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darkravenus666 Jun 19 '21
Satanic Warlock
Wolfie Jun 20 '21
darkravenus666, I'll be interested to hear what you think of the book. 

RobLaQuq Jun 20 '21
At Satan´s Altar by Marie Ravencroft! 

A very nice little Satanic altar book with Prayers, hymns and devotional chants to our Lord and Master Satan! It also contains a chapter how to set up an altar!

Wolfie Jun 24 '21
While I'm still reading Dracula, I'm also reading the first of the Zanthodon novels by Lin Carter. Into the Underground World. Very much in the tradition of Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs. I'm reading it as a Kindle book on my phone. I've always been a sucker for swashbuckling adventure.


Wolfie Jun 25 '21

Oh, wait, sorry. I thought this was the word association thread.

Wolfie Jun 26 '21
This makes four threads where talisman deleted one of his posts. 

His post, which immediately preceded mine, was one word: "Pathetic."

The Forum post is edited by Wolfie Jun 26 '21
talisman Jun 28 '21
How pathetic?
Wolfie Jul 11 '21
I finally finished Dracula. Two interesting plot points: (1) the heroes employed "sacred wafer" against the Undead, a weapon I've never seen used in any movie or television series, though it makes as much (or as little) sense as crucifixes; and (2) the Undead don't burst into flame under direct sunlight, or at least Dracula doesn't, though his powers are diminished.


I highly recommend this novel, if you don't mind heroes who are relentlessly noble, and you're able to look past the glorification of Christian religion. The writing is top notch.

The Forum post is edited by Wolfie Jul 11 '21
Wolfie Jul 11 '21
I had planned to move next to non-fiction, but I find myself craving stories about the Cthulhu mythos. So I've decided to read the novel depicted. This is the second series I'll be reading that features a cross-over between Baker Street and R'lyeh. The first was the one by James Lovegrove.


AlexTheTerrible Jul 12 '21
I've been currently reading "The Left Hand of Odin" by Asrupr Cyneapsson. Odin has interested me for a while. So far it is a good book that gets to the point on Odin from a Left Hand Path Nietzschean perspective. I have also been re reading "The Satanic Witch" by LaVey. As of late I am now currently sticking to physical texts instead of reading it over the internet. I want to try to get as many physical books as possible to keep, instead of having to constantly download pdfs.
Wolfie Jul 23 '21
I finished Lois Gresh's Sherlock Holmes versus Cthulhu novel. I liked it less than Lovejoy's version. Gresh's characterization was superficial, her Sherlock almost a cipher. Also she backed away from her most subversive plot element, depicting it but ignoring the irony of it, and then diluting it with a climax that seemed stupid to me.

I'm now reading Hemingway, and am excited. The last time I read him, I was in high school. I'm sure I'll get more out of him now.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 23 '21
Wolfie, great choice. Earnest Hemingway <3.

I am currently reading Joyce Carol Oates' "Lovely, Dark, Deep." A short story collection as well. I have read lots of JCO and she never ceases to amaze me. Her stories bring the darkest part of the human soul out. At the end of every single story I've ever read by her, I feel more alive and ready to embrace an aspect of my nature that I was unaware of before or perhaps unready for. (That is totally cliche and corny sounding but true (I'm a dork like that)). Her use of symbolism, allusion, and irony in such an eloquent manner simply amazes me.

I highly recommend ANYTHING by Joyce Carol Oates to any reader who wants a thought-provoking experience about taboo subjects. She is one of my favorite contemporary authors. And I swear, she must be a satanist. ;)

Wolfie Jul 27 '21
I've read the first three stories in the Hemingway collection. Wow is this shit dark. I didn't expect that. I like it.

Also Hemingway is simply a tremendous writer. Reading him inspires me to elevate my game.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 30 '21

I just started Mere Christianity last night by C.S. Lewis. I've had his complete collection for about 5 years now and only just now making my way over to that stack. 

When I was young and forced to attend the cult-like baptist church, I remember the preacher speaking out against C.S. Lewis, about how he was secular and had a pseudo outlook on Christianity. (I remember being tickled inside that I had convinced my mom to buy my the Narnia collection before she heard that sermon.)

But all these years later, I wanted to finally read his serious works so I can see for myself, why he was so controversial. I'm only on Book 2 Chapter 3 in Mere Christianity.

So far, it seems very philosophical and nondenominational. Maybe that's why he was controversial - the preacher felt Christianity needed to be presented as fact, not a nondenominational philosophy, who knows.

I have read one thing that resonated thus far. He says god created evil to give a reason for good and "good" is only an opinion that describes natural human moral. He says that when someone goes against nature's morals, their conscious speaks up about the wrong doing. OR when one consciously chooses good over bad, satisfaction is felt. No one chooses to be bad because of getting satisfaction out of repercussions, but people choose to be good to be satisfied with rewards. Bad acts are committed to serve the self only, and all "bad" acts harm another because it is against nature's morals.

Taking the god factor out completely (which so far seems he could have done and still not missed his point), there is a lot of truth to that. But I tend to think that the reason for "good" is "bad," likewise, the reason for "bad" is "good." It is not a one - way street. Bad wouldn't exist or be a thing if good did not also exist. And in the end, some may think evil as "good" and vice versa.

MatthewJ1 Jul 30 '21

I have made a decision to just stick with 3 books over the next 12 months. I have to stop doing this whole “pick it up – read a bit – and then put it down and then pick up something else” thing. I need to stick to a long period of continuous study. The links to Amazon below are for Amazon Australia, but I’m sure you can find these books on other Amazon sites, if you are interested at all. Anyway, here are the 3 books.   


‘Esotericism and the Academy’ by Wouter Hanegraaff, published by Cambridge University Press.




Hanegraaff is a respected scholar in the field of the Western esoteric tradition. He holds a chair in Hermetic Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. He is one of a handful of scholars in recent decades who have made the Western esoteric tradition a serious object of academic study. This book I have referenced here is possibly his best.


The University of Amsterdam is one of the few universities around the world, which offers advanced degrees in the Western esoteric tradition.


‘Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment’ by Brian Copenhaver, published by Cambridge University Press.




Copenhaver is a Professor Emeritus of philosophy and history at UCLA. His area of expertise is the Western esoteric tradition. The book referenced here is frankly amazing from the reviews I have read. My continuing focus is the philosophy of magic, the esoteric, and the mystical. I think this book is going to be real good.


Copenhaver has also provided the reader with the best English translation of the main part of the so called “philosophical Hermetica” for anyone interested. It is here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Hermetica-Hermeticum-Asclepius-Translation-Introduction/dp/0521425433/ref=pd_sim_4/355-3483937-0345936?pd_rd_w=qjwmZ&pf_rd_p=8ca4ebd1-636f-47b5-a499-1aa3166a03e5&pf_rd_r=P8KCW84ZSVXHJARVFDRZ&pd_rd_r=ed2bae9f-7d93-429a-9cf8-50a6eb4bf08e&pd_rd_wg=uneew&pd_rd_i=0521425433&psc=1


‘The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment’ edited by Brian Copenhaver, published by Penguin.




This is just a small standard Penguin paperback, but it has become indispensable to me. It is a vast anthology, of portions of writings, from all the so called big names of magic, from antiquity to the Enlightenment. The subject is primarily magic, but it roves over a large area, including alchemy and astrology and the relationship between those areas and Western magic during the period in question.   


The Forum post is edited by MatthewJ1 Jul 30 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 31 '21
Everything I write, plus I have really decent computer audio so the music is pretty good as well, and like everyone else I also read Google some for specific inquiries and do-it-yourself stuff. That's about it.
RobLaQuq Jul 31 '21
Satanism-A beginners guide to the religious worship of Satan and and Demons

By Brother Nero

The Forum post is edited by RobLaQuq Aug 1 '21
Wolfie Aug 1 '21
Hemingway wrote flash fiction! Who knew? His chapter-opening vignettes in his 1925 collection of short stories - "In Our Time" - which is included in the volume I'm reading - are flash fiction of the highest order. He was a master of the form.

Two articles, both of which mention Hemingway:

Flash Fiction - The Zorro Circle of Storytelling

Flash Fiction - The Wikipedia Article

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 1 '21
I enjoy reading comments on the YouTube videos I watch, some of them are pretty good.
Wolfie Aug 10 '21
I'm almost halfway through the Hemingway collection of short stories. Hemingway was a writer for men - or, in modern parlance, "straight cisgender males," of which I am one. I would say there's no better writer for a father to share with his adolescent son. I wish I had read these stories when I was an adolescent. I was fortunate to find Robert E. Howard and many others of that sort, who gave me a piece of the puzzle, but only a piece. Hemingway provides everything a straight cisgender boy has need of, to understand his hormonal self. And he does it with style and no fear of the dark.

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