What makes you feel Atheisticly Spiritual? | Forum

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Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Oct 2 '14
Spiritual, numinous, transcendent: Whatever you want to call it, it is undeniable that atheists can feel this sensation just as well as theists can. For me, it comes from a sense of awe at the universe, and a sense of connection to humanity as a whole.

Here are a couple of clips that let me feel that sensation. Please. take the time to share some of the things that bring you joy and enlightenment.



The Forum post is edited by Khandnalie Oct 2 '14
Zero Oct 2 '14
The videos you linked are both great.

But they are far from being spiritual.

I hate that word.

Kenneth Oct 3 '14
Looking at the ocean does that for me, specifically the knowledge that the world that exists just beneath the waves is less explored and understood than the dead rock orbiting the rock upon which we live.
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Oct 3 '14
I grew up in the mountains, and I still like to spend time in the woods, I admire the insects,  the way they survive, and the structure of their bodies,  that touches my feelings very deep.
johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Oct 3 '14
Stargazing, and sitting in a dark outdoor area, feeling the wind, listening the sound that surrounds me.
LeVi Lockwood
LeVi Lockwood Oct 3 '14
I always get a deep feeling of awe when studying atomic structures and microorganisms and stuff like that.  I like to trip out of the fact that every single organism in essence behaves the same way no matter how small.  The physical complexity of nature in general is amazing.


Either when engaging in it myself or when observing it elsewhere.  The whole process of courting, fucking, impressing, posturing, etc.  It's kind of intoxicating.

Lastly...Good old mind altering substances.  Both contemplating the complexity of nature and sexuality seem to be a hell of a lot more fun when they are used. 

johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Oct 4 '14
Man Levi,

Fucking usually makes me tired, not spiritual. You must have a steam train of a dick.

LeVi Lockwood
LeVi Lockwood Oct 5 '14

Quote from jonnywatts Man Levi, Fucking usually makes me tired, not spiritual. You must have a steam train of a dick.

Lol...Cardio is the key brother.

You do have a point about getting sleepy though.  Normally the spiritual part comes in (no pun intended) after my ritualistic post-coital bologna sandwich and purple Gatorade.

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