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Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 26 '21
Do you believe in omens? Or are "omens" merely coincidence?

A few months ago, I commented somewhere on this forum about the huge moth that appeared in my apartment out of nowhere. After I had literally not gone anywhere all day, no windows open, etc. To me, it was interesting. If interpreted as an omen, it could be one of impending death, one of death to an old way, or could even possibly mean rebirth.

Anyway, I was reflecting on past instaces that could have been omens or foreshadows. Like the crow that sat at the outside of my window every evening for at least a week, maybe more. This happened many years ago when I was still in college.

Then I remembered a strange occurrence that happened literally two months ago. Around the same time as the moth. So, my son was not feeling well and I decided to take him to a drive-up covid testing site. We were the only ones in line (this was when covid round 1 was decreasing greatly and testing sites were starting to close up). We saw someone in the trailor moving about but we kept waiting and waiting. Finally after about ten minutes, the dude comes out. He's an older black man. I immediately sensed hostility between him and me. Neither of us were outwardly hostile to the other though. It felt more spiritual or something unseen and unspoken. I, for some reason thought "he is a freemason." (This is not out of the ordinary for me, as I do have ESP).  He tells me to fill out the online form. He's standing there by my car window, about four feet away as I fill out the form. He saw I was having a hard time inserting information into one of the boxes so he walks up to the window to explain thst I can skip that part. But right as he walked up, a huge flying insect, I thought was a wasp, fell into the window and starting flying about my legs. I was embarassed because this guy was standing there watching me fill out the form and I didn't want to start squirming or have to jump out of my car due to the fear of this wasp and getting stung, so I played it cool and just sat there, planning to take action as soon as he went away.

Once I got the form completed and submitted, the man said he'd return in just a moment and retreated back into the trailor. "Finally, he's gone!," I thought and immediately started looking down at my legs and feet, moving them slightly, being careful not to get stung by the wasp. To my surprise, I saw nothing at my feet at all. I asked my son, "where did the wasp go?" He's like "what wasp?"

About three minutes pass and the dude heads out back towards the car. This time, he goes to the passenger window where my son was sitting. I suddenly feel tension lifted and his spirit is lighter toward my son. He administers the invasive nasal test with a smile and cheerful attitude. When I glance over there, I see his ring. He was in fact a mason!

Now, why I find this story interesting is - we were sitting in the car for ten minutes with windows rolled down when we first got there, waiting for him to come. Why did the bug just seem to drop in right when he came to the window? Almost like it fell from him? Where did it go? What was it? 

Are there any flying insects that you know of that are associated with freemasons?

If you've had a strange occurrence that has left you wondering: coincidence?... Something more? Please share!

The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Jul 26 '21
Anna Jul 26 '21
I know nothing about wasps but bees are one of the symbols of Freemasonry:

Freemasonry & Bees

A beehive often appears in masonic esoteric illustrations. I don't know about other insects but, since Freemasonry was influenced to a considerable degree by Egyptian mythology, I wouldn't be surprised if scarabs and butterflies held some significance to Freemasons too.

An interesting anecdote. However, I think that you see omens because your mind is wired to see omens. In other words, if you're searching for clues, then everything could be a clue. Probably, it was a mere coincidence. I don't really believe in omens but I believe in prophetic dreams. I can swear that I was dreaming about the events that happened later in my life but I was also dreaming about the events that didn't happen. So I have some doubts about that too.

Phil_Lopian Jul 26 '21
I believe in Omens and Signs. 

Anna is right about the Bees and Freemasonry. There is also one other insect found in mystical Masonic legend. It's called "The Insect Shermah," or "Insect Shamir." So, according to Masonic and Jewish Talmudic legend, God forbade the use of metal tools to build King Solomon's Temple. Ans so, King Solomon rode on a giant crow to travel into the center of the earth to obtain the Insect Shermah. The Insect Shermah is an insect with legs that looks like a worm, and it eats stone and rocks. And so King Solomon used the Shermah to form all the stones that were used to build his Temple. The first link has a drawing of what that mythical bug was said to have looked like at the bottom of the page. The body of a wasp does have a worm-like shape. 

One of my experiences with signs, omens, coincidences, and synchronicity:

In May of this year, I moved to rural coastal Oregon with my sister and a few others. Before then, I spent my whole entire life in Southern California, around The Valley and Orange County. We moved to a small town here in coastal Oregon of 3000 people! 

One day, my sister thought that we should go down to a Masonic Lodge in one of the small towns around us and join the Eastern Star, to help us take root in the small communities here. The Order of the Eastern Star is an auxiliary organization that is attached to Freemasonry, which is opened to both genders. If you are a man, you have to be a Mason, and if you are a women, you have to be related to a Mason. I come from a big Asian family with Masons and masonic background. Me and my sister like the Eastern Star because they use an inverted pentagram as their symbol! The Eastern Star members have meetings in Masonic Lodges. 

So anyways, we weren't sure which of the rural lodges in those small towns we should join. Plus, we were a little nervous, because a co-worker at my little sister's job said that the Masons in those small towns are racist White people who only let White people join. 

And so, to help us decide which of the small town Eastern Star lodge/chapter to join, I asked the Universe to give us a Sign! 

So, about a month later, all of us packed into one car and we drove to a beautiful seaside area called "Cape Arago," which a close by where we live; but a distance away. Image google "Cape Arago," it's amazingly beautiful! I have some pictures of it at my tumblr.

So, after a few hours of staying at Cape Arago, we began to drive away. The cape is surrounded by thick green Oregon rainforest. As we were driving away, we saw a fucking Rooster standing by a pine tree, in the middle of the fucking forest. 

We stopped the car, and all of us were just quite and quietly said, almost in unison: "What the hell?" 

And so, that was our Sign. The Rooster. I told my sister when we got home that there was one Masonic Lodge in one of those cute small towns which had on its rustic roof a Rooster weather/wind vane!

So a week later, we went to that Masonic Lodge with the rooster wind vane, and left a note on their door with our phone number. 

That Masonic Loge called us a week later, and told us to come down for a visit on a certain day, as they were actually having their "Installation Ceremony." That's a formal ritualized ceremony where all of the Officers who had been elected to run the chapter are given their oath of office and so on. 

So we went to that ceremony, which was about an hour long, and then we all went down to the dining hall, to have punch and cake. 

Me and my sister sat at a random table. The people there were very, very nice and friendly, and welcoming. 

One of the men at the table we sat at asked me about our masonic family background. I told him that I was a Job's Daughter from such and such Bethel. The Job's Daughters is a group for young girls who are related to masons and they meet in Masonic lodges which are then called "Bethels." Well, coincidently that man knew my Bethel and half of the Masons there. 

An old women asked me and my sister where we came from. We told her we came from Orange County: so did she. Another old woman sitting to my left asked us what part of Orange County. I said Fullteron. That lady also came from Fullerton! My sister said that our mother went to Cal State Fullerton there: so did that lady to my left. I told her I had gone to Fullerton High School: so did that lady to my left!

And so, because of all of those synchronicities, it all felt like a big family reunion. They gave us our applications of membership with the Eastern Star and help us fill it out. They accepted us and so my sister and I are scheduled to get initiated in the winter season. 

The Forum post is edited by Phil_Lopian Jul 26 '21
Wolfie Jul 26 '21
Here's an article on the relevant speculative science: Quantum correlations

However, I don't think the wasp was really there in external reality, Baphomets. I think your subconscious was communicating with you via the imposed perception of a wasp.

I also think your original, intuitive realization that the fellow was a mason was, again, your subconscious communicating with you, this time in words. I think at the subconscious level you noticed the ring on the fellow's hand, and this precipitated the conscious verbal thought. You later consciously confirmed what your subconscious already knew.

I also think your subconscious was aware that this fellow was hostile toward you, for reasons unknown.

That said, I have an omen story to relate. Many years ago, I was up for a promotion. My old boss had initiated the process, and my new boss was following through. There was, nevertheless, a degree of uncertainty. The promotion wasn't a slam dunk. So then, one morning, as I was crossing  the parking lot to the entrance of the office building where I worked, suddenly a small bird flew in front of me, and out of nowhere a hawk snatched the bird out of thin air and flew away with it! Needless to say, I was startled. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before, and to this day such an occurrence has never repeated. After my initial jolt of surprise had passed, I thought to myself, "I'm getting the promotion today!" And it turns out I was correct!

Neither I nor anyone else has a robust explanation for synchronicity, but sometimes a coincidence is just too pat. Something is going on. I don't know what - but something. I anticipate an answer will be forthcoming from the quantum physicists. I'm not a fan of Bohm's implicate order theory, because it posits what amounts to a deity, but probably the math underlying the theory is sound, and out of the math will come a better theory eventually.

Here's a good article on Bohm's implicate order theory.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 26 '21
When you are intuitive, the use of symbols and signs is imperative. To the average person, things that happen or things seen hold no relevance. But to those that have that intuition, it's possible to interpret tarot cards if that is what floats their boat or use intuition to help another individual in their life journey.

When strange things happen, Anna is right, my natural tendency is to see it as a sign, but she is incorrect in that I look for them - I don't. However, more times than not, the signs have been relevant or preceded an important event and I suppose it's what you chalk it up to be and none of it really matters anyway.

Thanks for the link, Wolfie. I am checking it out, but can't guarantee that I'll buy that either.

Anna Jul 26 '21
Talk about omens.

This thread is going on here and now on Facebook I see this picture from the page I follow:

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 26 '21
Anna, that's awesome. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 26 '21

An infamous real omen was The Titanic. The Champagne bottle took 3 times to break, and then later the boat hit some ice. 

What's not said are the times that's happened and the ship had a full service life, or the 100 more times it breaks perfectly and the ship still ends up at the bottom of the ocean. 

The coincidences stick out because the events do. No one notices it occurs at a 1/12 rate though. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 27 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 27 '21
I definitely recall the champagne bottle incident mentioned around the house here more than once, but it's very true though, without an adverse event to compliment, all potential omens go unnoticed and then forgotten; why wouldn't they be.

And given any satisfactory duration of time there may be numerous possibilities for potential omens whether there is an adverse event or not.

Same concept as magic and coincidence where one reinforces superstition(omen) and the other also boosts the ego(magic).

If omens were real, I would inquire the nature of their fabrication, or are they just hardcoded into a deterministic model, or perhaps there is some hidden force(powers of darkness) that creates the omen as a warning, which apparently failed, because the Titanic still sunk.

I don't see the point really, it's just more coincidence.

Wolfie Jul 27 '21
Dark Enlightenment, yes, confirmation bias is definitely a thing. This is why I only pay attention when the coincidence involves something super-rare, like a small bird flying in front of me and then a hawk snatching it out of thin air and flying away with it. I'm willing to be that no one on this forum has ever had that happen, or even heard of that happening to someone else, until I brought it up as an event in my own life.

Even so, I have no hypothesis as to what the mechanism for such an omen would be. I simply flag it in my mind as something odd and potentially revelatory if further data is ever forthcoming.

Here's an occult notion for anyone who likes such things: The Kybalion teaches, "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." Any hypothesis purporting to explain omens would have to include a principle of that sort. Bohm's Implicate Order does so, and I think Bohm had his hand on the doorknob. I just think the knob hasn't yet been turned. I await further data.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 27 '21
Check out this compilation of birds getting hit in baseball games. The best one in still Randy Johnson, which I assumed was a once in a lifetime occurance. 

Wolfie Jul 27 '21

The universe is certainly perverse in its tragi-comic unpredictability.

It would be interesting to ask Randy Johnson if hitting the bird had seemed somehow meaningful to him in his life.


Singende Säge
Singende Säge Jul 27 '21

Quote from Phil_Lopian I believe in Omens and Signs.

Omens are important events for individuation process, and they manifest in a meaningful 'psychic time', not just randomly.
Of course you might trap yourself by becoming over-indulged with magical thinking. I have seen that too, in myself and others.
You write well, and I wish to read more later about your thoughts.

Baphomets Mod
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Jul 27 '21
Baphomets:  I just would like to share a little experience I had ten days ago: " I was going  to the line we normally do  ( it's because of the Ontario Ministry of Health's  Covid-19 protocol) to get my temperature before entering the factory where I work at,  I was walking,  and suddenly  three  crows came flying  around me, two small ones and a very big one, then my coworkers started laughing and saying ' they recognize you as one of them  because you always dress in black ', then I said:' No, it isn't,  but in three days something big is going to happen to me '.

The first day , I had a dream that I saw on a table a lot a different rosaries,  and I said: " #$@^#@ why am I looking at this rosaries with all those saints attached to them, I would like to see  a rosary of plain wood  and not pictures of  saints or Jesus or whatever "

The second day, I saw a big fly in my room,  I've never seen a

such as big fly as that one, it kept flying and flying and flying for almost four hours. 

The third day,  I was coming from work,  and I entered the basement I'm living in,  there are nine doors in the basement,  and on the handle of the sixth door,  there it was a rosary made out of wood  with no pictures of saints,  a plain rosary,  and the big fly was seating on it, I called the landlord ( they are Hindus)  to ask about that joke and  he  told me that he didn't know anything about it,  I asked him if I could take it, then he said it was mine. 

The strange thing was that ,that very third day in the morning it was coming out of my mouth  the 'Hail Mary' prayer, and I said:" What the f@%%&  is going on with me"

At night I started digging or looking for answers about the rosary and I found a lot of information  ( Specially the Satanic Rosary), and I was wondering why was this happening to me. 

After the three days,  one of my coworkers came to me and started telling me how depressed  he was, and that he wanted to kill himself for all the the troubles he was passing through,  he is of a Hindu-Muslim family,  and he tried to get confort in all those religions,  he knows I'm a Satanist,  but I told him what happened to me the three days before,  and I said :" You know I am a Satanist and I don't believe in these prayer things,  but get this rosary and tell me what you feel " . Instantly he started crying and said:"F@#$%^^@ Berardo I've never felt such a peace in my whole life " , then he started solving his problems and he is so happy as crow flying in the meddle of the storm or as a fly  moving its wings on top of a huge sh@#$%^^.@

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 27 '21

Quote from Berardo Rodriguez Baphomets:  I just would like to share a little experience I had ten days ago: " I was going  to the line we normally do  ( it's because of the Ontario Ministry of Health's  Covid-19 protocol) to get my temperature before entering the factory where I work at,  I was walking,  and suddenly  three  crows came flying  around me, two small ones and a very big one, then my coworkers started laughing and saying ' they recognize you as one of them  because you always dress in black ', then I said:' No, it isn't,  but in three days something big is going to happen to me '.

The first day , I had a dream that I saw on a table a lot a different rosaries,  and I said: " #$@^#@ why am I looking at this rosaries with all those saints attached to them, I would like to see  a rosary of plain wood  and not pictures of  saints or Jesus or whatever "

The second day, I saw a big fly in my room,  I've never seen a

such as big fly as that one, it kept flying and flying and flying for almost four hours. 

The third day,  I was coming from work,  and I entered the basement I'm living in,  there are nine doors in the basement,  and on the handle of the sixth door,  there it was a rosary made out of wood  with no pictures of saints,  a plain rosary,  and the big fly was seating on it, I called the landlord ( they are Hindus)  to ask about that joke and  he  told me that he didn't know anything about it,  I asked him if I could take it, then he said it was mine. 

The strange thing was that ,that very third day in the morning it was coming out of my mouth  the 'Hail Mary' prayer, and I said:" What the f@%%&  is going on with me"

At night I started digging or looking for answers about the rosary and I found a lot of information  ( Specially the Satanic Rosary), and I was wondering why was this happening to me. 

After the three days,  one of my coworkers came to me and started telling me how depressed  he was, and that he wanted to kill himself for all the the troubles he was passing through,  he is of a Hindu-Muslim family,  and he tried to get confort in all those religions,  he knows I'm a Satanist,  but I told him what happened to me the three days before,  and I said :" You know I am a Satanist and I don't believe in these prayer things,  but get this rosary and tell me what you feel " . Instantly he started crying and said:"F@#$%^^@ Berardo I've never felt such a peace in my whole life " , then he started solving his problems and he is so happy as crow flying in the meddle of the storm or as a fly  moving its wings on top of a huge sh@#$%^^.@

Thanks for sharing. That is quite an impressive story.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 27 '21
I have an interesting theory based only on statistical groupings for the occurrence of "Omens"..

Over the entirety of statistical occurence there are crests and troughs of seemingly random events. 

Like take for example the two strongest recorded earthquakes on record occurred 4 years apart 1960 in Chile (M 9.5) and 1964 in Alaska (M 9.2).

The next two strongest on record occurred 7 years apart Indian Ocean (9.2) 2004 and Japan (9.1) 2011. 

In and around these same stretches are also periods of Powerful hurricanes making landfall.  Camille and Carmen in the 1960's (among others)  and recent history has quite e few to choose from, especially the 2005 season. 

Also waves of tornados, droughts/wildfires, and pretty much any one of these statistical categories feature lumps of data that average out.  And sometimes line up with other lumps. 

I feel all allotments of statistics follow similar patterns.

Like the adage "when it rains it pours" your allotment of luck may suck for a period of bullshit.  

I feel the mind can pick up on this and notice the tide turning. Perhaps it sticks out because you intuitive know it's time to draw the short straw a few times more than usual.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 27 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 27 '21
Could be. A tax for all the good times - we all pay for it one way or the other.

Omens are superstition. While I may not believe in them like some old school or highly superstitious people do, I do use signs to make meaning of things going on. By "signs" I'm referring to anything that strikes me as odd, catches my attention more than typically, provokes deep thought, or causes a stirring of emotion. It's during these times that an individual, if they pick up on these instances and feelings, can decide what it means for them or how it can be applied/used.

There's also self fulfilling prophesy involved. If you feel negative about something and have deferred to short stick picks, then that's what you will do. If you feel inspired and optimistic about something, it will likewise be appplied to your life positively and future actions taken. The law of attraction is credible.

Phil_Lopian Jul 28 '21

Quote from Singende Säge
Quote from Phil_Lopian I believe in Omens and Signs.

Omens are important events for individuation process, and they manifest in a meaningful 'psychic time', not just randomly.
Of course you might trap yourself by becoming over-indulged with magical thinking. I have seen that too, in myself and others.

Concerning over-indulging in magickal thinking: There were a few experiments scientists did on mice and rats regarding this topic. The experiment was inspired by the superstitious things sports team players do before their games, in the belief that such superstitious things they did helped them win a game.

Basically what the scientists did was wait for a mouse to do something, like scratch their ear for example. Once the mice scratched their ear, the scientists dropped a treat next to the mouse. After a while of this being repeated, the mouse would be seen going to the same spot and scratching its ear and waiting for a treat to drop next to it. 

Quote from Singende Säge

You write well, and I wish to read more later about your thoughts.

Thank you.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 28 '21

Quote from Berardo Rodriguez Baphomets:  I just would like to share a little experience I had ten days ago: " I was going  to the line we normally do  ( it's because of the Ontario Ministry of Health's  Covid-19 protocol) to get my temperature before entering the factory where I work at,  I was walking,  and suddenly  three  crows came flying  around me, two small ones and a very big one, then my coworkers started laughing and saying ' they recognize you as one of them  because you always dress in black ', then I said:' No, it isn't,  but in three days something big is going to happen to me '.

The first day , I had a dream that I saw on a table a lot a different rosaries,  and I said: " #$@^#@ why am I looking at this rosaries with all those saints attached to them, I would like to see  a rosary of plain wood  and not pictures of  saints or Jesus or whatever "

The second day, I saw a big fly in my room,  I've never seen a

such as big fly as that one, it kept flying and flying and flying for almost four hours. 

The third day,  I was coming from work,  and I entered the basement I'm living in,  there are nine doors in the basement,  and on the handle of the sixth door,  there it was a rosary made out of wood  with no pictures of saints,  a plain rosary,  and the big fly was seating on it, I called the landlord ( they are Hindus)  to ask about that joke and  he  told me that he didn't know anything about it,  I asked him if I could take it, then he said it was mine. 

The strange thing was that ,that very third day in the morning it was coming out of my mouth  the 'Hail Mary' prayer, and I said:" What the f@%%&  is going on with me"

At night I started digging or looking for answers about the rosary and I found a lot of information  ( Specially the Satanic Rosary), and I was wondering why was this happening to me. 

After the three days,  one of my coworkers came to me and started telling me how depressed  he was, and that he wanted to kill himself for all the the troubles he was passing through,  he is of a Hindu-Muslim family,  and he tried to get confort in all those religions,  he knows I'm a Satanist,  but I told him what happened to me the three days before,  and I said :" You know I am a Satanist and I don't believe in these prayer things,  but get this rosary and tell me what you feel " . Instantly he started crying and said:"F@#$%^^@ Berardo I've never felt such a peace in my whole life " , then he started solving his problems and he is so happy as crow flying in the meddle of the storm or as a fly  moving its wings on top of a huge sh@#$%^^.@

if someone left a fucking rosary necklace on my door, or anything seemingly pointed, I'd have no choice but to do one of those rituals people speak of. I would have to fucking destroy it symbolically. To destroy the intended purpose by the person who did it. I would see it as a sanctimonious Christian trying to send a message if I was in your position..

Like, "let's fuck with the guy who identifies as a Satanist".  

I had a "random" person try to buy my Jack in the Box order once.  Said they knew me and gave me a note that said "God Bless". 

Needless to say I destroyed that note and gave the food to a drug addict.  

Had the note said something like "random act of kindness" without the god reference I would have gladly accepted it. 

That made me wish I could have destroyed the food in front of them before they drove off. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 28 '21
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