There’s also the principle of spoils to the victor. When the
cheetah brings down the antelope, it sets straightaway to devouring its prize.
It doesn’t first look around to see if any other creature might be hungry. Likewise,
on some other day, when the cheetah is hungry, it doesn’t expect the crocodile
to share some of its recently captured gazelle. You might call this the law of
the jungle. The best and the lucky eat. The rest don’t. Winner take all. Some
segments of society don’t like when this principle is applied to human beings,
especially when luck is an obvious factor. The billionaire may not be the best
but he or she is certainly among the luckiest, and so the billionaire gets the
helicopters and yachts, and the rest of us don’t. I say to him or her,
“Congratulations! Enjoy! All is right with the world.”