Nannyocracy is anytime a govt restricts something to it's people because it's "dangerous" -- like running with scissors.Seatbelts, extra large sodas, trans fats, the FCC, bike helmets, etc etc.
Anyway, as someone who doesn't live in the USA, I'm just curious to know why you have so much gun violence - if in fact you do?
Depends on who you ask. Video games, action movies, metal and rap music, porn, chemicals in our food, the media, the weather, etc.
We do have a decent amount of gun violence in the US of A, but we are not the worst, per capita. I read somewhere that Hondoras is the worst, and several South American and South African areas are worse than the US (those pesky Southerners...). Its just more publicized here and the fear mongering of the media and religious groups make it seem worse than it is. I have lived in NYC my whole life, and have never seen someone get shot. I may have known one or two people that have been shot or did the shooting, but I can count them all on one hand. People just get pissed off or greedy, and when you have over 320 million people, the numbers will be high overall. But I am pretty sure, if guns didn't exist, we would be talking about sword control, or rock control, or sharpened stick control. People will kill when they want, guns or no guns.
Nannyocracy is anytime a govt restricts something to it's people because it's "dangerous" -- like running with scissors.Seatbelts, extra large sodas, trans fats, the FCC, bike helmets, etc etc.
Exactly. And drugs, high explosives , hazardous chemicals...
Nannyocracy is anytime a govt restricts something to it's people because it's "dangerous" -- like running with scissors.Seatbelts, extra large sodas, trans fats, the FCC, bike helmets, etc etc.
Nannyocracy is anytime a govt restricts something to it's people because it's "dangerous" -- like running with scissors.Seatbelts, extra large sodas, trans fats, the FCC, bike helmets, etc etc.
Exactly. And drugs, high explosives , hazardous chemicals...
Nannyocracy is anytime a govt restricts something to it's people because it's "dangerous" -- like running with scissors.Seatbelts, extra large sodas, trans fats, the FCC, bike helmets, etc etc.
Those last 3 (drugs are debatable) I can understand restrictions or specialized training for. Those last 3 (again, drugs are debatable) can be used to hurt others. I disagree with the "Nannyocracy" for things that I choose to take the risk for myself, like a seat belt or bike helmet. If I crash, I will be the only one at risk for injury if I am not wearing them. If I am wearing them, it wont help or hurt others. Some things DO need to be restricted or special training to handle.
I know I sound like I am arguing for the tighter restrictions for gun control here, because guns were specifically made to hurt, injure, kill others. So some restriction does need to be in place. Something like, in exchange or in addition to the 3 days waiting period, there should be a required safety course and certification. I am not opposed to the mental health checks and violent felon checks (on a case by case basis). There are some great people, that may have had too much to drink one night and got into a bar fight because some other drunk douchebag grabbed his girlfriend's ass, and now he has a felony on his record and can never legally own a gun to protect himself or his family. (not talking about myself here, just as an example).
The bottom line is, in my humble opinion, is that we all need to be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones, and it sounds like the only way some of us will be able to effectively, is to either illegally get a gun and hope we don't get caught with possession, or hope really hard that we don't ever have a situation where we needed one.
Or we can say "fuck it", give everyone and anyone a gun, have a massive amount of shootings for a about a year or so, clean up the mess (prosecute those that murdered and excuse those that protected or defended), and hope that most of the wack jobs and anarchists were killed early on, and live in a much safer, modern day Old West.
As far as your nannyocracy argument , anyone who decides to handle hazardous materials without proper training is usually the kind of people smarter people have weeded out of their life. Therefore, any damage, in my opinion, caused by such people is more likely to improve the human race than not.
Your logic is flawed since not every one who shoots in a crime goes to the range, they just pick up the gun, go to the person who walked by without saying, "hi" and shoot,while holding the gun sideways like in the movies, so get everyone but the intended target, or just shoot wildly in a crowded mall, or whatever. In other words, guns will always be available on the black market.
I'd rather see people trained like others have been stating. Mental health is never going to be dealt with properly so it makes more sense to me to be lawfully armed so I can protect myself if the time arises. I carry a Smith & Wesson SW 627.357 2.3 Inch Barrel.Define 'when the time comes'. Is that in the RN(real nigga) sense, what means any and everything that some fooo says or do that sets me off or offends me, because I am too overly sensitive and unbalanced and relinguish all responsibility for my actions, cus I can always blame slavery and the fairy called institutionalized racism?
I carry a Revolver because of my belief that if the time comes that I need to use it, I will have intent, this is due to trigger weights IMO being to light on many Pistols.
I feel I'm taking further responsibility by using a Revolver with a heavier weight trigger pull. And the time comes when someone tries to inflict mortal damage to me, my family or tries to steal my valuables.
I'd rather see people trained like others have been stating. Mental health is never going to be dealt with properly so it makes more sense to me to be lawfully armed so I can protect myself if the time arises. I carry a Smith & Wesson SW 627.357 2.3 Inch Barrel.Define 'when the time comes'. Is that in the RN(real nigga) sense, what means any and everything that some fooo says or do that sets me off or offends me, because I am too overly sensitive and unbalanced and relinguish all responsibility for my actions, cus I can always blame slavery and the fairy called institutionalized racism?
I carry a Revolver because of my belief that if the time comes that I need to use it, I will have intent, this is due to trigger weights IMO being to light on many Pistols.
I have no clue where your diatribe about racism or me being a "Real Nigga" comes from. I'm Polish, and I don't trust anyone except my family, including the police or military. I'm more worried about a Authority agency then I am some random person.
It's only racism when you think I'm a white guy(I am not a white guy) throwing round the N-word just willy nilly. In other words, my diatribe was my pulling your chain, based on the pic, which reminded me a lot of 'real' the word no one is allowed to say if you don't have melanin in your skin and the white kids who emulate them because they think it's cool...but never mind.
So, yeah. to start over with my foot out of my mouth, lol what's the difference between a lighter and a heavier weight trigger pull?
I lived in Mississippi around 11 years ago. I lived in Tupelo. Where I was living, crime seemed to be almost non existent. I found out that was because most people had guns in their homes.
I think complete gun confiscation would be a catastrophic mistake, it would just mean that law abiding citizens, who for the most part had been responsible gun owners were left unprotected. People who own guns and obey the law are not the problem, it's the criminals that are the problem.
It galled me the other year when I saw Piers Morgan on American TV advocating gun control. He's not even American. Still, America can breathe easy. He came back here to England so we are stuck with him again now.