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talisman Jan 24 '21
Justice, equality , freedom. What I find best about a Government is this, justice, equality and freedom. 
Anna Jan 24 '21
So what utopia are you living in? What formalities should I fulfill to get to there? I have some savings so cash isn't a problem. 
talisman Jan 24 '21
It cannot be bought. You have to fight each and every moment, and even if you lose a battle, you have to appreciate that you've got the opportunity to fight again. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 24 '21

Quote from Justice, equality , freedom. What I find best about a Government is this, justice, equality and freedom. 
I actually do too.  And I don't want the alternative. All illusions of freedom are not created equal. 

Unless you find a way to split 7 billion people into groups of 100.  

There is no other capable alternative for law and order in maintaining a "free" society of any size.  I'm thankful I am in a country where that is criminal law and not sharia law at the top. I would have died a long time ago in a society with a comlulsory faith. First instance of "unnecessary compulsory belief" (like belief in god) and there goes my head.  Still, secular democratic society has done wonders to add this degree of separation between government and lifestyle that allowed for egalitarian ideals to take hold. 

But the "Equality" of today took fucking centuries to get to.  In America, It used to mean "aristocratic land owning white male",  then "land owning male", who were only partially allowed into society. And so on to today. And it is still taking place in dwindling cliques of holdouts.  While the US lags behind other places (like Europe), equality didn't exist 50 years ago anywhere

All advanced societies are trending that direction. And it's the most equal it's ever been, especially compared to the rest of history. 

* And all it took was simple downgrading of religion to a freedom allotted by a known master, the government. When you know they wrote all those laws specifically to keep you in line or make money there's no need for faith.  It's visceral law, influenced by whatever "blue" or capitalist reason they want, but visceral nonetheless.  Best of all, it can change with the times, as it's not rooted in an absolute dictate. You can control and amend god with government. 

Wisdom in a nuthouse: The trajectory of western society, the new aeon if you will, is an inclusive Lady Gaga video. Get used to it. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 24 '21
talisman Jan 27 '21
Generally, most of the population are fighting for these. These thins are not something that can be achieved in a day. 
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Jan 28 '21
      I think the world is headed toward the age of freedom, where humans will be in charge of their own evolution and lives.  Perhaps this means we will be rid of our compulsive need for the "king" or government?

         This will not be with out a huge fight though.  The powers that be would not want to let that power over the horde go in both the  political and religious spheres. Something like this might result in rivers of blood. 

Anna Jan 28 '21
Seriously, I don't think humanity can do without any sort of government. That smells of utopia. Even among animals you have alphas - leaders of tribes. Sure, states and governments as we know them can disappear but the division into leaders and followers will remain. 
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Jan 28 '21
I would prefer tribal rule, like family kindreds instead of the ever growing federal  government. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 28 '21

Wouldn't we all. 

Ideally, in animal form, that's how it's supposed to be. 

Live 40 years in clans of 150 organisms or less, much like our great ape relatives. And it was like that right up until farming was invented. Millennia of civilization have reprogrammed (domesticated) us to a new order to our animal habitat.

When the empathy limit of 150 or so is passed you need an extra control mechanism (religion/government) to keep things civil.  

Anarchy couldn't even work for the Danish Squatters of Christiania and that was less than a small village.  Even kindred clans establish alpha roles.

Amount of government needed is proportional to size of population trying to cooperate. 

Kindred ideals of clans can work in today's world, but only for those that remove themselves from society in some way, like the Hells Angels. And even they have some relatively strict laws in place, hierarchy, and even benevolent social presence. The most apt example of the ideal you speak of speaks Pennsylvanian German. The Amish are that ideal. Family-based self sufficient clans that reject much of social nomos with buggies.  

To quote Men In Black again: 

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 28 '21
talisman Jan 30 '21
The dynamics are there. The social resonance is poor. There is always something blocking social evolution, what makes us great may as well keeping us away from what is great. Sometimes what is thought as the best may be an obstacle for what is better. Sometimes ones beliefs. 
Loco Puto
Loco Puto Jan 30 '21
Those ideals do not co-exist in many governments in the world at the moment.
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