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talisman May 7 '21
In your brain?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle May 7 '21
Quote from talisman In your brain?

How is it stupid to doubt that vaccine is safe? How is it stupid to see what happens to other or allow others take the vaccine first?
talisman May 7 '21
In the end you will be vaccinated. And all that will be left will be some stupid replies.
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle May 7 '21
Quote from talisman In the end you will be vaccinated. And all that will be left will be some stupid replies.

You will take it first. 
talisman May 7 '21
Wanna bet?
Anna May 8 '21

Quote from talisman In the end you will be vaccinated. And all that will be left will be some stupid replies.

This is a silly argument. You're now trying to play Cassandra. And nobody knows the future.

The only thing that would make me obliged to get a vaccine would be its absolute requirement for my line of work. I can't afford long time unemployment so if the vaccine was obligatory for healthcare and I didn't observe people dying or suffering from it en masse, then I would probably get vaccinated. 

A hypothetical situation when I could be required to prove my vaccine status in order to book a hotel or eat a meal in a restaurant would only trigger a "fuck you" response. And I know there are many others like me in my country. It's not only the matter of showing defiance. The thing is that giving in to social pressure for petty reasons might provoke self-loathing, which is off-putting enough even for those who would otherwise conform. Self-disdain would effectively annihilate any pleasure one could get from eating one's vaccine- status- deserved meal.

The Forum post is edited by Anna May 8 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 8 '21
This is exactly the thing that I find most irritating about this growing panic. It could serve to justify pending future ultimatums; I feel almost as if it is being planned that way.
Oracle May 9 '21
In simple terms and broad strokes for the plebs:

The current vaccines are an IQ test. They kill you. How depends on genetic differences between individuals, but general outcomes include blood coagulation, progressively worse neurological dysfunction, and organ failure (most commonly the heart). 

None of that though is quite so terrible as being stupid enough to take it. 

The oncoming Luciferase/Digital Certificate/Quantum Dot/Patch/Stamp/CoV-ID/Microneedle vaccines are the real deal. The Mark of The Beast. (Youtube Mirror) This one is not designed to kill you. It might though. 

At some point this year the virus will mutate in such a way that it will become far more deadly than previous. The economy will crash, lockdowns and totalitarian government will ensue. 

Expect forced vaccinations at some point in the future. The National Guard is already trained to do it. Don't expect them not to come for your guns as well. 

Watch out for the mosquitos with eyes that glow red in fluorescent light. You may want some infrared goggles to avoid these suckers. They are armed with a deadly 'vaccine' as-well.

Where is your safe space now, plebeians? The Morning Star is Dawning. 

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment May 9 '21

That seems like a paranoid christian overreaction.. 

Quote from Oracle
Expect forced vaccinations at some point in the future. The National Guard is already trained to do it. Don't expect them not to come for your guns as well.  
Doubt it. As of now the only restriction I have encountered without a vaccine is not being able to sit in the mask free section at the Padres game. 

But you are right. The AR15's in California suck. Clip limits, extra psychogical background checks? Just make it clear you want to make them as hard to get as possible! Gawd!  I feel for the poor Marine  Vet that just wants to keep their M4. Guess they'll just move to Phoenix or something.  I hear the restricted versions are still close enough. 

But what's the point of destroying a bunch of wood crates and phone books without 30 rounds really? 

I'll eat my words if ever becomes compulsory and they pry the gun from Heston's cold dead hands though. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment May 9 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 10 '21
I've never really been into assault rifles, for whatever reason, maybe just because I never came across any at a reasonable price.

A while back when I reduced my gun collection I got rid of the S & W .357 and the (I believe it was) standard Blackhawk .357.

So now when I venture out to unfamiliar territory, especially at night, I take the Ruger SB .44 since the only other choice would be the S & W 22 long.

One of the .357s would be a good/better choice but I gave in to the guy at the gun shop during the buyback because he was only interested in the .357s.

Edit : it occurred to me while I was listening to music here that I was thinking in terms of .35 but didn't write it that way.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 14 '21
talisman May 14 '21
Well, I prefer riding on my M1A2 Abrams. It has a longer range and better shielding. The guy in the paddock wanted to sell me something else, but I told him I want to stick to my M1A2 Abrams. It has a decent manoeuvrability and enough rounds to demolish a small village.  
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
I know the Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter (.44) is really too loud to use without a headset, and that's really the only thing I don't like about it, aside from the fact that every shot is a killshot.

I also know that by looking at the gun it was designed to be used single handed, and I'm not really sure about that day I accidently fired it without headset and got the instant Gong Show effect multiplied by I don't know what upside the fucking head, and said I wasn't doing that again.

But am thinking a one arm shot with a decent extension might be doable without fucking up my music, or anything else that requires the intricacies of hearing.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
talisman May 16 '21
Challenger II is another option. Nothing can stop it and it can fire rapidly but to loss in precision. But it's a quite difficult nut to crack. 
The Forum post is edited by talisman May 16 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
Lately I've just been thinking, does this fucking headset really need to go everywhere the .44 goes? I do realize a way to go minus the headset while protecting the leading ear, but honestly, the first time without a headset again is sketchy at best.
Anna May 20 '21
Oh fuck, now people who dare to express their doubts are not only called conspiracy nuts but it turns out they can be Russian trolls or even bots. I found this gem:

The Contagion of Doubt: Vaccines and Social Media

The damned Russians are jealous and seek to subvert the vaccination campaign by sowing the seeds of doubt in the minds of people, who then might start questioning the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines.

God forbid, under the influence of the enemy, they might even start to think for themselves! What a devilish agenda!

This all leads to the more dangerous pandemic of inactivity which makes people less enthusiastic about rushing to get a vaccine. Putin's trolls and bots achieve this by quarrelling with each other (one troll argues that vaccines are safe and effective, the other troll disagrees) so the onlookers are under the impression that the debate is genuine: 

"The point was to sow doubt. The Russian bots were not trying to spread a particular fake message. They were trying to generate enough social reinforcement on both sides of the debate that people believed the debate over vaccines was genuine. The more messages there were (and the more heated those messages appeared), the more convincing the debate would seem."

The Forum post is edited by Anna May 20 '21
Oracle May 27 '21
The Beast System is unveiled and will be enforced in 2022.

First will come the patch, digital tattoo, vaccine, which uses 'quantum dots' and 'luciferase'.
The infrared mark will not be visible to the naked eye. Next will come the brain chip.
Without one or the other you will not be able to trade, work, or participate in society.
Those that accept the beast will be granted free food, and enjoy a debt jubilee.
Crime will seemingly vanish as penalties are enacted immediately by AI.
Many will perish due to the violent nature of the current vaccines.
The incentives and ability to self-administer the vaccine,
as well as the convenience of paying by swipe of hand,
convinces much of the masses to participate in the
System of the Beast, which is designed to enslave.
The end of the world as we know it is upon us.
You have nothing to fear, the walls are closing
and yet a new door is opening.
Venture away from fear
and into your heart
in the dark met
with silence
mind draws
talisman May 30 '21
Disorientation is the main trick. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Sep 12 '21
Well, this covid thing is turning into a fucking nightmare with these mandates and all, just like I thought it might many months ago. People just won't shut the fuck up about it, and it's like a snowball effect, or a rolling stone that keeps gathering moss as well as momentum.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Sep 12 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Sep 12 '21
I know it sucks that a lot of people are dying, but I don't see that as an incentive to inject some experimental vaccine into my body under the pretense it will protect me and others.

Anyway, after I endured a couple nasty bacterial infections from cat bites as well as natural immunity from having had the virus. I believe I have superhuman immunity now so I don't need or want their fucking jab. I'm all set with that.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Sep 12 '21
I agree. And now because of the mandates, the school is requiring me to undergo daily testing OR the vaccine. No way in hell I'm getting the vaccine. I've had Covid. I have antibodies, so what will injecting the virus into my body do, other than a whole lot of nothing and then a whole lot of unknowns. THE VACCINE IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE HAD COVID. Although not much is publicized, I have found info from European healthcare providers indicating natural immunity decreases at an incredibly slower rate than vaccine immunity.

A couple weeks ago when I went to Railbird, no one wore masks and I was in the center of many many screaming crowds. Guess what? I didn't get Covid. I trust and support natural immunity. If you are not at a heightened health risk, don't be an idiot an inject yourself with a bunch of unknowns.

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