Found this piece intriguing:
The Core Traits of Master Manipulators
The author compares the manipulation tactics of narcissistic people with the methods some parasitic microbes use to prey on their hosts. The point is to hijack the victim's mind in such a way that is starts acting contrary to its best interests, realizing instead the goals of the predator/parasite. The rat infected with toxoplasma gondii perfectly realizes the divine commandment "Love thy enemy." But this is really not in the interest of the poor rat, neither the cat. And then, there comes the fungus that makes the ant's head explode in order to infect other ants.
Something not only about personal manipulation, but ideological subversion or downright brainwashing. How often do we tend to question our own preconceptions and assumptions? Or the mind-blowing ideas of others? Are our own ideas really ours? What if someone (politicians , experts, the media, our peers etc) actually want us to think in a specific way to further their agenda?