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Anna May 12 '21

Found this piece intriguing:

The Core Traits of Master Manipulators

The author compares the manipulation tactics of narcissistic people with the methods some parasitic microbes use to prey on their hosts. The point is to hijack the victim's mind in such a way that is starts acting contrary to its best interests, realizing instead the goals of the predator/parasite. The rat infected with toxoplasma gondii perfectly realizes the divine commandment "Love thy enemy." But this is really not in the interest of the poor rat, neither the cat. And then, there comes the fungus that makes the ant's head explode in order to infect other ants.

Something not only about personal manipulation, but ideological subversion or downright brainwashing. How often do we tend to question our own preconceptions and assumptions? Or the mind-blowing ideas of others? Are our own ideas really ours? What if someone (politicians , experts, the media, our peers etc) actually want us to think in a specific way to further their agenda?

The Forum post is edited by Anna May 12 '21
talisman May 14 '21
It is not that simple "love thy enemy". In fact the poor rat reacts poorly to the danger, thus making it an easy victim. You are the only one being manipulated by believing this article. People are not so stupid to be manipulated so easily. They usually fall easily because they have some personal interest.
Anna May 15 '21
Tell me, talisman, is it so hard to get sarcasm? I understand there are language barriers, I'm a foreigner myself, but come on... 

It's not only about rats reacting poorly to the danger. Actually, toxoplasma gondii makes the infected rat actively seek danger. The infected rat becomes attracted to the scent of a cat while healthy rats find it repulsive and avoid it. This is what I read and if you have contrary information, then cite your sources.

Of course, the talk about human parasites is metaphorical. Granted, there is some personal interest involved, I will give you that, but the thing is that the victim ends up realizing the manipulator's aim instead of his own. I think the main reason for that is people's refusal to listen to their intuition. Intuition is your first line of defense against the bullshit. It comes before the reason. It's the primal alert system that the moment you are all too eager to do something stupid, it screams "STOP. There is something wrong here." Sure, your intuition can fool you too so it should be subject to reasoning but it's there to send the first warning. Most people have it totally disabled or they suppress it. This is where stupidity kicks in.

The Forum post is edited by Anna May 15 '21
talisman May 16 '21
All that I say is that while observation has results, some people go one step further experimenting with animals. Eventually they won't hesitate to experiment on me and you. The poor rat reacts poorly to the danger, thus making an easy victim. Tomorrow it will be a cat. And the day after tomorrow it will be a human.

   You miss the point here. The problem is not toxoplasma gondii, the problem is an ill elitist mentality which pushes us further into a turmoil while on the other hand it claims will eventually save us from it. So here's your blundered intuition.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
Experimenting on humans is nothing new, and I would suspect that all sentient beings have similar experience and quality of life, more or less.

As a matter of fact I do on occasion observe some mammals that appear more evolved than some humans.

Anna May 17 '21

Quote from talisman All that I say is that while observation has results, some people go one step further experimenting with animals. Eventually they won't hesitate to experiment on me and you. The poor rat reacts poorly to the danger, thus making an easy victim. Tomorrow it will be a cat. And the day after tomorrow it will be a human.

   You miss the point here. The problem is not toxoplasma gondii, the problem is an ill elitist mentality which pushes us further into a turmoil while on the other hand it claims will eventually save us from it. So here's your blundered intuition.

I'm pretty clueless as to what you mean and what it has to do with the topic.

You're such a fucking walking enigma for me.

talisman May 19 '21
I'm just a rat. The ideal host T.gondii is seeking for is the cat's intestinal system, or in plain words, a cat. When a cat consumes an infected rat, it can reproduce easily due to the lack of an enzyme. In fact cat is the definite host for T.gondii. 
Anna May 19 '21
Well... I know that.
talisman May 19 '21
What, that I'm just a rat? What I don't know is how the c-virus reacts with microbes and bacteria like T.gondii. The c-virus mainly seems to afflict the respirational system, like a flu. T.gondii is an eukaryote cell, meaning it has an enveloped nucleus. It is not a virus. Far from it, it might be a potential target of a virus. One fact I haven't considered so far is the possibility of the c-virus attacking a pathogen. One fact that still belongs to the sphere of fiction. Yet, something like that could eventually lead into a mutation.

   A mutation becomes when different DNAs are mixed. And different DNAs are mixed in cellular level. 

Anna May 20 '21
I don't know about rats but I read some genius article about coronavirus affecting people's brains in such a way that the victims seek other people's company, live active life in spite of lockdowns, refuse to sit at home and wear a mask and generally defy their government's restrictions or, at the very least, question them. Like the devil, the coronavirus makes them do it. It was a merely hypothesis. I don't even remember the source but I was surprised what imaginative ideas covidiots can pull out of their asses in an attempt to validate their covidiocy.
talisman May 22 '21
Or just see the truth. Some people for their own interests tried to exploit and did exploited the circumstances. And when you raise questions, you are evil. Like the devil.
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