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donot Nov 11 '21
In a positive existence of multiverses, time would be of essence. And while everything is becoming in little bits, time should have become closer and closer. But what would be the interpretation of this? Shorter intervals? 

  So, it seems it is expanding. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
The more I talk about this the more problems I see with it. All there is, is a positive existence. I don't even see any negative existence here, not in the truest sense of the term. So the bulk of this multiverse which is a cosmological constant is forever infinite and eternal.

In contrast with true negative existence in which the acausal acts as bridge between the positive and negative aspects. True magic - something from nothing.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
Alluded to in The Quote Of The Day : The binary root of existence : 0 : negative, nothing, no substance, and 1 : positive, something - substance.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
In the tree of life zero is the ain of the ain soph aur. The nothing from which emerges the limitless light. Put simply, reality is a manifestation of this living energy - I AM(1), was(0...; 1...), and will be(0...; 1...).
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
This is the law of parsimony, hardcore, but there is more than that, that makes it right.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
And as far as time. In a MV theory of course it is infinite and eternal as is the bulk, but in an alternate single universe theory spawned of an infinite acausal chain time would forever have its' beginnings, and of course, its' endings, and this fits rather well as time being transitory does not mix well with infinity unless of course as continually perpetuated linear segments(universes).
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Nov 11 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 13 '21
Just imagine an existence where there is absolutely nothing. Not even space. It is the absolute negation of everything that is anything. It is negative existence.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 13 '21
And it is the way it should be, but isn't. There is absolutely no reason for anything.
donot Nov 14 '21
I should agree with you there is no reason for anything. Not even for space. So for the same reasons , there could be no negation, if you understand what I'm saying. For the same reasons time doesn't exist either, so we've got it all wrong. What I could only accept as in of a possible negative form is what does not exist, in which situation time could be. In fact time distorts in a great way our everyday life, so it is of a question whether a non existent conscious form can handle the reality of conscious forms, just because of a conventionality. 

   Completely wrong. Time exists, even though under debate. That means absolute nothing exists. See the contradiction? For what that does not exist, time does not exist either. Or rather time stops. My question is , can we observe what happens when time is stopped? Or in other words, is there anything to observe if time has stopped? 

   Time is considered as a dimension. In fact it is only a conventionality. Yet observation is made possible through this conventionality. In fact, everything is possible through this conventionality. 

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 14 '21

My question is , can we observe what happens when time is stopped? Or in other words, is there anything to observe if time has stopped? 

No. In the scenario where "time stops" there is no motion in the universe, therefore no phenomenality.  If time stops it would mean all motion in the universe has ceased. You cant very well observe anything unless you're phenomenal and that includes measurements of duration, location, and motion. Time is just the parameter that plots these things in 3 spacial dimensions. 

 In our multidimensional point of reference, our parameters (If in a computer program) would plot out our multiversal location with a time stamp, and refine from several more parameters like, initial conditions and laws of physics. There are actually infinities of infinities that mathematically go into plotting our theoretical multiversal location.

If you start at the highest dimensions and work in reverse you refine your multidimensional location:

Everything that is possible (10) -> All possible laws of physics with all histories with all possible initial conditions (9) -> All histories with all possible initial conditions (8) -> All possible initial conditions (7) -> all possible worlds with same initial conditions (6)  -> a plane of parallel worlds with like laws of physics, initial conditions (big bang) with different histories to compare to our own (the Sci-Fi parallel quantum leap worlds go here) (5) -> time (duration) (4) -> depth (3) -> width (2)  -> length (1) -> zero point (0).

There is also the question of the one dimensional strings that replace quarks in the subatomic spectre of it all.  Well, you just attach every string to a membrane and now you have The Theory of Everything, which unifies several competing superstring theories in an admittedly contrived fashion.

But let's pull back and focus in 4 dimensions. The observable ones. Well, technically time is not observable. The important ones to our locational perception. 

So what if that motion of that physical universe began to contract inverse to its expansion? 

Due to something called "time reversal symmetry" time would still be a unidirectional measurement. It would not reverse in a contracting universe. 

Time is just another abstract measurement of our location, a more precise parameter like, "all possible universal histories with like initial conditions".  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 14 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
Yes. It basically resolves to a logical tautology where you can go one way or the other. Where if you believe in the Big Bang, you have gone the one way, and with multiverse theories, you have gone the other. As a matter of context, with a multiverse time and space would be static infinite and eternal, whereas in the infinite chain of a single universe theory, it need not be.

Now in a single universe its' emergence is understood to be initially of spirit which is synonymous with time, but at this preliminary stage it is only time within, which is the same as saying there is movement(change or time) only within; without there is nothing.

But during the expansion this time becomes transformed and fragmented, so as to become change without(as within so without) as time that can be objectively observed as change pertinent to the universe, but not only that, but every microcosmic reflection of this primordial spirit now also can observe the time within itself, thus not only do we observe time as universal change, but also as a passing of moments within the microcosmic aspects yielding not only macrocosmic time, but microcosmic as well.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
Actually when time stops there is no universe. A theoretical physicist might say that this compactification results in an irresistible gravitational force that brings time to a standstill, but I say it's just the universe as well as time completing another of its' infinite iterations.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
Post 71 was oblivious to post 70 BTW. I didn't see that 'til after.
donot Nov 14 '21
The Big Bang. A cosmic soup that evolved into what? An arrow of time. Or in other words time is an ingredient still boiling in the cosmic soup, which hasn't already made its journey. In a way you might say this thing will expand, or return back to what it was. What is for sure, an infinite ways in which it may show itself , during when the measuring of time will always be false.
donot Nov 14 '21
Anyway post 70 has nothing to say.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
Emergence via the acausal was the beginning of the "arrow of time". In the theoretical fourteen billion years it's hard to say what entities or other emerged after since our star system is supposedly only four and a half billion. Perhaps angels and such could be a confusing link with some of the earlier entities.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
I've never paid a whole lot of attention to the specific initial evolution of the "cosmic soup". I recall things such as electrons initially only traveling in straight lines until nuclei garnered enough mass to begin capturing them and forming atoms.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
I became more fascinated with the inflation rather than the specifics of it. So to make it less tedious I began combining forms of the archaic with the contemporary such as "aethereal expansion".

Edit : I lost part of a post and had a bit of difficulty reconciling.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Nov 14 '21
donot Nov 14 '21
well, "atom" is such  a slightly mass. "Molecule" is rather sleazy.
The Forum post is edited by donot Nov 14 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 14 '21

The Big Bang. A cosmic soup that evolved into what? An arrow of time. Or in other words time is an ingredient still boiling in the cosmic soup, which hasn't already made its journey. In a way you might say this thing will expand, or return back to what it was. What is for sure, an infinite ways in which it may show itself , during when the measuring of time will always be false.

I would say the arrow of time in our universe started at the Planck Epoch.  And had no relevance prior to the big bang. It exists because of it. 

General relativity (space/time) has no relevance during the initial epochs of the universe. 

Quantum gravity dominated pre inflation, preceding grand unification and symmetry breaking (electroweak epoch).

There's just no room for time to exist, except in quantifying how long these epochs lasted billions of years later. 

You already have gone through 3 epochs (Planck -> Grand Unification -> electroweak) before you even get to inflation. And that occurred 10−32  seconds after the big bang. 

It is actually the furthest thing from an ingredient to our universe, but a way to plot it's chronology in retrospect.  It goes no further than the big bang and our observation of spacial dimension. It is the dimension of our phenomenal awareness. Without the existence of mass it is irrelevant.  

And don't let the constants of; c, G, ħ, kB equalling 1 give you the false illusion of a master or design.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 14 '21
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