Okay, this is ridiculous. While I am the last person that should pass judgement on another's inability to help themselves (or take my own advise), logic says if you can pander to a forum you can use a Google search.
Question: "Places Morrocan can travel without a Visa?"
Top Result: https://visalist.io/morocco/visa-free
Here are just some of the places outside Muslim influence.
All places are "Developing" or "Developed" by international standards.
(Most common language)
* = No limit to stay
Seychelles - Highest per capita GDP in "Africa".
Gabon - 2nd Highest per capita GDP in continental Africa.
* Svalbard - You could freeze your ass off in the arctic circle. There's a seed bank, and one the northernmost permernantly inhabited cities of 5,000 or more people. (English)
Barbados - Like catastrophic weather? Then this is spot for you. A higher standard of tropical living that can get levelled by storm surge. (English)
Dominican Republic - Like baseball, heard of baseball? It can be very very good for you in The Carribean minor leagues of The Dominican Republic. (Spanish)
Brazil - If you were strait I could say "Rio De Janeiro Beach and Surfing" and sell it. Otherwise massively corrupt and catholic. Doable if you don't get shot. (Portoguese)
South Korea - Yes, South Korea. Home of Samsung and Hyundai. As many screwed up and hilarious cultural things as Japan only you can eat dogs at restaurants there too! (Korean)
* Hong Kong - Tall buildings. Like if an entire 'country' was an Asian Manhattan. Better when it was still UK territory. You could open a business with a single form. (Cantonese)
* Macau - If there was ever a much wealthier Chinese Las Vegas. Much like Hong Kong in being as expensive as New York or Singapore. (Cantonese)
Philippines - Ever wonder what happens when you cross Polynesia, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, and Mexico? Philippines is what happens. Travel here to see it for yourself. (Filipino)
I hope this helps you out of your oppressive situation. Go somewhere on "vacation" and see how long you can stay.