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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 16 '20

The Nevid - Static Eternal States

Time can be regressed to the primordial origin where it stops in lieu of infinitely regressing. The spacetime(Nuit) ceases to exist and all that remains is the primordial precursor(Hadit) to the aethereal expansion, but nothing is forever, not even God itself...

So sayeth The Eternal Serpent.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 16 '20
I believe this one goes well with the aforementioned as well.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 20 '20

The Nevid - In - Out

The one arm of the spiral approaching the innermost depths of the microcosm complimented by the forever reaching infinity; the dream that makes it all worthwhile to the nightmare wishing it over...

All of these and so much more.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 20 '20

When the material is reduced to a most fundamental extreme where all that remains is the primordial remnant; the waveform, the frequency, the Logos.

The word of God that was uttered so many countless eons ago.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 21 '20
Good Morning Sunshine

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Nov 12 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 21 '20


Never there was. Never there will be. Never again.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Nov 12 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 21 '20

The Nevid - Spheres Within Spheres Continued

Kether at the first emanation which is a manifestation of the limitless light from nothing; a convergence of this energy to a singular zero dimensional point of infinite density(d = m/v).

The second and third emanations which completes the supernal triad is a result of the divine masculine and feminine aspects(respectively) being divided from the initial unity.

The second sphere of development emanates and makes fertile thy mother - the third emanation which initiates the aethereal expansion. This expansion is reflected on a lower plane following conception with respect to the inferior feminine aspect. Nine spheres; nine months(or Moons). Ten is a reflection of one...

As above, so below; as within, so without.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 22 '20

Spheres Within Spheres Continued - The Abyss

So the Tree Of Life model being elaborated on here is that of concentric spheres with Kether(Kay-ter) being the innermost sphere, or more precisely, primordial point, and Malkuth(Mal-koot) being the outermost.

Every sphere that is currently undergoing its' evolution is a superset of its' predecessors, ergo, spheres within spheres, concentrically.

Every sphere, or, sephirah(Seh-fear-uh) is representative of a phase of cosmic evolution, or layer of time that is measured in eons, more or less. The first three stages are often referred as the supernal triad.

Immediately following this divine trinity commences with the formation of Daath(Da-ut; knowledge) which is an empty emanation - it has no number.

The aethereal expansion occurring at luminal/super luminal speeds creating an immense void separating the supernal triad from the remaining seven sephiroth(Seh-fear-ote), otherwise known as...

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 23 '20
It Don't Come Easy

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 24 '20

Spheres Within Spheres - Yetzirah - The Hexagram

This title has covered two of the four Kabbalistic worlds thus far, that of Atziluth(as-sigh-loot) and Briah(Bur-eye-ah). These are the divine and archangelic realms.

The third world is Yetzirah, and it is the world of angels, or, intermediaries. It is composed of seven spheres. There are six outer spheres with the Sun being at the center of this arrangement.

The first upright triangle of the hexagram is a rendering of Daath, Netzach, and Hod. With the inverted portion being that of Chesed(Gedulah), Geburah, and Yesod.

The top point of the hexagram is positioned at the Abyss, while the top left and right points give the side pillars their name. Their names are Severity and Mercy, respectively.

The bottom point of the hexagram is positioned at the ninth emanation...

The Moon.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 25 '20

The Nevid - Broken Time - A Prelude To Music

The inquiry begins here for me, which may or may not be related to the article (which has been omitted), and everything else. So this would be time that relates specifically to the macrocosm, or, universe.

Is it broken? Well, I would say it is infinitely fragmented. It starts and stops, ergo the fragments.

I believe there is an eternity of finite linear time segments that are forever perpetuated without beginning or end. An infinity of universes that are a function of the acausal.

So the broken, or, fragmenting of time, occurs when the universe is regressed to a point just prior to the aethereal expansion which marks the beginning of space and time.

With space and time removed from this context what you end up with, ultimately, is a static eternal (frozen) state of nothingness. Now you are in the realm of the acausal with laws which are akin to the quantum realm. Which seems reasonable since the universe has now been reduced beyond a zero volume, or, zero dimensional point of consciousness, beyond this 'Godseed', and therefore, time as well.

And this is reminiscent of a universal pendulum effect where every swing of the pendulum is representative of a finite universal linear time segment. The segments themselves are finite, but the process itself is eternal. The pendulum never began this motion, therefore, it will never end - the definition of eternity.

Thus time is broken in a macrocosmic sense as it does not exist as a whole and complete cosmological constant where it may be regressed indefinitely, but as an infinite set of finite linear fragments which are forever perpetuated as a function of the acausal.


Clarification : primordial consciousness and macrocosmic time are one in the same. Even when spacetime has been removed there may still be 'movement' within the primordial. It is only when that 'ends' would there be a static eternal state of nothingness which would then be the realm of the acausal setting the stage for a 'self-begotten' emergence via this mysterious acausal parameter.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Oct 10 '21
Phil_Lopian Dec 25 '20
time that relates specifically to the macrocosm, or, universe.

"I am time..."

The Forum post is edited by Phil_Lopian Dec 25 '20
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 25 '20
The Therion

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
And the serpent said let me show you a thing or two about color.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
Invisible snakes. Sine, sine, ser - pen - tine.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

Its' headdress adorned of the golden serpent wrapped sphere...

The serpents of light that propagate the aether; destined for the terrestrial sphere - the Kingdom.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20

- Ra
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
Surrounded by six holy spheres.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
(Otis from The Devils' Rejects)

Aight everyone, let's all give a big round of applause for the 'magic'.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 26 '20
Tutti Fuckin' Frutti

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21
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