A Psychoanalysis Session in this Modern Day | Forum

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Clyde_Sotch Dec 3 '20
I have always had an astute interest in Psychoanalytic theory, particularly of the works of Wilhelm Reich and, of course, Freud. These days, this practice is hard to come by (especially for me as I live in a not-so-big city), but there are still practitioners willing to administer sessions, it's all a matter of finding them.

I have found the PsyAn subreddit to be helpful in obtaining the necessary information. Among other internet research, I have supposedly found a few practitioners near my area, all charging a pretty penny for what I assume is a phone session (covid).

Has anyone here undergone psychoanalysis? Orgone therapy? (I have seen Zach Black's video on it which was quite informative). If so, how recent was it? And how are the conditions now during the plandemic?
Aborior Translatione
Stay away from anything that calls it an audit and tries to establish itself as an alternative of psychology. Or anything using a polygraph under a bullshit name. 

Still the same focus on early life trauma and damage though.  

You're getting Freud and Jung with a less mendacious analytic session. A typical endpoint in all of the above is, "because this happened, you now do this to compensate for that." 

Fuck it, The Offspring will finish my answer. 

Because it all just happens again way down the line..

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Dec 3 '20
Anna Dec 4 '20
I attended it when I was 20. I was pretty neurotic then, paralysed by obsessive fears and unable to focus on my studies. It wasn't psychoanalysis though but a standard psychotherapy. If you are strictly interested in psychoanalysis, you can simply study it because I really don't understand why a healthy person should spend money on therapists. If on the other hand you have some mental issues which interfere with your daily life, go for normal psychotherapy and not some alternative bullshit. Sessions through the phone are a way for cowardly pricks to earn the money with minimum risk and effort. And why would anyone consult a therapist who is more paranoid than them? 
Clyde_Sotch Dec 4 '20

Quote from Anna I attended it when I was 20. I was pretty neurotic then, paralysed by obsessive fears and unable to focus on my studies. It wasn't psychoanalysis though but a standard psychotherapy. If you are strictly interested in psychoanalysis, you can simply study it because I really don't understand why a healthy person should spend money on therapists. If on the other hand you have some mental issues which interfere with your daily life, go for normal psychotherapy and not some alternative bullshit. Sessions through the phone are a way for cowardly pricks to earn the money with minimum risk and effort. And why would anyone consult a therapist who is more paranoid than them? 
That's a fair point. I do believe "healthy" individuals can benefit from a session as well. I think it could help free some subconscious roadblocks, similar to how one would take psychedelics with that intention (which I've done before to great results). Then we can say save your money and buy yourself an acid trip, and I would say you're right but still I think both can benefit an individual in different ways. I am aware there are many more quacks in this field than one would like to believe, usually taking advantage of the power of suggestion. Anyone seeking this should always do their homework first.

Thank you for your answer.

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