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Parallel-Aesthetics Feb 27 '21
For almost a year now I’ve been posting my photography on both Facebook and my blog Parallel-Aesthetics.com.  I have also recently expanded to Twitter.
I’ve often posted images along side quotes from various Philosophers and writers.
I’d like to share my work with everyone here on S.I.N.
Any and all Feedback is appreciated.

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"No victor believes in chance"
Friedrich Nietzsche

"I love to dream, but I never try to dream and think at the same time."

H.P. Lovecraft

"I don't need any support, advice, or compassion, because even if I am the most ruinous man, I still feel so powerful, so strong and fierce. For I am the only one that lives without hope."

Emil Cioran

The Forum post is edited by Parallel-Aesthetics Feb 27 '21
Parallel-Aesthetics Feb 27 '21
"The Harshness of the world can only be met with hardness, not be trickery."

Ernst Jünger

“One day the last portrait of Rembrandt and the last bar of Mozart will have ceased to be - though possibly a coloured canvas and a sheet of notes will remain - because the last eye and the last ear accessible to their message will have gone.”

Oswald Spengler

"Tears do not burn except in solitude."
Emil Cioran

(All Rights Reserved)

Parallel-Aesthetics Feb 27 '21

"The Kingdom of Heaven is a condition of the heart — not something that comes upon the earth or after death."

Friedrich Nietzsche

"One of the greatest delusions of the average man is to forget that life is death's prisoner."
Emil Cioran

"In spite of the fact that the physical events in the brain belong to the psychic phenomena, we do not expect that these could be sufficient to explain them."
Werner Heisenberg

(All Rights Reserved)

Anna Feb 27 '21
Cool stuff. 
Parallel-Aesthetics Feb 28 '21

Quote from Anna Cool stuff. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 28 '21
Of course it reminds me of what I do. I used to write crazy stuff all by itself, and then started adding associated images followed by music vids; been doing that ever since.
Anna Mar 1 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn Of course it reminds me of what I do. I used to write crazy stuff all by itself, and then started adding associated images followed by music vids; been doing that ever since.

It's not at all similar. He's posting his own artwork, not the random stuff he found on the internet. He's a creator, not a consumer. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '21

It's not at all similar. He's posting his own artwork, not the random stuff he found on the internet. He's a creator, not a consumer. 

Well since you put it that way, I write my own stuff and not steal other peoples', and in most cases I would say it's an improvement; other times, far superior.

Call me a 'curator' if you must, but fuck off with the "consumer" shit.

Anna Mar 1 '21
Okey dokey, the curator of YouTube videos.

Sounds better, I hope. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '21

 the curator of YouTube videos.

Well you got the 'on the way out the door' response earlier, so here's another 'quickie' for you, not really my type but for the sake of charity.

Queen of rhetorical embellishments you are, i.e. downright bullshit; trolling for a heated response like I give a fuck, you just give me something else to write about, that's all.

Much of what I see here is a collection of other peoples' art and other peoples' writing, so where exactly are these 'creations' you speak of? Shall I pay extra special attention and dig a little deeper to find them?

I don't know what the fuck you're trippin' on; maybe I want some, maybe I don't.

And furthermore they are not just "YouTube videos", in most cases they are very carefully selected tracks of decades past that are relevant to the written segments.

So I thought it would be a little quicker.

Edit : formatting was compactified

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '21
Anna Mar 1 '21
Any time someone comes here and shows his own artwork, be it paintings, creative writing, photography or music, these are creations. Creating something of your own vs sharing or commenting on other people's creations. That the overwhelming majority of the members here, including yours truly, are consumers and not creators, is only natural as this is not the strictly artistic forum.

I don't regard the label "consumer" as an insult to my dignity.

That you got your panties in a bunch over it only shows that you have no self-distance but guess what, I don't cater to wannabe cyber special snowflakes. 

The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 1 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '21
You're just splitting hairs over things I could care less about, pollock :)
Anna Mar 1 '21
Yeah say it x times how much you don't care. 
G.B. Mar 3 '21

checked out your site. good stuff, i like it!

on the topic of creator/consumer, as an amateur photographer myself i feel like i am just another consumer of the photography industry. most pro-photographers make their living from selling cameras and gear in the store and offering various courses to amateurs.

and all these photographers upload their works onto various sites that make money from ad-revenue or subscriptions. and there are so many of us amateur photographers, and so many who really are brilliant and amazing, with so much content created that it feels so insignificant to do this. and it is considered that the best photographers are not those who make the best photos, but those who are best at marketing themselves.

or as andy warhol said: good business is the best art.

The Forum post is edited by G.B. Mar 3 '21

Quote from G.B.

checked out your site. good stuff, i like it!

Thanks. I'm glad to hear you like my work. Do you have any of your own online?

On the topic of the creator/consumer - I think it is possable to play both roles.
G.B. Mar 8 '21

my stuff. https://www.flickr.com/photos/123640488@N05

the @N05 at the end of the link is part of the link, gotta copy paste the whole thing it seems.

as the saying goes: in order to create you must consume. or something like that.

The Forum post is edited by G.B. Mar 8 '21
Good work G.B.
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