Making friends in Satanism | Forum

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Scoeri Feb 21 '21
One thing I'm realizing is that I still cling to Christianity is because all my friends are from my church. I don't want to be lonely because I only have cyber friends to talk to but no in person friends to talk to and hang out with. 

In some groups on Facebook I've found some people to be such jerks. They seem to give smart answers to my honest newbie questions.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 21 '21
If I had good friends that were Christian I would keep them. I can converse with these types usually with no problem, I do the talking, they listen.

One time not too long ago when I was getting gas this guy was handing out pamphlets; he was a pastor or something from a local church. Unbeknownst to him I was 'the guy' who indulges psychoactives and contemplates the ineffable, among other things, for quite some time.

I was fairly close to the upper regions of the 'bell curve' so I rambled on for what certainly did not seem like the forty minutes it was.

And in parting I shook his hand and was invited to 'attend' a future gathering, but all I really wanted was what I had already done.

Anna Feb 21 '21
If your church friends are not trying to impose their religious views on you, are not intolerant or despotic, I see no reason for ending the friendship. There are plenty of ways you could spend time together apart from going to church and plenty of things to chat about apart from religion. I would suggest caution with making friends online. There are many stupid bitches running around and you seem to be begging for troubles with that innocent naivety and rather clingy attitude of yours. 
The Forum post is edited by Anna Feb 21 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Feb 22 '21
Actual friends are too much work. You gotta respond to your phone and shit and actually care about something other than yourself for a second. 

They want you to go places and do things and be extroverted. But the entire time you're counting down the minutes before you can respectfully return to your little hole and do the same autistic things over and over again because real life people are too confusing anyway. Plus interacting with them breaks you from your warm cocoon of comfortable repetition. 

That's why I stick around relatively faceless forums such as this and have minimal Facebook presence. I find if you don't ever append real life people to the avatars there is no need to have a 'human' attachment to them. You fulfill the brains requirement for some degree of socializing without any obligation to actually care about anyone. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Feb 22 '21
darkravenus666 Feb 22 '21
I remember my best friend online was actually christian and we were friends for like 5 or 6 years something like that lol. now i hate his fucking guts for ghosting me lol 
Scoeri Feb 22 '21

Quote from Dark Enlightenment Actual friends are too much work. You gotta respond to your phone and shit and actually care about something other than yourself for a second. 

They want you to go places and do things and be extroverted. But the entire time you're counting down the minutes before you can respectfully return to your little hole and do the same autistic things over and over again because real life people are too confusing anyway. Plus interacting with them breaks you from your warm cocoon of comfortable repetition. 

That's why I stick around relatively faceless forums such as this and have minimal Facebook presence. I find if you don't ever append real life people to the avatars there is no need to have a 'human' attachment to them. You fulfill the brains requirement for some degree of socializing without any obligation to actually care about anyone. 

I can relate to what you said. Its hard sometimes for me to be totally isolated and the only interaction I get is with strangers in public like the cashier at the grocery store or the pharmacist. 

But then again the things I find fun most people find extremely boring and vice versa. 

talisman Feb 22 '21
I would rather accompany perseverance in Mars, than take a part in this sitcom. 
The Forum post is edited by talisman Feb 22 '21
Devil Warship
Devil Warship Feb 22 '21
Social and family connections keep lots and lots of people attending church. That's one way that they get you. Some churches, like the LDS and JWs will make all of your friends and families shun you if you leave their church. "Disfellowshipment." 

Just continue to be the person that is able to have friends in many different social networks and from different faith systems. There's no reason to emulate Christianity's bad behaviors. Just be aware of how strongly you threaten their internal belief system by being a decent, happy. well-adjusted person even though you don't hold their beliefs. This will motivate them to get you back into the fold. 

One thing Satanism tends not to be is a social club full of feel-good, happy-clappy people. A lot of Satanists you will encounter are assholes with a big chip on their shoulder. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't be a Satanist or that Satanists aren't happy, well-adjusted people. I'm just coming to believe that it's particularly difficult for Satanists to socialize together. 

There isn't really much that unifies Satanists, tbh. We all know what we're against, but what we're each for is a different matter entirely. I think that's why Satanic organizations tend to have such short lifespans. The Satanic Temple seems to be trying to get around this fact by demanding political uniformity from their followers. I disagree with that type of organization pretty strongly. 

Just keep your brain working and keep seeking knowledge, truth, and your own private true path to a genuine life. Genuine friends are few and far between. If you desire a larger number of acquaintances, you're probably best off just keeping your religious beliefs to yourself. 

talisman Feb 25 '21
You say we best keep our religious beliefs to ourselves. What is your religion?  
Devil Warship
Devil Warship Feb 25 '21

Quote from talisman You say we best keep our religious beliefs to ourselves. What is your religion?  
Please read again for comprehension.
talisman Mar 3 '21
Try to be more comprehensive.
Devil Warship
Devil Warship Mar 4 '21
Quote from talisman Try to be more comprehensive.
I wrote a whole long snarky post in response to this gem. But I'm trying to be less of an asshole these days, so I deleted it. For me, not for you. It turns out that being less of an asshole actually makes ME happier! 

Okay, so here's my constructive response to you: 

If you notice the conditional "if" in my post above, you should pretty easily be able to figure out that I was saying that if - if - someone desires a large number of acquaintances, then one will have to be selective about what one shares with those acquaintances. 

If all you care about, like me, is having a few genuine close friends, then you should be your true self around them. But if you need a larger number of acquaintances, you're going to need to make yourself appealing to a much larger group of people, and that often requires one to selective about what aspects of one's personal life to share with the outsiders. 

See? That's not really a controversial idea at all. In fact, it's positively Satanic in that it leaves it up to individual to decide what approach to take for themselves. 

talisman Mar 10 '21
You see, I meant try to be more comprehensive to me, not to you. 
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Apr 18 '21
Quote from Scoeri One thing I'm realizing is that I still cling to Christianity is because all my friends are from my church. I don't want to be lonely because I only have cyber friends to talk to but no in person friends to talk to and hang out with. 

In some groups on Facebook I've found some people to be such jerks. They seem to give smart answers to my honest newbie questions.

This is why I suggested the recreation of black house or grottos, so Satanists could come out IRL to meat instead of being on social medias. Coming to ceremony on the satanic holidays is an excuse to gather and there is a greater chance to meat like minded with the potential to be friends. Only satanic holydays and ceremony can maintain a satanic community because Satanists have nothing in common beside Satan. This is why LaVey created the satanic religion.
The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Apr 18 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Apr 20 '21
I like the idea of Christian girls; the purity. I could talk to them about god and such divine concepts with ease and answer any questions they might have all while keeping ulterior motives to myself.
talisman Apr 27 '21
Or you can keep playing with yourself.
The Forum post is edited by talisman Apr 27 '21
Wolfie May 23 '21
Satanists are rare. The vast majority of people just don't get it and never will. So finding a fellow Satanist in your own neighborhood is unlikely unless you live somewhere with very dense population, like Manhattan. Still, you might find, say, one. If you do, and the two of you hit it off, then a friendship is probably worth exploring to see if it enriches your life.


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