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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 9 '21

Night Gallery

Hello, my name is Rod Serling, welcome to the Night Gallery. The exhibitions here have taken on various forms over these past few episodes, from the unsolvable "Riddle" to the catastrophic crash and burn of a fiery "Train Wreck".

So now with all that out of the way we look forward to a mechanized future where now we will partake in this machinery, from its' cryptographic literary nuances to its cataclysmic mechanical eruptions, I give you, The Machine.


And eventually with the pitter patter of little sock robotic android feet scurrying about which is actually the catalyst here, so this is all in retrospect.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '23
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '23

Night Gallery : Lost Episodes : The Rat Brooch

There was this one episode where a lady bought this rat brooch at an antique gallery. It was a 'lively' piece, and upon attaching it to her garment she noticed a slight pinch and assumed she poked herself. On her walk home she felt another pinch, and then another, and another, and on this dimly moonlit evening a bloodstained silhouette had begun to appear around this newly acquired brooch she was wearing.

She tore off the brooch and threw it aside; continued walking faster and faster as to be somewhat unnerved and a bit confused by all of this while at the same time accompanied by a gathering of a slight sound of nearby rustling and a pitter patter of scampering which continued to unnerve her even more and more.

The sounds grew with each of her steps as an ominous mood had begun to dominate and overtake her. Her fast pace progressing to a slight run as her heart began beating faster and faster. Something unnaturally surreal manifesting in such a short time to nearly wrap her head around it compounded with this immense fear of some unknown thing that was happening to the point she was now completely panicked and running.

Screams and then silence.

The Rat Brooch

Anna Jan 11 '23
Those old suspense movies or TV series were quite good. They could send shivers down your spine with their creepy atmosphere alone without resorting to the gore. I didn't watch the Night Gallery but I remember watching as a child (in the 80s) some British thriller TV series. Unfortunately, I don't remember the title. In Polish, it was something like "suspense stories". One story I remember the best was about a woman terrorized in her own home by a burglar. When he strangled her cat, she took a shovel and smashed his head with it. Or there was one about a murderer who hid the victim's body in a scarecrow.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '23
I think there is something to be said about watching this kind of stuff as we are developing mentally; I even remember these types of things as being better than they actually were because there is a difference between a new experience as compared with the nostalgia of revisiting a past experience, but nonetheless I do enjoy these types of memories that are invoked.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '23
I do have recollection of the Rat Brooch episode, but I don't recall ever finding that one when I went through any phase of rewatching old Night Gallery episodes.

Now, if that's a fabricated memory then it's a pretty goddamn fucking good one!!

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 2 '23
Dark Lunacy - Howl

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 11 '23

Withering Heights

A big bad spider

clung to a wall

savoring a peaceful


When along came a kitty

and sat down beside her

scaring miss huntsman away

The spider did flee

played dead

but all

to no


And when all

was said and done

the spider

could no longer run

and simply



Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 19 '23


The days and the other reflections of the larger. Ceasing, stopping, and ending. Deep sleep within the stillness of eternity. Once again, once before, ad infinitum. Peaceful serenity, resting

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 21 '23


Yes, it's all true. God is an astronaut, bad things do happen to good people, and Midian is where the monsters live


- paraphrased

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Mar 21 '23
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