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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Anna used to harass me on occasion, and that Xiao girl, but that was after.
Phil_Lopian Oct 15 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn I don't believe that a girl like that has any of the negative attributes that TR talks about. I know looks can be deceiving, but she just looks nice through and through.
It depends on the culture and traditionalism. If they are Traditional. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Yeah honestly C, I am at a bit of a loss. I assume that you wrote all of those zines, and I have read some here and there, but I really only know you from here and the 600 Club. That's the C that I know.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Every once in a while links to o9a stuff pops up and I read a bit, but usually not extensively.
Phil_Lopian Oct 15 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn Yeah honestly C, I am at a bit of a loss. I assume that you wrote all of those zines, and I have read some here and there, but I really only know you from here and the 600 Club. That's the C that I know.
This is the "normal" me here. I mess around, troll people, make friends here and there. I've been doing this in forums for over a decade. 

My Muse and Tulpa writes those zines, through me. I'm in a light trance, often spaced out, in some kind of altered state of mind. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Yeah some times I feel like there is something going on here with me and these altered states and writing, and that's pretty much the thing, even right now, at this very moment, and even though I'm in a bit of a scaled back mode ATM. It's still status quo - going on seven years.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
I don't have any specific terminology to define it, other than maybe mystical writing or something of the sort.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
It's an other worldly space of time set aside every day, usually.
Phil_Lopian Oct 15 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn I don't have any specific terminology to define it, other than maybe mystical writing or something of the sort.
I have no term for it either. But I think you are right. It's writing in a mystical state:

But “mystical state of consciousness,” he believes, can usefully refer to a precise state of mind and an experience which he finds to have 4 characteristics:

1. Ineffability.  A mystical experience defies expression and words cannot fully relate it to others.  It must be experienced directly to be fully understood, and the mystical experience cannot be directly transferred to others.  Can a person who cannot see understand blue? he asks.

2. A Noetic Quality.  Although mystical states are similar to states of feeling, they also seem to those who experience them to be states of knowledge, too.  They are experienced as states that allow direct insight into depths of truth that are  unplumbed by our mere intellects. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, and they carry with them what James describes as “a curious sense of authority.”

“These two characteristics will entitle any state to be called mystical in the sense in which I use the word.  Two other qualities are less sharply marked, but are usually found,” he writes.  These two additional characteristics are:

3.  Transiency.  Mystical states cannot be sustained for long.  Except in rare instances, half and hour, or at most an hour or two, seems to be the limit beyond which they fade into the light of common day.  Memory of them is imperfect, but when they recur they are immediately recognized, and from one recurrence to another there is a development in the mystic of a deepening and increasingly rich inner life.

4. Passivity.  James writes that in mystical states of consciousness, “the mystic feels as if his own will were in abeyance, and indeed sometimes as if he were grasped and held by a superior power.”  Mystical experience is a form of self-transcendance, and the mystic will often say that she or he has merged with something greater and that what we experience as “will” is also merged with that greater One.  St. Teresa of Avila: a drop of rain falling into a great ocean (fresh water into salt water, but once merged, how can they be distinguished?)

-- https://homeweb.csulb.edu/~plowentr/William%20James.html

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
I know I'm good, but at times, I know it's more than just me.
Phil_Lopian Oct 15 '21
I'm actually pretty retarded when I'm normal. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
No, you're just modest.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
I know who all the good people here are C, and the reason for the others is a philosophical discussion for another time.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Although like Zach, the socks can be a bit confusing, but not usually.
Phil_Lopian Oct 15 '21
I actually am. You should hear me talk. I'm from The Valley. Very few good people. Too many LARPers and Clowns. Not to many people who keep it real. GTG!
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 15 '21
Goodbye Girl!


Phil_Lopian Oct 16 '21

A haiku:

A laundry basket

In her hand a sickle

She cuts the grass.

Phil_Lopian Oct 16 '21
Watch the kid very carefully. Religion is crazy:

Phil_Lopian Oct 17 '21

Phil_Lopian Oct 19 '21
I'm eating Queso Campesino con los potatos chipos que es sabor de cheddar y sour cream and watching people kill and eat baboons:

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