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Wolfie Jul 17 '21
This article, published by a Conservative magazine, entertained me because it so blatantly employs partisan jiu-jitsu against Liberals: The Racist Reality of Gun Control.

Brother Shamus
Brother Shamus Jul 17 '21
"Gun Con-trol?"


Sorry, I spent childhood in Arizona. Children were given quail hunting Remington .22's on their 8th birthday and you could buy boxes of .223 ammo at fucking Wal-Mart. Much like Texas it had that western "shoot shit up real good" recreational weapon mindset.

The article was almost clever, but people on the left will see it as pandering.  A way to make it play in urban America by appealing to impoverished need to defend themselves. Even drawing criticism of promoting racist statistics. 

But you can't tackle the "Gun violence issue" without being racist. 

I like to play Padres vs. Chihuahuas on that gun control question.

(All stats 2020)

San Diego, CA

Population - 1,422,420 (Metro - 3,332,427)
Homicides - 55
Rate -  3.87 (3.8 per 100k residents)

Miles from Border (Center City) - 17

Neighboring Mexican city (homicide rate) - Tijuana (138)
Per capita income - $62,400

El Paso, TX

Population - 681,534  (Metro - 861,399)
Homicides - 25
Rate -  3.67
Miles from Border (Center City) - .5 

Neighboring Mexican city (homicide rate) - Cuidad Jaurez  (86)
Per capita income - $21,000

Texas and California have; almost opposite gun control laws, are the closest metro areas to Mexico, border two of the five most violent cities in the world, and mirror each other with a draw-droppingly low crime rates. Especially considering the jaw-dropping cartel violence across the border. (Except the time each had a prolific mass shooting, which El Paso wins by a 'total death count' of 23-22).

San Diego is one of the wealthiest.
El Paso is one of the poorest. 

Clearly it's not gun control or income, but demand.

And the unthinkable racist part is to say the sociological reason. An inconvenient truth you don't get a noble prize for pointing out. 

There's still different cultures between the races.  White is still synonomous with suburban and rural and melanin is still associated with the urban core. 

As long as rappers glamorize blasting on fools with their BLACK MARKET tech 9, guns will be a symbol of inner city stratification. As will "ballin", which no longer involves 8-balls. The culture glamourizing criminality wins out as the most badass like the O9A to a suburban child of WASP privilege.

The environment of prison is the microcosm for the greater society.  The suburban WASP kid becomes an Aryan Disciple of Christ. So goes their rebellious badassery. 

 The day the inner city black kid (wanting to be badass) seeks out the vatos at weekend BBQ's/Quinceañera we will have achieved a world where this doesn't apply. 

For this reason you can parallel gun violence to the popularity of Gangster Rap. The pinnacle of both was 1993.  Gun violence is still inconveniently driven by illgotten weapons and control of territory. (See Tijuana above).  All the music represents is the culture already present. What would MS13 rap talk about? * 

* fun aside - You can further blame all the many social problems of the inner city on The Colombians, The CIA, and George Jung in the late 70's, early 80's. The drug trade is initially responsible for all later endemic inner city violence problems in The US.  All Nancy Reagan did was make cops and ghettos loathe each other more.  A runaway mistrust resonance loop of hustling and intradiction.  War on drugs is still war on the inner city.

Gun control's benefit would be from supply not meeting demand. Like how China has less opiate addicts than West Virginia.  And it would take federal across the board action to do it. And good luck there to those that try.  Though it would make thugs have to be resourceful and find other ways to defend their territory and claims. 

But the conservative spinning their argument for the liberal crowd is amusing. 

The Forum post is edited by Brother Shamus Jul 17 '21
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