See, conscientious objection and "my body my choice" is okay so long as it doesn't kill an innocent zygote soul. Personal freedom is constitutional so long as it doesn't step on fuzzy judeo-christian taboos.
The funny thing now is conservatives will be appealing to a Federal ruling while the liberals endorse states rights.
It's a libertarians purgatory.
Why not decentralized government, deregulated capitalism, no free handouts, WITHOUT all the WASPY 50's shit? Like all that with pot and abortions?
Not ready for that yet?
Until then it will be more about blanket hatred as a package deal.
The only thing that really separates one administration from the next are what the people are bitching about the others doing at the time. Queer marriages, abortions, racism, and misogyny are just WAAAY more important than negligible changes in tax brackets or how thing are actually run.
These are my favorite side by side graphs now.
Wow that was a wickedly deadly wave!
Open everything back up now. It's over.
We don't care about solutions. We just want that which is most profitable.
Just do the vaccine and stop spreading bullshit. You're gonna thank me later. You're stupid poachers. It's just a pinch, don't be afraid. it is like all vaccines.A-aa-ha-a-achuuuuuuuuu!
Let us cut the bullshit.
Seriously? The immunity system is taught how to fight the virus. Immunity systems of different people can even have small dialogues like, "Hey, how are you're doing with the virus? " "What virus? Haha!"What the vaccine does is teaching our immunity system of how to efficiently fight the virus. So even when you get infected, if you are vaccinated you are even starting to defeating the virus inside you, making it less possible to spread from you. Did you even know that?
I know how vaccines work. Only the number of fully vaccinated people being admitted to hospitals is increasing as the new variant spreads. It's also said that Pfizer/Moderna vaccines offer only 33% protection against Omicron variant. Astra offers even less and it can take you to the grave.
I remain unvaccinated as I am not willing to put an experimental mRNA vaccine into my body.
I am a proud Satanist. My creed of self-preservation implies I do not blindly trust experimental science.
My instinct of self-preservation tells me to keep my job I happen to like. Not at any price but since millions upon millions of people took that vaccine and didn't kick the bucket, that means it's fairly safe, even if it fails to be effective.
I treat it like placebo. It doesn't hurt and it doesn't help either. Maybe, it makes some people feel better and safer.
Turns out the MNRA vaccine kills more than it saves. Mostly Males 18-40. Heart attack within 28 days of vaccine. 85% increase in sudden cardiac death. Some countries halted vaccines for the young. Even some US states. Only my country is so fucked right now liberals censor anything bad about it as misinformation.
They rushed it and it causes weird clots from the body fighting the vaccine.
Covid vaccine is as "dangerous" as any other vaccine. You can doubt its effectiveness though. If you need a jab every six months or so and you can still get covid, then it's basically placebo.
People's hysteria is funny. It will always find some bullshit to feed on. Now it's the time for iodine tablets. Beware! It's covid vaccine in pills!
But, the journal looks official.
"All of the abnormal blood samples of injected persons, the 948 cases,showed tubular/fibrous formations and frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar morphologiesacross all of the patients with abnormal blood samples.Our results are so similar to those of Lee et al. (2022) that it could be claimed that, except for our innovative application of dark-field microscopyto mark the foreign metal-like objects in the blood of mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna"
To be totally fair this is a pay for publication journal. You submit, if they approve you pay the processing fee. So what their motivations are is unknown, but it's compelling if you don't know how "academia" works. And kinda scary if you choose to believe they're finding objects in the bloodstream.
Shaker of salt with this, but maybe that will open the door for people in the cardiology field by trade contributing something.
It's hard when your leading contributors are an oral surgeon and an accupunture specialist.
The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research is a peer-reviewed scholarly open access journal concerning the development, distribution, and monitoring of vaccines and their components. All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose. Permission is not required from the publisher nor from the author, but inquiries and letters informing us of the lawful use of any of our published material are welcomed. All works are licensed under...
I've taken a couple of the covid tests with one being at about the midway point of the above - both negative. I did become somewhat annoyed with this person audibly breathing around me all the time, but of course my comments only serve to incite them to expel more air my way - a lesson I have repeatedly learned but fail to abide.