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Brother Shamus
Brother Shamus Dec 30 '20
See!? You did it again! Stop doing that! I know you're avatar says, "Anna", but I'm seriously reading that as someone else. It's like a snake in the head that says, "cut out that quote And put it with this Avatar". And I can't stop it.  It's hopeless. 

The Forum post is edited by Brother Shamus Dec 30 '20
Phil_Lopian Dec 30 '20
This is why we can't have a nice forum like the neighbors. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 31 '20

Lately much of the time I just get in the car and drive, otherwise there would exist a greater "void" that would need accounting for; here as well, anything I can use to occupy the 'space'.

It appears as though I have arrived at somewhat of a different 'time', maybe it's the same for all else, I can't really say whether or not if it's the same 'place'.

talisman Jan 27 '21
There is no time, there is no space, just some suckers who think they know it all. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 27 '21
I'm one of those!  Let's do an intelligent conversation thread. 

I gotta believe in space/time, because it's too woven into the fabric of the physical universe I am part of. And no amount of observer defect changes the amount of photons that get absorbed or reflected. 

If anything all those wave collapse/role of consciousness arguments do is confirm uncertainty and non-compatibility as the only valid stance on the question of volition and whether or not we can really do or predict anything at all.

I am a firm believer the fucking tree still falls and there in no reason to get all Zen about shit. And all you need to do is see the tree for its leaves. 

 A lack of information on the part of observer did not stop the Cambrian explosion from happening. So while yeah, it's a wave to us until observation, to a chloroplast 1.8 billion years ago the light is most certainly a particle that is absorbed/reflected and converted without any intelligent observation needed. Just an evolved cellular membrane to strip electrons and such. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 27 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 27 '21

So I lied. I won't argue whether or not a "tree" falls in the absence of any observer because as previously stated this cannot be known, but also that it seems reasonable that it would.

So then, what can be stated unequivocally about 'this tree' in the forest that 'would' be dependent upon an observer.

I can say that the 'appearance' of the tree, any tree, is undoubtedly dependent upon 'certain' observers. I can say that a sad, lonely, and desolate tree is deprived of any 'color'.

I can say that it is the interactions of the physical properties of the tree with rebounding ambient light energy that ultimately is decoded via the visual mechanism and received by the individual consciousness, yielding 'color'.

So what this well known 'effect' amounts to basically is processing of information which 'does' require an observer as there are a triad of components in play here to render the complete phenomenon, so...

Exactly how deep is the rabbits' hole(rhetorical).

Anyway, I chose this because it was the familiar 'quick and dirty', I like it that way.

talisman Jan 30 '21
What you are describing is merely time. Processing of information is time. Any kind of action includes time. Interaction includes time. In the essence of it, color is time. Color is really an electromagnetic frequency, frequency is a time interval. 
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