And then I slipped a bit into reverie and conspiracy mode and thought to myself "what the fuck does Nescafe mean?". It looks like a compound word, 'nes' and 'cafe'. So I put 'nes' into that piece of shit Google translator, it's only a single word, this is like baby food.
And then I get my result : ends, so Endscafe - a cafe at the end of the world, ergo, Nesquik : ends quick; Bisquick : twice quick.
It's just fuckin' weird, but the evolution progress interval is maybe even more weird. The faster something changes(evolves), the quicker it reaches the end :
Edit : the language I chose for the translations was Latin
Watched a bit and couldn't stop cracking up. What a liar!! Capitalizing off of Christian fear and stupidity. In the end, that's the most satanic of all. He's a millionaire now.
What about this guy?What a loony! He can barely talk without stuttering.
Watched a bit and couldn't stop cracking up. What a liar!! Capitalizing off of Christian fear and stupidity. In the end, that's the most satanic of all. He's a millionaire now.
Everybody wants to be a hero. You build a scare crow, fight it like a knight in shining armor, it impresses your audience. And you get famous and money :)
John Ramirez Dicrepencies Part 1