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Caducifer May 31 '21
Das Gehirn ist knapp. Wenn es eng ist, ist es richtig. Rechts folgt rechts. Niemand macht falsche Dinge. Es folgt. Gute Ideen sind wertvoll. Ideen sind Ideen. Sonst gibt es nichts. Das Problem dabei ist, dass die Ideen oft nicht gut auf die Muttersprache ausgereift sind. Das Wissen um das Gute fehlt den Menschen. Die Menschen haben es nicht mehr erlebt, gelernt, erlebt, was gut ist. Die meisten Menschen wissen nicht, was Gut und Böse in der Abstraktion des Wissens bedeuten. Dann passiert jemandem etwas. Das Chaos und der Schrecken der Hölle sind in den Köpfen der Menschen nicht mehr definiert. Worauf ich hinaus will. Das war alles eine Lüge, die du mir gerade erzählt hast.
Wolfie Jun 1 '21
Caducifer, here's what the translator app said you wrote. I'm thinking it came close to getting it right, but it surely missed the mark in some spots. Yet I enjoy this version. It's like good poetry: somewhat inscrutable, peppered with hints. What I grasp of it has made me think of a line often attributed to Socrates, though he never actually said it: "To know the good is to do the good." Hence we only do bad because we don't know the good. Of course the thing to keep in mind is the Greek understanding of the good, which was, if you consistently did it, you'd be happy. Virtue leads to happiness. We also need the Greek understanding of habits, which are acquired by repetition of behaviors, and which, once acquired, form a person's character. In the Greek mindset, good habits lead to happiness. All we then need to do is add modern empiricism: Identify happy people, study them, identify their habits, then enlist (voluntary) experimental subjects to acquire the identified habits so we can measure any change in the subjects' happiness. I don't think anyone ever pursued this line of research. I wish someone would. But notice the logical conclusion of this line of reasoning: What matters is optimizing happiness!  

What the translator app said:   
"The brain is scarce. If it's tight, it's right. Right follows right. Nobody does wrong things. It follows. Good ideas are valuable. Ideas are ideas. Otherwise there is nothing. The problem with this is that the ideas are often not well developed in the native language. People lack knowledge of what is good. People have no longer experienced, learned, experienced what is good. Most people do not know what good and bad mean in the abstraction of knowledge. Then something happens to someone. The chaos and horror of Hell are no longer defined in people's minds. My point is. It was all a lie you just told me."
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The Forum post is edited by Wolfie Jun 1 '21
Satanist since more than a decade

Quote from Wolfie 

I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. I would just dispute the existence of a "great complex divine."

If you "pretty much agree with everything I wrote" is no dispute needed. 

Agreement is easy. 
Understanding another. 
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