What makes occultism a different path, an alternative way to achieve things? In fact there's a completely different trajectory that may lead to the same place. A totally different way of thinking, a completely different culture.Not much. It stays pretty much the same RHP shit until you achieve the requisite understanding. And this is with all psychodrama copouts aside.
What makes Star Wars a different path?
"There is no dark side of the moon really. As a matter of fact it's all dark."
- Roger Waters -
Is the little Christian trying to bait people?
* earned by being a one line baiting troll.
Troll. Tubby little troll. Is Tom Bitchboy Blackwood still around trolling Zach? Naw, you're probably like 19.
Still, come on, I like fighting.
I thought you were a proficient troll for a moment..
"For retards" little christian bitch. Pull your head out of your narrow little view.
Okay I'll really explain it. As I am a megalomaniac and my comments are all fucking gold.
There is a direct connection between Santeria and Selling your soul..
How? Ellegua. A West African deity for the crossroads between the spirit and living realm. It represents a nexus point between the causal and acausal universe. An emmisary to thr spirit realm. Crossroads deities like Hecate (to name another) are fairly common.
Slaves brought Ellegua to the Caribbean where is merged with Baptists and Catholics. Voodoo, Hoodoo, Conjure, and Santeria were born. In Voodoo Ellegua became Papa Legba with the guiatar battle at the Crossroads. Same with Hoodoo and Conjure. In "sataneria" Ellegua became St. Anthony (Orishas)
The use of these characters is a psychodrama to harness the power of the acausal (spirit realm) to manifest your will.
Now compare that to O9A. Order of Nine Angles. A satanic "occult group".
The have that same nexus point. Dark God's might as well be Orishas. There at the point of confluence point between two realms. All roads lead to a point similar. Plain and simple, most occult practices lead you to a framework right out of West African Folk magic.
How bout Twin Peaks too?
Through the darkness of future's past, The magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds... "Fire... walk ...with me.
There's no connection between Ellegua and Papa Legba?
You look so stupid right now.
Can I burn you alive at midnight and see which one of your bones float up river and then put it in my mojo bag?
In any case, thanks for an opportunity to spread knowledge about the origin of voodoo.
First thing in google for Haitian Vodou:
Haitian Vodou[a] is an African diasporic religion that gradually developed in Haiti between the 16th and 19th centuries. It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional religions of West Africa and the Roman Catholic form of Christianity
Try reading something other than the bible.
You need a good spanking in the ass. Then you'll see the real connection.
I really can't think of another way to interpret that.
What do you REALLY want to accomplish with this thread?
This was more fun when I got to look intelligent and you (the character) were made to look retarded. Now it's just weird.
Now if you were to admit you were a proficient troll provoking my responses with minimal effort, you'd technically have a one up on me.
And you didn't answer my question..
I have my bag almost filled. Dead people soil, roots, the whole works. All it needs is a lucky wish bone. Can I burn you alive at midnight until the flesh breaks away, and then take your bones and throw them in the river to see which one is magical and floats against the current?
Simple question..
Can you? Simple question.
That's why I decided to use humans instead to fill up my satchel. I need my mojo bag filled. Mojo bring good juju. So if you don't want to be boiled alive and used for a good luck charm just say so.
You should totally get the reference with a name like talisman.
Sorry I fucked with you. You just start shit like one. But I am thinking you are someone my fucking with is bordering on criminal. I don't want to fuck with anyone not old enough to post here or that lied to do so. End up being some 14 year old or some shit. So have a nice day.
So let's reset without me trolling or being mean.
Do you believe outbursts of emotion are related to demons? And I mean the things that scare people. That's what it seems like.
What if I told you there is a scientific reason why "possessed" peoples voices change? Or why it seems their emotional energy blows out light bulbs and knocks things over. All that "bullshit floating in the aether" is just that. What if poltergeists come from within?
Maybe it's just the technology of the mind...
Oh, and talisman is definitely a troll. I always trust my instincts on this. What trolls especially love is when they get us to gaslight ourselves. "Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe he's not a troll." Shit, the mere fact that he doesn't capitalize his user name is almost all you need to know. Not a perfectly reliable tell but a pretty damn good one.