"Trump WILL be sworn in for a second term on January 20th!!," said a commenter on thedonald.win, a pro-Trump online forum, on Thursday, the day after the siege. "We must not let the communists win. Even if we have to burn DC to the ground. Tomorrow we take back DC and take back our country!!"
81 million disagree with that statement.
And also:
"we will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount"
Rant begin:
WAIT A GOD DAMN SECOND. What happened to unwavering support for the police? Oh they're not supporting conservative Christian ideals so now you must go like the angry antifa kids? Weren't Trump supporters being the exemplary example of patriotic tradition when it was suburban middle class kids dressing in black and spitting on cops? And I really liked how the Republican were clinging to that amist LA riots lite. Where'd that go?
But who has the Trump card here?
False accusations have a way of being completely discredited proportional to level of irate lack of perspective.
Quite simply, the trajectory would be in the opposite direction if valid. And it wouldn't be able to be suppressed. Everything would line up one way or the other, and unfortunately there is only mindless conspiracy website claims to back up anything to suggest actual fraud. No need to suppress what doesn't exist.
And had he won this wouldn't be an issue. So sorry all the millennials are voting liberal, but that is the trend of society as baby boomers die off.
Look at Georgia. It switched to pale blue.
The runoff elections were of those same ever-so-slightly pro-democrat margins.That was the Republican chance to show they still had control, and they lost. And the results were complimentary to each other. Even in runoffs and amidst the controversy, the same margins were present. So if the senator won by that tiny percentage in very close state, why couldn't that be the country in microcosm?
A VERY FUCKING MINOR blue sweep happened. It goes the other way too, sometimes with a near sweep of the electoral vote for a fucking potato that says "well" a lot.
In that instance they tried the fiscal conservative trickle down approach and it worked until Japan's economy took a shit. Then George H. W. Bush was railroaded and turned on by his own party for raising taxes to stave off a major recession.
So to every Trump supporter plotting holy war insurrection, stop being bitchy sore loser opfer (victim) bitches, and do what you all did with Obama. Spend 4-8 years saying Biden is an illuminati socialist serving Satan, and get fucking ready for the inevitable taking back of the House, Senate, or both in the mid terms, and hope he can pull off a Grover Cleavland two years later... if he is a still politically viable candidate.
Rant End.