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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 31 '21
I usually carry a weapon and don't have any big plans anyway. I don't fly, so if I can't drive there, I ain't goin'. I get my license back in February and I know there's a couple mountains I was thinking about taking a visit to, but in general, I just love driving to remote places, and just the driving itself. I enjoy that too.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 1 '21
This is just a couple of random videos that came up on a new site I've been checking out. This first one is 661 deaths after vaccination. It's for the state of Maine since it apparently got my location : Vaccine Deaths, and the second is some shit about tampering with the vaccines : 666.

For entertainment and academic purposes only; not acting as proponent in any way shape or form.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 1 '21
I did recall some talk about blood clotting as a side effect, but looked it up and apparently it's fairly infrequent. I was thinking that if they were using experimental additives that are not specific to vaccines per se, if this might be a cause for this particular side effect. So the point being perhaps a side effect lending credence to an unusual procedure, or not.
Anna Nov 1 '21
I read it's the auto- immune reaction to the adenovirus vector, which is present in Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. And yes, it's not frequent but you'll be totally screwed if it happens to you.
Singende Säge
Singende Säge Nov 3 '21
I have to post this article  and its references, for professionals here to learn about their views on it. It is about Vitamin-D and its positive effects in fighting Covid in hospitalized patients.

donot Nov 3 '21
Blah blah blah. Are you shit scared of the vaccine? Then you should double shit scared of covid. 
Singende Säge
Singende Säge Nov 3 '21
I'm not scared of the vaccine, and neither I am of Covid. I just don't like new, not well researched stuff injected because we're manipulated to feel hysterical about Covid.

I think media pressure and resulting social pressure to take it is unethical.
donot Nov 3 '21
You shift your choice to others and give credit to so called "media" and "social" pressure, when there's only you scared to shit. Which is understandable. But, what is the worse to fear?
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 3 '21
I haven't read the article, but there IS a difference between being prudent, and being "scared".
Anna Nov 6 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn I haven't read the article, but there IS a difference between being prudent, and being "scared".

The problem with the anti-vaccination movement is that they promote the same kind of fear-mongering as the most fanatical covidiots. I can understand prudence but, seriously, in spite of all the claims that the vaccines are deadly and that the governments are trying to exterminate their citizens with the help of the vaccines, I somehow don't see people dying en masse after their vaccination. Sure, there are some rare cases of serious side effects and some vaccines appear to be more risky than others but it's nothing even remotely resembling the mass Rwanda-styled genocide. And if you tell these people that you don't see the corpses of the vaccinated lying on the streets, they will answer "Just wait several years and you'll be dead", indulging in the most obvious "correlation implies causation" fallacy. Guess what, people die. If you kick the bucket 20 years after your vaccination, will it be due to the vaccine too?

The next problem is the same appeal to the fucking authority. Just like the vaccine enthusiasts cite the medical authorities and emphasize their "belief" in science, anti-vaxxers are usually the true believers in vitamins or amantadine, parroting their gurus and following them blindly. It's the same fanatical bullshit for me that has nothing to do with reason.

Some people even go so far in their idiocy as to claim that there were no cases of blood clots before the introduction of the vaccines because the media didn't describe them before.

Certainly, the social and political pressure to push the vaccine or mask mandates on everyone is annoying. But this is just one side of the coin. The thing is that their opponents are guilty of the same groupthink and cult mentality. The black sheep is still a sheep.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 6 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 6 '21

Seriously. It's like I said before. There have always been mandates in place concerning vaccines, but all of the sudden there has been a big jump in scale and a reduction in freedom of choice. With a university, I have a choice of not attending, or I can just say screw it(like I did) and get the damn vaccine - path of least resistance.

But then they kick it up a notch, and they come to your workplace. So now they are more and more restricting your choice with less wiggle room to circumvent - more control less freedom. So attending a university or not in comparison with do I work or not where the latter isn't really much of a choice; the decisions increasingly becoming more dire.

The way I feel about it is that unless it is forced on me, then I'm not interested. If they say that in order to do or have X, then you must receive Y, where X is something that I cannot live without, or, a choice that resolves to a lesser of two evils - path of yada yada. Then fine, I'll take it and hope for the best.

I was also tested for covid BTW. Last week when I had a sore throat instead of someone bringing back my change like they were supposed to they came back with a covid test - it was negative.

donot Nov 6 '21
You're just scared of the vaccine. Totally and completely scared. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 7 '21
You know what scares me more than the vaccine? My girlfriend yelling at me. She can be excruciatingly loud at times, and I have somewhat sensitive ears. Granted, I do like my music loud, but that's different.
AlexTheTerrible Nov 11 '21

Quote from Anna It's often called the light at the end of a tunnel. Is it an exit or just the lights of an oncoming train? Are you enthusiastic, sceptical, indifferent? Thoughts? You can talk science or let your imagination run wild. 
Might be a late response, since this whole vaccine thing started a while back. The whole Covid issue isn't really a big interest of mine, knowing that you have those outside, including those within LHP practice that have different theories of the whole Covid shit. Trust me, I'm friends with someone who practices the western Left Hand Path and is anti Covid/anti Vax who expresses his viewpoints fair enough. I've seen far to many bickering's including those who say if you get vaccinated its contradictory to this 'LHP philosophy.'  Believe it or not I got vaccinated and believe that the Covid thing exists, and I've personally taken my own precautions.

I find it funny that the average political/herd population who are against the vaccine would preach their so called Individualist philosophy, when in fact it is collectivistic, this also applies to some on the Left Hand Path who would team up with that collectivistic political side on this whole Covid thing. I consider myself to be personally a radical individualist, but I believe in approaching things in a smart and practical way.

People these days rely to much on Science, at times it's treated almost as an atheists religion. So many people (as in the herd) assumes that a vaccine is bullet proof, when in fact it isn't. Some vaccines have caused the reverse, including possible death, you name it. Their have even been news articles on the evidence that vaccines such as Moderna, wears out over time (meaning if it is 90% effective, it can drop to a 60% over the months). 

The way I look at Covid, I look at it as part of the process of Natural Selection, the weak and the stupid get weeded out, while the smart or the strong survives.  I am actually glad that this Natural Selection process is happening, since stupidity is the number 1 Satanic Sin. This Satanic Sin also applies to the ridiculous political meme's on the Covid thing that others have been spilling both outside the Left Hand Path and inside the Left Hand Path. As far as Science goes, their is nothing wrong in believing in Science, but in a moderate way. Science should not be as heavily relied upon, since some of it is speculation. I acknowledge the importance of Science. But many people rely on it to much.

The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Nov 11 '21
Anna Nov 11 '21
As I wrote before, I waited before getting vaccinated, talked to the people about their side effects etc. I'm not against vaccines but I'm a bit sceptical about the Covid vaccines. It's the matter of calculation for me. Having potential problems with my work would be more risky for me than taking a vaccine. On the other hand, if I obseved people dying or becoming handicapped en masse because of the vaccine, maybe I would rather sacrifice my job for my well-being?

Anyway, the one I took proved harmless but I don't know if it's effective. I had Covid once, it was mild so I don't worry too much about it. I don't believe in all those other protections. I still avoid wearing a mask and keeping distance. And I believe the disinfectants bring more harm than good.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 11 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 13 '21
Everyone on YouTube is talking about how they are getting rid of the dislikes(thumbs down) feature because of the vast majority of users that are against being vaccinated, mandates, and all the hype, and thumbing down prominent news articles and such in massive numbers. The ratio of likes/dislikes is ridiculous, and they don't like it, or so they say.
Anna Nov 13 '21
The same is with all those fact checkers on Facebook. Also if you share any opinion on the vaccine, then immediately they add the alert about the "objective" vaccine information link. It's such a primitive form of censorship, it's so obvious, that I'm not really surprised at the growing number of anti-vaccine sentiment and all the conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccines. If people's sincere doubts and concerns are dismissed or laughed off, if the questions remain unanswered and opinions censored, suspicions grow gradually paving the way for the dissent or even open hostility. It's a natural reaction.
Anna Nov 22 '21
Okey dokey. Let's now add the damned Russians to the mess. There's some alarming news that Putin is planning to invade Ukraine. This is going to happen soon, in January. But before that there are plans to destabilize the country by fuelling anti-government sentiment, for example, supporting anti-vaccine movement.

Russia preparing to attack Ukraine by late January: Ukraine defense intelligence agency chief

They want to foment unrest, through protests and meetings, that show the people are against the government,” he said. Those efforts include ongoing anti-COVID-19 vaccination protests that Budanov said have been organized by Russia, which is also trying to stoke unrest related to the economy and energy supplies.

I don't deny Russian subversion. It's true to some extent but, seriously... are the Russians to blame each time some government fucks up and pisses off its citizens?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 22 '21
Russia attack Ukraine, China back Russia, everyone else no longer get good price on woodka.  Ukraine on own weak. Needs West or else Ukraine game to Russia.  

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 22 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 23 '21
China does bug me a little, and not really sure about the other possible doomsday scenarios, but hopefully the relevant superpowers will continue to believe that a nuclear war is not winnable.
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