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Singende Säge
Singende Säge Sep 19 '21

Well, Jung dealt with the neurotic mind. And psychotic too. He lived in an age when psychology took its baby steps. To prove his most important ideas he had this period of 'drowning into abyss', whatever the exact wording might be, it is a relevant subject to look deep into, since unconscious plans play a role in satanism too.

For example Satan represented unconscious motivations for neurotic people in 1960. Well, Jung also told that neuroses and psychic 'disesases' generally are WINDOWS TO THE SOUL OF MODERN MAN. You could take from it that it is healthy to be a little weird, trying to make your own relationship with Lifes restrictions for example.

The Forum post is edited by Singende Säge Sep 19 '21
donot Sep 19 '21
Unconscious plans? I have never heard of such thing. What do you mean? I mean, am I a satanist without my will? It seems like rape.

Of course I am joking. I am consciously a satanist, but, what is this guy talking about? Isn't consent needed ?

The Forum post is edited by donot Sep 19 '21
Singende Säge
Singende Säge Sep 19 '21
Listen your unconscious mind. Try to integrate it or talk with it. It is more important than whatever are you, satanist or whatever.

It's futile, to try to define You using some dead isms. Why not grow to manifest You instead of dead man rules.
donot Sep 19 '21
How can I tell it to you kindly? I am doing this from before you were born.

You think you discovered the unconscious mind. 

Can you give me a hint of what IS the unconscious mind?

The Forum post is edited by donot Sep 19 '21
Singende Säge
Singende Säge Sep 19 '21
No, sorry. Just my 5 cents for you to benefit or not.
Every other idiot knows what is displeasure. If you need a hand there, I guess you are alone again.
donot Sep 19 '21
You just do not have a clue. Never mind. But if you want MY 5 cents, search about it. It is obvious you have already been doing some research, so no wrong.
donot Sep 19 '21

Quote from Wolfie I wrote this paragraph a while ago and thought I'd share it.

And then there’s mercy toward wrongdoers. Some segments of society think this makes sense, but I don’t, and neither do wild animals. Take, for example, theft. What do you think would happen to you if you tried to snatch a lion’s kill from under its nose? Or rape. What do you think would happen to a male bobcat who tried to impregnate a female bobcat who wasn’t in heat? Or any sort of assault and battery. What do you think a water buffalo would do to you if you started hitting it with a baseball bat? Or kidnapping. What do you think a wolverine would do to you if you trapped it in a cage and then you stuck your hand inside? I have to say, the obvious responses just make sense to me as the way to live.

Neat. But what if you tried to share the lion's kill? Do you have the guts? You take it for granted that the lion will kill you. yet cats aren't just cold killers, they just have a completely different mindset. Comparing it to a wolf pack, the difference is basically the team. Just thoughts.
Bela Jan 9 '22
I was just talking about this today. It appears to me that this is happening alot in the modern world. Criminal feel more empowered than ever to get away with anything they want. I think the reason is massive victim mentality and people being taught self guilt from early on in life. Most people dont seem to want to take responsibility for anything anymore. If the punishments were more severe and the.excuses of these perpetual "victims" were dismissed as the nonsense they are, We would certainly have less wrongdoers in the world.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '22
The organized looting is insane. People walking into stores and filling up bags and just walking out with shit, and nobody does anything. While at the same time people that work their asses off are paying for the same shit.

Apparently Walgreens closed a few stores because of it. They are price gougers, but still, they need to fix that or people will just keep doing it, and more stores will be closed.

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