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Wolfie Jul 29 '21
Dark Enlightenment, your passionate animosity toward Christian antics brings me joy.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 29 '21

Quote from Wolfie Dark Enlightenment, your passionate animosity toward Christian antics brings me joy.

The outspoken hatred is relatively recent. 

I used to just laugh at Christians and faith. I used to just think god was for those who needed It, like AA or something.  

It took a creepy Christian cult from San Marcos, CA to really refine that animosity.  

They applied some Evangelical (though distinctly Scientologist in method) real life shit (inspired by the movie God Is Not Dead) where they'd torture even their own family member with gangstalking if they lost their Christian way or dabbled in the dark side. 

Essentially trying to make the person believe they were possessed for defying god by getting people to gossip about them at work right inside earshot and then tell them it's in their head when the person loses it and confronts them.  Their goal is to create a zealot born again that views the manufactured situation they experienced as "what their nonbelief earned them".

Sick shit.  And now I am like V for Vendetta against all forms of theocracy and secular socieies with people still so stupid they think it's illegal to work for the DoD as a subcontractor without believing in God first. And especially those upholding faith as the highest virtue to see you through the toughest times. 

And they get away with it because who could believe you? 

Like trying to explain about the "Komucha Mushroom People" 

Note* this is where Anna is compelled to say something. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 29 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 3 '21
RE : Tumblr; very nice C. It does remind me of someone else I know.
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