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JasinElric Oct 25 '14

The things you're attributing to Satanism have actually little to do with Satanism, in and of themselves.  What you're describing is any being capable of self-awareness.

Ever heard the phrase, "I am rubber, you are glue?"

My personal belief, I've said on more than one occasion, but I feel it's worth repeating here:

No one has the right to be offended.

JasinElric Oct 25 '14

"I am rubber, you are glue.  Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."  

This is a phrase I was taught as a child.  It means words cannot harm me.  It's a phrase that is long lost in the minds of our current, and younger generation.

It is the right of all, granted by nature, to feel pain and fear; but such a right does not exist to be offended.  The term "offended" comes with the implication that restitution, or compensation is entitled.  That all must prostrate, and pander to the emotional threshold of the weak.

    A language barrier can be a hindrance to meaningful conversation, so I'll bare that in mind as we go along.

Quote from luz
As a Satanist it is up to your choosing how to react to a perceived offense. 
How about we leave Satan out of the equation and let our points do the talking?  I've been a Satanist my entire life, I certainly do not need a lecture on rudimentary principals by someone who just walked through the door.

JasinElric Oct 25 '14
The current topic is not Satanism, therefor, posturing in its tenants (to someone quite seasoned on the subject, might I once again add) serves no productive function.  The merit badge only matters if it was earned by merit.  More merit, less badge flashing, is all I ask.
Quote from luz 
The implications is that a behavior needs to stop or be modified to discontinue being a bone of contention.

Quote from JasinElric

the implication that restitution, or compensation is entitled.  That all must prostrate, and pander to the emotional threshold of the weak.


No amount of semantics will hide the agenda behind those who defend the right to be offended.  

To indulge you in your "What Satanism represents" fixation; Satan represents the embrace of nature, not the rejection or bastardization of it.  Political sensitivity was constructed by the Frankfurt School in 1923.  Suffice to say, it is not inherently part of nature, and an obvious bastardization.

JasinElric Oct 26 '14

Quote from luz 
'Political sensitivity' is out-dated and inefficient.
It's also not the first repackaging of the same idea.  Let see, we had communism which progressed into cultural marxism, which progressed into political correctness, which progressed into what we're now simply calling "progressiveness."  

Strangely, every movement our society deems "progressive" (feminism, militant atheism, anti-fascism, etc) seems to fall perfectly in line with the initial agenda of cultural marxism.  Coincidence, to be sure.
The idea isn't dated, the word is, and those who adhere to it's tenants are becoming more transparent every day.

Anna Oct 26 '14

Quote from luz How do you deal with disrespectful and mean kids in Poland? Do you reward them for this behavior? Do you tell them: Good job as long as you learn your abc?

No, they are punished but they don't give a shit. They go to school not because they want to but because they have to. Being at school is in itself a punishment for them so they don't care about additional punishments. Such kids are the most difficult to deal with. They are a pain in the ass. It's different with kids who misbehave but are willing to learn or at least care for their marks. Then, you can strike a deal with them, encourage them, reinforce their motivation and cater to their interests.

It's also easier if the parents and teachers cooperate with each other, but it's no always so. Many children who cause troubles at school also cause troubles at home. Sometimes, they come from pathological families or their parents are often helpless how to deal with their children's bad behavior.

It's a problem of every country and one of the reasons for me leaving school. Not everybody is fit to be a teacher as not everybody is fit to be a parent. However, a teacher has to cope with a multitude of children, not one, two or three. And teachers are also expected to help the parents to bring up their children, not only educate them. And it's easier said than done. There are many books, discussions and TV programs about how to deal with children's aggression, how to resolve conflicts, how to cope with emotional harassment but when you are confronted with a real situation, you often realize all these advices and ready-made solutions are useless.
JasinElric Oct 27 '14

Nothing to say about my previous post?

Anna Oct 28 '14

Quote from luz So you believe that decades of education research and practice are useless... What there exist (besides books, discussions and TV programs) are a variety of academic journals presenting thousands of research articles on 'how to deal with children's aggression, how to resolve conflicts, how to cope with emotional harassment' beside other things. People write dissertations and dedicate careers on solving these classroom problems.

It's only a theory, useless when you are faced with the real problems and real people. Then you usually must rely on your intuition and life experience. You won't learn how to interact with people from the books or journals.
Anna Oct 29 '14

Quote from luz Some educators have the self esteem to encourage boys and girls to pursue their dreams.

What the fuck are you talking about? A teacher in a public school is expected to follow the curriculum, prepare students for the exams, ensure they get the best results and keep discipline in the classroom. These are the dreams of the education authorities which are often completely different from the dreams of the students. The students' dreams reach beyond the confines of the classroom and are usually at odds with the system. If you give priority to your students' dreams instead of the dreams of the headmaster and the school authorities, you will be kindly but firmly told to leave.

Have you ever taught the large groups of kids and teenagers in state schools? If so, then we can have an interesting discussion. If not, then get lost already.
Anna Oct 29 '14

Quote from luz I teach at college level.

That's not the same. Teaching adults is different from teaching kids or teenagers. The most behavior problems you will meet in junior high school - young teenagers. Small kids and older teenagers are a bit easier to work with.

Quote from luz You can't holdup to scrutiny or you can't take talking to me any more - either one is OK in my book. What I am curious about is: Are your feelings by any chance hurt by my insistence in communicating with you with regards to the belittling remarks that you were/are directing at me?

Yeah, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Millsy Member
Millsy Nov 20 '15
I bully myself to try to goad myself into action.  I don't have children but if they were being cyber bullied I'd probably tell them to get off the internet for awhile and then I'd take them on a road trip.      

problem solved

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