the ass?" And then she posted some video about cheesecakes.


If Canis ever decides to start making videos on YouTube about his "love adventures", Zach's "Trip on This" series will have some really serious competition.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Aug 3 '21
Wolfie Aug 3 '21
Dark Enlightenment, I agree with Anna's original advice: Confront what's-her-name on Facebook. Let her humiliate you in public if that's what she decides to do. Public humiliation is something you can endure in pursuit of your greater goal, which is information. It's like a boxer letting his opponent hit him while he presses inexorably through the opponent's guard. No one is more vulnerable than when they think they've won. They get careless.

MatthewJ1 Aug 3 '21

Is all this past drama, being brought up here, about Sin Jones (SIN3)? I have to hand it to that lady: she can still cause a stir, if that is the case.  


I’m curious though – if this is about Sin Jones, then is this conversation a ploy to get her to join S.I.N and watch her do what she does?


If not, then just let it go or confront her on Facebook or wherever – it would be entertaining, I guess.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 3 '21

You know. When the fat ass was trying to act like my friend she did a fake Google+ interview in which she said she would never post at SIN because of her honor code and hatred of Zach. Not even as a sock.  I think I heard it's because Zach turned her down. Which is kinda funny. 

So I'm gonna apply that. It's against my honor code to even want to look at that cunts liberal-baiting Facebook (probably) and demand my humiliation is all done  (or continues) here.  And that would be entertaining. 

But if someone were to go get her to post here, I'd gladly make a nice "fight club" thread.  Call it, "Come at me bro" or something. 

If she could get over her own pride and post here I guess I can get over mine. 

And I'd welcome it. I have a lot of pointed questions about things she can't dispute she did to ask. And of course, the real motivation for her insertion into my life. And in a place without Facebook's moderation or sycophantic cultist followers. Can't see it working in the environment where I go in with an inherent disadvantage. Its slightly less advantageous calling the humiliation to my environment. And you know, my "honor code" and all. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 3 '21
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