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Wolfie Jul 24 '21
Post videos of badasses in action! Male or female!

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Don Fryes' Epic Battle With Yoshihiro Takayama


Wolfie Jul 25 '21
Yes, I admit it. I'm in love with Xena.

Wolfie Jul 25 '21
Superhero fight scenes in the 90s were still a bit campy and awkward. Plus I think Joss Whedon wanted them that way.


Wolfie Jul 25 '21
Speaking of campy and awkward...

But I loved every minute of it.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 25 '21
This was unexpected. Le Banner turned out to be a bit much of a well rounded striker for Frye, whose roots are primarily in grappling, although as a striker he is better than many grapplers to MMA.


Baphomets Mod
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 27 '21


One thing about Chess, is that when you get to a certain level it may not be as much 'fun' anymore, of course this mostly holds true when playing opponents of a similar caliber, or, you can also speed the game up to make it more interesting; playing weaker opponents(my favorite), et cetera.

There was this guy that used to run a club that I frequented who was a Chess player, and most everyone else was quite a bit below him, with one exception.

Let's not understate this, a huge part of the dudes' life was Chess. So we used to play rapid games. a few, and then I came up with an idea for one final ultimate game.

No time limit(within reason), and I said we could use a quarter on the side of the table positioned initially at white, and then after every move the quarter would be slid up to the side of the opposing player to indicate their turn. So we could engage in various activities at this club while occasionally checking on that quarter to see if it was our turn.

The game lasted for a couple hours, and maybe a little beyond the halfway point of the middle game it appeared as though I did have an advantage, but that son of a bitch found a way out and then offered the draw, and I accepted.

I later asked this person their rating since it was known they participated in Chess tournaments, thinking maybe around 1800, but no, he said 2200. Well, it shows what 'some' can do if they put their mind to it, but these are also the types of games I am no longer interested in, and possibly the very reason why Mr. Fischer disappeared.



Edit : it's not me, it's just the forum software.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 27 '21
Wolfie Jul 27 '21
My favorite superhero to watch in action.

Wolfie Jul 28 '21
Black Widow fight scene from Iron Man 2.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 28 '21

Too many heroes on this. Not enough psychopaths. 

Villains are required to be painted as divergent and broken. Hard to find good ones in film not tainted by that noble sappy Stan Lee comic book duality motive.  Sublimation ruins the characters of many badasses. 

Favorite movie badasses are Mickey and Mallory Knox in Natural Born Killers.  It takes a love story and kills 60 people with it.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 28 '21
Wolfie Jul 29 '21
Inspired by Dark Enlightenment, I'll pivot toward the darkness.

Wolfie Jul 29 '21
Darth Maul is my favorite Star Wars character. That he died in a single film is symptomatic of the overall shit show that was the second trilogy. 

Wolfie Aug 1 '21
My favorite movie franchise of all time - and the best fight scenes in the business.

Wolfie Aug 2 '21
Statham fight scenes are so over the top, they're comical, like in any good Kung-Fu film.

Wolfie Aug 2 '21
Jackie Chan is another clown prince of absurd fight scenes.

Wolfie Aug 5 '21
Ip Man was one of Bruce Lee's teachers.

darkravenus666 Sep 13 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment

Too many heroes on this. Not enough psychopaths. 

Villains are required to be painted as divergent and broken. Hard to find good ones in film not tainted by that noble sappy Stan Lee comic book duality motive.  Sublimation ruins the characters of many badasses. 

Favorite movie badasses are Mickey and Mallory Knox in Natural Born Killers.  It takes a love story and kills 60 people with it.  

Great movie 
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