Do you want to be with The Antichrist after The Event? We are on the horizon.
But seriously, I know you're for the lulz here but you remind me too much of those annoying telemarketers who desperately try to convince random strangers that the useless shit they offer are exactly what they need.
Oh, and I hate Kant. Fritz Perls once said: "There are three kinds of shit: chicken shit, bullshit, and elephant shit." The writings of Kant are elephant shit. Ridiculous towers of abstraction.
I agree with what you wrote about positive thinking. One thing that I doubt is that you can predict all the possible scenarios. Life can be unpredictable and it can surprise you many times. So you cannot plan for every possibility but, certainly, you can adapt to the changes that life brings. I often catch myself trying to predict everything and making plans and it's a bit neurotic. The blackest scenarios I pictured in my head never happened and I stressed myself unnecessarily. I think that letting go, going with the flow, is healthier. We plan too much. I don't mean carelessness here just "When the problem appears, the ways to solve it will be there too. So I will think about it when the time comes."
Of course, it applies only to the situations that are independent of your actions. You should try to predict the consequences of your decisions to avoid making some serious mistakes. But again, such an attitude could make you avoid taking risks and miss on some opportunities.
I can relate to your comment about feeling neurotic when fixating on bleak scenarios. My solution is to learn how to detach the Id from the Ego; I.e., to learn how to think dispassionately about possible futures. As much as I prattle on about passion and its importance to a well lived life, there are times when it gets in the way. For example, if I were taking a young child onto a boat, one possibility is that the child may fall overboard. If that happened, it would be horrible! But it hasn't happened. I'm merely thinking about what I would do if it did. I need to strategize dispassionately. For example, I quickly realize I should (a) have a life jacket for the child to wear; (b) have a life preserver ready to be thrown to the child if she falls overboard; (c) if possible and it seems advisable, have a safety line that I can attach to the child's belt; and (d) stay near the child at all times, so I will see if she falls overboard, and will be able to react quickly, maybe even catch her before she hits the water. Once I've laid out this strategy, all I have to do is put it into practice.
The process of thinking in this way is imperfect. But it's better than not thinking at all.
Notice that I didn't conclude I should never take a child on a boat. Life has to be lived. Risks have to be taken. Adventure is always a little bit dangerous or else it wouldn't be adventure, and a life with none would be sad.
Affirmations enable to look at things differently. Invoke other points of view which can be helpful in the long term.
My immediate thought was "What a load of bullshit" but I wonder whether fooling/mindfucking oneself can actually be useful. Like if you keep repeating to yourself the same bullshit over and over again and act as if it were true, could it by any chance influence the reality? Can reassuring crap boost your self-esteem? Can smiling like an idiot and pretending to be cheerful bring happiness? Thoughts?
Most of the books, as you describe them, are pure shit. They start from a compassionate point of view whereby the reader is being placed into a victim-mindset and hooked to external validation.
Affirmations should serve to strengthen resolve. To strengthen will.
Instead of "The universe loves you, all will be fine" (translated as: you fell victim but all will be fine eventually) should the correct affirmation be "I am responsible for my own destiny" (which translates to: whatever the fuck happens, it's on me and I CAN adjust).
Female "feel-good" energy has no potential to built.
"Fake-it to make it" is thus the worst strategy to get on in life.
"I am responsible for my own actions, my own psyche, and my own strengthening!" - now there's an affirmation!
"Destiny" is defeatist and invokes stagnation.
In a moment of panic, I had to fake something all day long. The next day, I had to fake it again, and so on. I became very comfortable with these daily experiences and no longer dreaded them, because although terrifying at times, I knew I was strong at faking and could excel this way.
Eventually, I was no longer terrified of the situation and was able to focus energy, no longer on how well I could fake it, but on how to become even better and stronger at it and eventually reach the original goal I had been working toward.
I think that if approached and utilized with the right mindset, "fake it 'til you make it" is a valid tool to get (some) things you desire. However, will and intent must play a huge role. If you don't eventually come to realize that YOU ARE what you are faking, then it's invalid.