Fake It Till You Make It. | Forum

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Anna Mar 1 '21
So today I went to the post office and there was some colorful book on display there. Yeah, they also sell books there. I don't remember the title but it was something to do with all this positive thinking crap. I opened it on a random page and read something like this:

"We are all a family. We are all brothers and sisters."

"Everyone is your friend. "

"The whole universe loves you."

"You are a director of your own life."

"You're special. You can do everything you want. Believe in yourself." 

"Be brave. Follow your dreams." 

My immediate thought was "What a load of bullshit" but I wonder whether fooling/mindfucking oneself can actually be useful. Like if you keep repeating to yourself the same bullshit over and over again and act as if it were true, could it by any chance influence the reality? Can reassuring crap  boost your self-esteem? Can smiling like an idiot and pretending to be cheerful bring happiness? Thoughts? 

darkravenus666 Mar 1 '21
no it cant imo. Fuck faking it till you make it. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 1 '21
It works for about 93% of people according to Google reviews...

Years later it was rebranded as The Secret, but that ended at a garbage bag sweatlodge. 

All roads converge on that Gnostic magical highway where you can control 'fate/destiny'.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 1 '21
Anna Mar 2 '21
It all boils down to money, I think. When I was young, I read "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living." It indeed lifted up my spirits but only for a short time. Soon I came back to my default neurotic mood. It's similar to "measuring your life with coffee spoons." You start your morning with a cup of coffee. It makes you more energetic for a while but later in the afternoon you think "What a sleepy day" and have another cup of coffee. And you repeat the ritual every day until you run out of coffee. Then you rush to the shop to buy coffee. The same here. You read the feel good crap, it makes you feel good for a while and then you feel the need to buy another one and another one. Soon reading such books becomes a habit and the one difficult to quit. Business is business. It needs regular customers to flourish. 
The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 2 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 2 '21
I often wonder if shit would've been different is I was more open to positive outlooks and using motivational buzzwords like "actualize".  

I can't break materialism unless it's in the form of a deus ex machina come to write me out of some poor-decision-made dead-end. I think my real life made the butchered nom de plume carry some irony in the end. 

Too bad it's a literary device of fictional narratives. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 2 '21
talisman Mar 3 '21
Positive thinking. I am not sure it's completely wrong, though how can you think positive when everything is going wrong? And how can you think negative after all? All you can do is think positive, then some "experts" will sell to you what you already do as their own. They will sell you what is yours and you will buy it and thank them. You will pay them for what is yours and then thank them.
talisman Mar 3 '21
It depends. If you are in your own country, rebel against the ones who exploit you. 
Anna Mar 4 '21
@Ba, So Morocco is such a shithole? I suggest moving to the EU and claiming a refugee status, either in France or Germany. You will get welfare and you won't have to work till the end of your life. The more kids you have, the more money you will get. So fuck and procreate. Have no scruples, man. France exploited its colonies without scruples so now claim your own. And Germany, those fuckers haven't yet payed for all the WW2 damage. Just don't come to Poland. It's shit of a country, I tell you. Foreigners are hanged on trees here and 90% of the society slave for the minimum wage. Can't even afford toilet paper for that. I also heard that German women are really fond of Muslim guys. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 4 '21
My mother was from Poland. My father was in the Navy and took her to the US somewhere around the mid 60s.

She liked it here and was doing well but ended up dying of cancer mid to late 30s.

Anna Mar 4 '21
Well... this just plainly sucks. But hey, you could move to the US! Just take a banner or a T-shirt with "Please Biden, let me in" written on it. At least, this is what Fox News would suggest doing:

Please Biden Let Us In

Anna Mar 4 '21
I was joking, you know. If you are telling the truth, then I feel sorry for you. I only know Morocco from the bits and pieces I read on the internet. And although the country has made some progress, the overall picture is rather gloomy. I guess covid made the situation worse. 
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Mar 4 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 4 '21
Okay, this is ridiculous.  While I  am the last person that should pass judgement on another's inability to help themselves (or take my own advise), logic says if you can pander to a forum you can use a Google search. 

Question: "Places Morrocan can travel without a Visa?"

Top Resulthttps://visalist.io/morocco/visa-free

Here are just some of the places outside Muslim influence. 

All places are "Developing" or "Developed" by international standards.

(Most common language)

* = No limit to stay

Seychelles - Highest per capita GDP in "Africa". 

Gabon -  2nd Highest per capita GDP in continental Africa. 

* Svalbard -  You could freeze your ass off in the arctic circle. There's a seed bank, and one the northernmost permernantly inhabited cities of 5,000 or more people. (English) 

Barbados - Like catastrophic weather? Then this is spot for you. A higher standard of tropical living that can get levelled by storm surge. (English)

Dominican Republic - Like baseball, heard of baseball? It can be very very good for you in The Carribean minor leagues of The Dominican Republic. (Spanish)

Brazil - If you were strait I could say "Rio De Janeiro Beach and Surfing" and sell it. Otherwise massively corrupt and catholic. Doable if you don't get shot. (Portoguese) 

South Korea - Yes, South Korea. Home of Samsung and Hyundai. As many screwed up and hilarious cultural things as Japan only you can eat dogs at restaurants there too! (Korean)

* Hong Kong - Tall buildings. Like if an entire 'country' was an Asian Manhattan. Better when it was still UK territory. You could open a business with a single form. (Cantonese)

* Macau - If there was ever a much wealthier Chinese Las Vegas. Much like Hong Kong in being as expensive as New York or Singapore. (Cantonese)

Philippines - Ever wonder what happens when you cross Polynesia, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, and Mexico?  Philippines is what happens. Travel here to see it for yourself. (Filipino)

I hope this helps you out of your oppressive situation. Go somewhere on "vacation" and see how long you can stay. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 4 '21
Anna Mar 4 '21
Yeah Svalbard would be the best place for an African to cool himself. But sadly, they have no welfare there. Once unemployed or homeless, you're immediately deported. And those murderous polar bears everywhere... 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 5 '21

Coal miner? They get paid a fucking shit load up there. Of course a box of cereal costs about 17 USD, as is par for the course in these isolated areas of the world. 

The Nordic Hinterlands are friendly, but weary of demanding immigrants that don't acclimate to Nordic culture. For example, Denmark has lots of Muslims or refuges from camel-fucking countries covered in sand. Unfortunately the Danish are still sort of bitter Muslims went there and tried to change Danish culture to accommodate their touchy "haji-cube" circling asses. 

 Hajis circle Haji Cube after stoning the devil (2017) 

Luckily, Homosexuals can't be Muslim because you don't want to marry girls when they are barely old enough to ovulate and then dress them in Hazmat gear the rest of their existence, or stone them to death if they have any sense of autonomy. 

It's a religion of throwing rocks at shit. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 5 '21
Anna Mar 5 '21
The coal mining industry is closing down, I read. And seriously, can you imagine Arabs working as miners? These are lazy folks. They would sooner send their women to work in the mines than work there themselves. And this is no joke:

Saudi women to work in mining industry

Anna Mar 7 '21
So fo now on, you're not hungry, thirsty or homeless? Perhaps, it won't be that bad. Finding a new job can take some time. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 7 '21
I have no idea what the job market and economy is like in Morocco. If it's like most developing countries it's a "who you know" system, sorta like working for the City of Los Angeles and being Mexican. 

But I have been there myself a few times. 

If you were in The West there a number of things that can avoid homelessness.

In one instance I had to work a 5 month semi-con (gross exaggeration) to get out of living on the street. 

First, I pretended I was suicidal and committed myself to psychiatric hospital.  About a week in there I realized addicts get more help. At first I said alcohol but then decided to switch to saying meth. I did a lot of (pre fentanyl cut coke), but I wasnt addicted to it an hadn't touched it for months, even though it's basically part of "The Food Pyramid" and form of adult recreation in San Diego. So I said a harder drug. 

During my 17 day stay I interviewed for a few residential treatment facilities based on the cost of a bed per month. The winner was 200/month. Even if They were all about 12 steps I said I can "fake it until I make it". (See what I did there?) They accepted me for 'meth' and 'cocaine' and put me on a 3-4 week waiting list. 

I then went to an outpatient "crisis house" for another 3 weeks, which was just long enough for a bed to become available. 

At this point I was faking being a friend of Bill W.  I did everything to go beyond what they asked because I did have a slight bit of guilt for completely using them. And continued to do so until I got a stable job at a military commissary.  

Which was great, because by that point I wanted to call them all pathetic invalids (irony of that aside) that needed made up ideas to do what moderation and self control can do anyway. It's still a trip that people can use a fucking doorknob as a "higher power" and STILL NEVER make the connection it's all them deceiving themselves. 

 Of course I am like "Sick Boy" in Trainspotting and can quit just to mock others with how easy it is for me, so I may have an advantage. 

And that's just one of the ways to do it The West.  Don't know what good that does for you.

I also lived in a car at rest areas and parks for 6 months 21 days about 3 years later.  

And I'll keep everyone apprised the next time it happens because it probably will.  Hopefully there will be another system to work..

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 7 '21
talisman Mar 10 '21
I would definitely move to Svalbard. I was thinking about northeast pacific islands, but I'm not sure because of global warming. 
Oracle May 31 '21
What a sad hopeless bunch this is. Self fulfilling prophecies dictate your entire lives. I can already see none of you know how to truly be in the present moment. Many of you dwell in the past or worry of the future. How many of you hope? How many of you dream?

The only thing that will change you is you, your consistent and persistent and obsessive desire to change will change you. If you do not desire to change, you will go back to your old ways. This is what happened to Anna. 

Just look at the way you all talk to eachother here! None of you are happy! Calling eachother retards and constantly debating, arguing, being sly or coy, when I'm sure some of you take this forum to be a safe space. An escape. 

Escape to what? More petty bullshit? Come now! You're all on the satanic forums and I'm sure few of you are in any occult order, or are willing to kill. You are followers, off-brand. Digital beatniks. 

The power of positive thinking is that it will change your life forever. You must think positive as much as you used to think negative. You must have hope yet repress your expectations. You must obsess over now as much as you used to think of the past or worry about the future. 

My words are breadcrumbs to the path. They alone will not help you. I am here to save you, but I can only do that if you want save yourself. Do you want to be with The Antichrist after The Event? We are on the horizon. 
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