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Devilsadvocate666 Jan 7 '21
hi does anyone have any drawings picture photos etc of demons can u message me?
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 19 '21
The most popular images of demons can be found with a google search, as long as you know the demons' name. Please note, some demons may take various forms. It depends upon the individual and possibly their relationship with the demon.


If there is one in particular, go ahead and message me and I can assist.

Phil_Lopian Sep 19 '21
Yes. I channeled a drawing of a demon:

This demon is an assistant in Hell. He is holding a pitchfork to poke sinners with. This demon is an LGBTQECT demon. Note the skirt he wears. He enjoys crossdressing. Crossdressing is very transgressive. He has his hair in pigtails, can you see? This demon is anatomically correct, unlike dragons and other bat-winged demons: his batwings are his arms. Note the vestigial fingers protruding out of the tip of the wings proper.  

If you would like to know his name, please inquire/enquire. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Sep 20 '21
I didn't know Chloe was an artist.
donot Jan 8 '22
He is wearing a skirt. he is McDemon.
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