Does that psychotic guy keep stalking and harassing you on Facebook? I mean he's everywhere. I'm afraid I will soon find him in my fridge.
Japan - 45%
UK - 45%The US is the only one not up to 45%, and will never be anywhere close. But then again, neither will our public hospitals. The private ones will still have 3 star Chefs and tempurpedic mattresses.
* China is "communist".
But what happens when Biden raises it from 27% to 28% again? It's a MARXIST REVOLUTION!
The presidents I have been alive for I have all liked until Trump, and I only disliked him for his Nationalist piss on the world bullshit. But I am a globalist.
Reagan I don't remember. Bush I was young, he threw up on the Japanese, had a New World Order speech, and raised taxes on the advice of logic. Clinton was barely a fucking Democrat. You don't win in Arkansas or carry Georgia otherwise. Bush was like his father. Does better when kicking the shit out of Saddam. Only fuck up was encouraging the subprime lending which almost killed the Sunbelt when it popped. Obama was also moderate. Raised taxes in the exact manner Bush Sr. did. His fuck up was Obamacare, which was "Red State Armageddon". It is still in place even after Trump. Insurance companies + pharma, that's a runaway gravy train regardless of party now.
They were all respectable until the conspiritard jackass captured a demographic that is right out of idiocracy. The average intelligence of everyone who stormed the capital is from the special ed classroom.
I actually dare anyone to challenge the statement:
"Rural conservatives have lower IQ's than urban liberals by at least one grade level at minimum"
While Biden walks like he lives at a care home, I don't buy the dementia thing. Which is a funny criticism considering Regean's second term as Potato.
"We will have our own Death Star Mr. President!"
Of course I actually can't hold a true political opinion because I am like the worst American ever as far as responsibility goes.