How to Drive Someone Crazy | Forum

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Anna Mar 22 '21
I've been browsing Psychology Today website recently and, among lots of rather dull and uninteresting stuff, I found this gem:

The article consists of two parts, the first describes the intentional  or unintentional methods of messing with the other person and emotionally disrupting them, the other part states the possible reasons behind it.

So how to drive someone nuts?

1. Repeatedly point out self-contradictory behavior, accuse of hypocrisy. 

2. Act flirtatious, encourage someone to commit an act of marital infidelity.

3. Make someone walk on eggshells. Switch back and forth between acceptance and rejection.

4. Confuse them, give mixed signals. 


1. Get rid of the person, especially a competitor. Push someone away so that they no longer bother you. Here, driving someone insane is an equivalent of a psychological murder.

2. Expose them, especially when someone tries to put on a mask of sanity. By triggering the onset of insanity you show them for who they are.

3. Escape from your own craziness. By driving someone crazy you will feel more sane by comparison.

4. Much less sinister: Find a companion or a soulmate to share your craziness with. 

This is in a nutshell. Could there be any other forms of emotional manipulation? Did you encounter them in your daily life? Do you think people deliberately tried to push you over the edge? Or were you the one doing it? If so, then why? 

Personally, I wonder how much of it is indeed intentional. I mean that intentional manipulation requires a high degree of empathy (not in a positive sense, mind) and few are capable of it. The majority of people act on impulse. And in toxic relationships, which are crazy by default, most rarely think outside their straight jacket. 

The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 22 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 22 '21
If someone gets driven insane by that they fucking deserve it. Same with the person who dates a gaslighting sociopath and gets locked in a psychological cage. If only for being an emotionally codependent fluff needing bitch. 

Still, the person dealing with Chinese water torture, and/or extortionist, captor, or insidious hacker, laughs at the poor little bitch "losing it" over the inconsistent behavior of other people.  At least they get a level playing field and can confront the person driving them crazy DIRECTLY. 

You can walk up and smack a person giving mixed signals or people deliberately accepting or rejecting you in the fucking face.  Call out their bullshit. No one is powerless to stop it in any of those cited situations.  

Now remove their ability to fight directly and it would drive anyone crazy.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 22 '21
Brother Shamus
Brother Shamus Mar 22 '21
The reason such high-school 'mean girl tactics' work is the major symptom of an earthbound disease, hope and fantasy. 

Contrary to Shawshank Redemption hope really is a dangerous thing.

Hope is what makes the person concerned someone is sending them mixed signals, because they hope to be with them or know them.

Hope is what makes exclusion hurt, because they hope to be included for Non-Machiavellian reasons, which is an Objectivist caveat. Platitudes of chicken egg counting certainly apply.  It's part and parcel to living in the world of abstract Gnosticism and wishful fantasy.

It works for herd mentality.  Try excluding a person just using you for the personal stratification of their own and note the difference.

It's just so fucking pathetic people are driven insane by such petty bitch made things. 

For example, instead of thinking: 

These motherfuckers are trying to manipulate and control me, FUCK THAT, I'M GOING TO CONFRONT THEM DIRECTLY AND CALL THEM ALL OUT ON THEIR BULLSHIT! 

It's instead weak and needy like: 

But they liked me one day and hate me the next, I am just so incapable of getting pissed at their attempted coercion so I instead stress over their mixed signals! Boo-hoo!

So true to human condition it deserved two personae (that talk exactly alike) to answer. 

And also an applicable song for those capable of abstract metaphor

The Forum post is edited by Brother Shamus Mar 22 '21
Anna Mar 23 '21
It doesn't even require smacking someone in the face. It think it's not advisable. You could hear "And why did you hit me? You see... you're really crazy. I told you were crazy, now there is a proof of your craziness."

It's enough to get out after seeing the first red flag. Most victims ignore the initial warning signs and wait for the situation to escalate. The abusers study the potential victims. First there comes checking your boundaries.

I once watched that old movie "Gaslight". And really, the heroine was a perfect victim. She seemed to beg for being exploited. Totally submissive and in need of love and affection. She was stuck in her nightmare, waiting and waiting until the knight - gentleman came and rescued her. She couldn't get out by herself though the door wasn't locked. 

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 23 '21
It doesn't even require smacking someone in the face. It think it's not advisable. You could hear "And why did you hit me? You see... you're really crazy. I told you were crazy, now there is a proof of your craziness."

Who cares about advisable?

I knew this one person who was a perennially fucked with D&D nerd, with the unfortunate double whammy of being the poorest kid in an affluent environment. 

Kids are fucked up lambs that become fucked up sheep, so naturally the minor differences were highlighted and used to ostracized, exclude, pick on, and shit talk. 

So one day when they were trying to pick on this gender neutral person by talking about them right within her proximty. They were doing that little bitch snicker and look ast her thing. So they decided to walk up to them and smack the books right out of the bullies hand.  

No amount of saying "I wasn't talking about you" or any gaslighty thing removes the catharsis of direct engagement.  And if you make a habit of calling it out in such a way. They make sure you're not around from then on.

Which is to the point.  Certain types choose direct confrontation while other choose to make themselves submissive passive victims to the controlling manipulate psychos in their life. 

Actual torture is having no book to smack out of someone's hand if you think about it. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 23 '21
Anna Mar 25 '21
Fair enough when it concerns kids. In adults such a reaction often appears when they are driven to their breaking point. This is already too late. That means one kept putting up with the bullshit until one couldn't take it any longer hence the outburst. In many situations, the toxic relationships can be terminated earlier before the conflict escalates. I mean you don't have to wait till your friend or partner drives you mad with fury so that you want to run with your fists to them. Kick them out of your life at the first signal that something is wrong.

Besides, there are situations where punching someone in the face isn't really the best solution, for example one's workplace. However, I can agree that the direct confrontation is the best idea. I just think you should do it while staying perfectly calm if only to show the douchebags that they didn't manage to ruffle your feathers. 

The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 25 '21
FallenAngel Dec 15 '24
Sounds familiar lol.
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