Covid Vaccine | Forum

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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
It depends on ones' particular situation. Some will require the shot before others, and maybe some not at all; some even want it, and some don't - me.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
I don't know what all the hype is about covid, but apparently, people are dying.
Anna Dec 9 '21
One positive thing about vaccination is that it exempts you from quarantine after the contact with the infected person. Of course, on condition you don't get sick. Although, personally, I didn't cope so badly with my quarantines compared to my colleagues who were going batshit crazy. Some rest, seclusion from others from time to time is even good for emotional health.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Dec 9 '21
I like quarantining. Especially when Im getting paid for it. 
Anna Dec 9 '21
I like it too unless it's lovely outside. Then it feels like a prison. Fortunately for me, when I had my quarantine it was raining all the time.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
I actually like going places on rainy overcast days, but I wouldn't want it to be that way all the time.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Quote from donot Honestly, you shouldn't mention rats when talking about a pandemic. 

Haha that was just a coincidence, good one though.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 11 '21
They pretty much quarantined me when they took my license for five months, but it ends at the end of next month. Could be a lot worse, like if I didn't have a PC or wasn't able to go online. That would suck.
Anna Dec 11 '21

Quote from donot What kind of people would like a quarantine? I am free, I want to move free and I want to feel free. 

Perhaps, it's not the most pleasant experience to have in life but it's no reason to be freaking out either. Quarantine is temporary, it lasts up to ten days but here it's usually shorter than that because some time passes before sanitary inspectors get the information about someone's positive test result and the people he/she was in contact with. And the time of quarantine is counted from the day of the last contact. So here it usually lasts 5 or 6 days. It's bearable. Of course, it can be longer if you fall sick.

Anna Dec 11 '21

Quote from donot yet it feels like a totalitarian regime. I do not think it's bearable.

It's those stupid lockdowns, face masks and other limitations imposed on healthy people that feel like a totalitarian regime. Individual isolations and quarantines are justified to me. Temporarily isolating sick people and those who had close contact with them so that they don't spread disease to others seems reasonable to me. When they recover they come back to normal life. Isolation or quarantine doesn't drag for months or years like silly lockdowns/restrictions do.

It's also nothing new. In 1963 we had here epidemic of smallpox in one city. The whole city was locked down with the cordon sanitaire. Nobody could leave it without a vaccine certificate. It was mandatory. Those who refused the vaccine were fined. The sick ones and those who had contact with them were isolated from the rest. But nobody was shutting down the businesses and forbidding people to work.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 11 '21
Anna Dec 12 '21

Quote from donot I We are free people. We have the right to choose. 

You're joking, aren't you? Surely, you can't be serious.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 12 '21
Quarantine makes sense to me if done properly. I can even relate this to my experience with aquariums. Often times fish from the pet stores come with parasites or whatever, so I always put them in a 'quarantine' tank first, because if you don't and they have "ick" then it will quickly spread and kill all your fish, and this HAS happened to me, more than once.

Edit : space(the final frontier)

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 12 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 15 '21
I don't really know what more can be said about this, of course there may be circumstances where quarantines are not properly done, but at the core it's just people trying to prevent the spread of an organism via the most basic and straightforward procedures.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 15 '21
So there is going to be some 'threshold' to where a quarantine should even be considered, and that could be debatable I suppose.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 15 '21
Let's just throw out these headlines: 

"Moderna Vaccine No Match For Omicron Varient"

"Omicron Spreading Faster Than Any Other Varient"

So 75% of the population is inoculated against a strain it does nothing for. 


This shit is playing Plague Incorporated.

Where's Wolfie and that  "organizing principle" because that's all I see. A virus driven to not be eradicated and carry out it's mortality rate objective. 

The way I look at it is 100 years ago (with same population) this kills 154,000,000 people. At 5.6 million current deaths it still has a sadistic environmental culling quota to fill. It's the constant natural cycle of purification and renewal being witnessed. 

It's just part of human (civilization) history to be globally infected through densely populated contact every 100 years. A side effect of no longer being in evenly dispersed tribal groups, like indigenous people. Who live in such equilibrium the rate of natural occurring disease has no natural medium to propagate in. Or have a need to form immunity to. 

If you want to put it in fruity pagan terms. Gaia is alive. She hates the rat people forming colonies that fuck the surrounding environment, so it periodically kills off a bunch of them.  

My thoughts... again. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 15 '21
Anna Dec 15 '21

Quote from donot Does it feel like joking to you? If putting people in quarantine like goldfish seems alright, then I'm just joking. Haha. 

So passing the virus to others, including vulnerable people, like the old and sick ones, seems all right? I can't picture myself going to work while knowing that I'm sick or had a close contact with a sick person and can make my patients die. It's another thing if you don't know. But if you do, then dunno, I would have some scruples. Besides, covid makes you feel like shit. 

Anna Dec 15 '21
Oh ok. I'm vaccinated too but I know that vaccinated people can catch covid too. And once you're sick, isolation is something reasonable. Seriously, if you're infected then what does it matter whether you're vaccinated or not?
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 15 '21
It's not like we were all born yesterday. Some of our immune systems have been fighting viruses and evolving their entire life. So far this covid seems like something that is entirely within the realm of the average immune system to handle. Vaccines may or may not help. It can be a bit dicey.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Dec 16 '21

Quote from donot Of course there is an immunity, but do not underestimate the danger. What I do not see is any negative effect of the vaccine. 

Likewise, some do not see the negative effects of a good ol' covid infection.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Dec 16 '21
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