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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

The Nevid - From Nothing

Once upon a time there was nothing. Now this was not your everyday sort of 'nothing', quite the contrary, this was a very special 'nothing' indeed.

Nearly impossible for beings born in a world of 'something' to conceive such a thing beyond their existence nor why would they even bother.

Many centuries passing while this 'nothing' went unchecked amidst a new world oblivious consuming many with their mundane affairs.

Then one day far away in a remote little corner of the world a mad scientist became hard at work; blessed be the day, that day, for he had discovered...


Now I'm going to turn around and murder my girlfriend who is sitting behind me rolling cigarettes, and probably also reading what I write(as usual) because she won't shut the fuck up; saying my music is giving her a headache.

She is a good girlfriend though, works all day, comes home and rolls me cigarettes and makes food, among other things. I will miss her...some.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
The Serpent And The Rainbow
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

- the serpents in the rainbow
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Oct 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

- the serpent is the rainbow
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Oct 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

- the rainbow becomes the serpent

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Oct 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 7 '21

The Nevid - Vectors Of Time

Been hearing a lot about time lines/paths lately and the converging of these to a relative area. It is my understanding, that generally speaking, there are two key players here.

First there would be the primordial vector which is the flow of time from the beginning to the end of the universe, also referred as 'the macrocosm'.

Secondly there would be the virtually infinite array of microcosmic vectors that are a subset of the aforementioned primordial vector.

The microcosmic time vectors could be anything from creatures, planets, and stars to anything that 'moves' at all. As mentioned elsewhere, all of these 'time vectors' would progress concurrently as well as independently of one another.

'Some' and usually quite many of these 'will' converge to a relative area within the primordial space/time vector where there will be an awareness of 'presence' with one regarding the other.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 7 '21
Nothing; No Limit; The Limitless Light

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 2 '21

So what exactly is the nature of 'identity', this essence of what we are; where it begins; ends. Who will I be tomorrow; next year, what is it that never changes and makes me who I am.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 29 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 8 '21

The Nevid - Dream Analogy

Stephen Hawking called it the "Singularity", the 'thing' that did not exist 'anywhere', for there was 'nowhere' for it to exist. I call it the Nevid, a primordial point of consciousness that is the mind of God expanding within itself...

A mental menagerie of the primordial thus fortifying the Hermetic axiom : All is mind

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Sep 3 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 13 '21
Some things never change, and some things do.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jul 13 '21

I had never heard of them before, but thanks to the internet and technology allowing music to be much more accessible, a couple decades ago when I was in the habit of acquiring new music, I stumbled upon them, and some other decent bands that were a good find as well at the time, such as Therion, and Agathodaimon et al.


Anyway, thanks for stopping by, friend. I do enjoy seeing you pop in and out of here every so often.


P.S. Oh and yeah The Carpenter is also a good song by them and I almost posted that the other day myself which was probably being associated with something written although I don't recall exactly.


Okay so I'm gonna listen to The Carpenter and then get the fuck out of here, and go finish balancing my tires, I have a new foolproof system in place, and a brand new set of wheel weights.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 8 '21
I was just having a friendly chat with a ghost, that's all, now you see it, now you don't.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 8 '21
The 'I' Of Eternity


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 8 '21
'I' Am Awake 




And 'I' Stand Alone


The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Aug 22 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 7 '21
The Nevid is the point. It is the illusion from which worlds arise. Every thing is from nothing, there was never any thing


The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 10 '22
When the Solution is Insanity


- have some pi

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 13 '22

Maybe it was the God Shaped Hole(different forum) that got me thinking about Kabbalah again, but more importantly, that which sits atop the crown, and since the tree of life exists as an aspect of eternity, it only represents one single iteration as part of a never-ending cycle.

The three elements that are paramount and most mysterious are the Ein(or Ain), Soph, and Aur, which can be translated to a contemporary cosmological as well as theological model as follows :

1. Ein : nothing, as in absolutely nothing. No space, no time, nada, not even God.

2. Soph : no limit, acausal, which could also be referred the self-begotten aspect of God, i.e., it begets its' own existence. Maybe in some ways similar to Schrodingers' Cat in that it both does and does not exist. God resetting itself to a new beginning to avoid infinite regression, perhaps among other things.

3. Aur : the limitless light. The emergence of God from nothing, or more precisely, the Ein Soph.

One and two combined represent the Ein Soph(for I the eternal have never changed), or, no limit of nothing. The deepest root which apparently even transcends God itself (no offense), as well as space and time of course.

And then this is followed by the tree itself and the initial sephirah - one from zero (the nine numbers of creation).

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 13 '22
The term 'nothing' like God itself leaves a lot to be desired. It appears that when 'nothing' is applied in a universal and existential context in meaning an absolute state of nothingness or the inverse of space and time. There remains something very special about this inverse space and time.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 14 '22

A Dead Eternity

An ungoverned function that operates as a default state of nothing (ness)

and the only thing that circumvents the prospect

of a dead eternity

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 9 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 17 '22

Above And Below

Skies above, cerulean blue, graduates, a different hue,

reflections down, darks of blue, to shades of green

gradient browns and in betweens, darker still...

'til 'neath it seems very dark; nearly black

deeper down, still, till lack,


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