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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 29 '21
Not to split hairs here, but I am equating "smart" with 'intelligent' where I think being a doctor actually has more to do with being 'knowledgeable', and of course assimilation of knowledge I imagine does require some degree of intelligence.
Anna Nov 29 '21
Maybe, the majority of doctors aren't evil but they often receive money from the pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their patients particular products. And it's not that much of a problem if those medicines help the patient. But sometimes, it happens that the patient buys some useless but expensive meds because they were recommended by his doctor. I suspect that my allergist gets some money for recommending the specific cosmetics. It happens that they belong to one and the same manufacturer. They are terribly expensive. I never buy them. I only buy the pills she prescribes because I have to take them. Otherwise, I would scratch myself to death. As far as the cosmetics for skin care go, you can achieve the same result rubbing the olive oil into the body. It nourishes the skin and is much cheaper.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Nov 29 '21
It rubs the olive oil on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 29 '21
In the US hospitals and healthcare is/has become pretty much a capitalist enterprise. The more you need something, the more they will jack the price. They pull invoice figures out their ass. It's a scam. I avoid it as much as possible.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Nov 29 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn In the US hospitals and healthcare is/has become pretty much a capitalist enterprise. The more you need something, the more they will jack the price. They pull invoice figures out their ass. It's a scam. I avoid it as much as possible.
Completely agree.. and most of my family are healthcare professionals. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 29 '21
I just don't have any use for healthcare the majority of the time, and yeah, their business practices are shady. One time I got billed for an ambulance I didn't request, or use, and another time both me and my insurance got billed for the same exact thing - double billing.

And if you don't submit to their ridiculous figures, they promptly turn you over to collections and try and bully it out of you by fucking with your credit. They just end up causing more trouble than they are worth much of the time.

Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Nov 29 '21
If a vaccine exists, then great. If a vaccine doesn't exist, then great. Doesn't matter to me. The only time it precludes me is the instance in which I am demanded to change my lifestyle. If I am being told what to wear, where I can go, etc. (Such as what we have been experiencing) there is reason for an address

In such a case, I don't give heed to such ideals. I do as I wish. If I am denied service(s), I boycott and go elsewhere. No problem! A mandate isn't a law, and any law which violates the Constitution is null and void. I have the right to travel. I have the right to free speech. I have many rights, just as others do. I will use my rights just as I urge others to. Remember, law enforcement has jurisdiction to enforce the law. There is no mandate enforcement agency. Since there is no vaccine/mask law, there is no jurisdiction for law enforcement to use force to gain adherence. 

I think the situation may be different for me than others. I don't have to constantly deal with the economic issues, drive, communicate, etc. on a daily basis, nor do I have a family to care for. I understand that others do have to deal with these things on a repeating basis. Do the best you can with what you can. 

Anna Nov 30 '21
@Infernal Acumen,

If you lived in Europe, you wouldn't have much choice. In most countries covid certificates are obligatory by law so the decision is not left to the business owners. You can't boycott one service and go to another. You're effectively barred from the social life altogether, including employment.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21

Quote from Infernal Acumen   I have the right to travel.    

Yet another Sovtard that argues a distinction between 'driving' and "traveling". "I am not engaging in commerce, therefore, I am not 'driving'. I am 'traveling'."

Maybe it looks good on paper, and you might even get away with it for a while, but the thugs with guns beg to differ, and some of us know how it usually ends. With your dumbass getting your window smashed out and dragged off to jail along with that fucking lame regurgitated internet script.

Edit : Wow. The forum is really out to get me today. Maybe I should be using my fucking phone instead.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
Anna Dec 1 '21

It all depends on the state laws. I don't know how it looks like in Texas. If introducing covid certificates depends on individual businesses, then it is possible that many won't be using them as that means losing a considerable number of clients. As far as the travel goes, he might have enough of money to afford testing each time he's out. The same goes for employers, some might require vaccinations, others not. But if covid green pass is mandated by the country law, then all the businesses are forced to use it, otherwise they pay fines.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
I know this is a "covid" thread which also might be associated with a "right to travel", but since IA placed it in a Constitutional context I was referring exclusively to that with covid aside.

The videos can be quite entertaining, and I've been meaning to put one up, but I never seem to find any of the good ones when browsing for that purpose.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
I guess that was 'my' trigger that has to do with those thinking that they can drive without a license where they try to expose a loophole in the Constitution by referring to it as "traveling", but perhaps just a reference to the Constitutional right to travel and not so much the sovereign unlicensed "traveling" aspect of it.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
So maybe I reached a bit on that one, but if they did start placing too much restriction on traveling then that would be the biggest incentive to date for me getting the shot.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 4 '21
I heard that a lot of people got turned away from a concert here recently for not having all of their papers in order, but in lieu of the NWO passport apparently a simple covid test was sufficient.

Got me wondering what the requirements will be next month when I go to the DMV, unless of course an internet option will be available. I have no problem with wearing a facemask, or even a covid test, but I'd prefer to avoid the mystery jab for as long as possible.

The state can really be assholes when it comes to a lot of stuff, so we'll see.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 4 '21
donot Dec 8 '21
Yeah all you kindergarten it might affect your sweeny. It really is getting amusing when you put it to the state. You might also blame the aliens. I mean creatures from other planets.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
People are fallible as a general rule. It doesn't matter who they are or what they do, and overall can't be trusted in a multitude of contexts. Personal decisions are somewhat proportionate to the risk involved.

I don't need their shot anyway unless for reasons previously stated. This whole covid thing is just one big fuckin' mess, and the vaccine seems to be causing more trouble than it's most likely worth.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
Honestly, I don't give a rats' ass about covid, or their vaccine.
Anna Dec 8 '21
However, if one had to choose between two options; mandatory vaccination or seasonal lockdowns, the former looks like the lesser evil. And it's not that harmful for the economy.
donot Dec 8 '21
Honestly, you shouldn't mention rats when talking about a pandemic. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 8 '21
Yeah lesser of two evils and the path of least resistance. That's how I'm dealing with it.
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