I am everywhere, and I am nowhere. I am everything, and I am nothing.
I am everywhere, and I am nowhere. I am everything, and I am nothing.
The Nevid - Something From Nothing
So maybe nearly a couple decades ago there was this argument, that, 'some thing' must have always existed, otherwise, 'some thing' would have had to have come from 'no thing'.
Back then the idea was that it was impossible for 'some thing' to come from 'no thing'(something from nothing), therefore, some thing must have always existed; be eternal, and that thing was God.
You could even slip a logical tautology in here so that one or the other must be true : either there is a thing that is eternal, or there is not a thing that is eternal.
Ultimately though, what transpired was openness to plausibility of a something from nothing scenario over that of an eternal thing;
Thus began an inquiry into nothingness and the ramifications thereof.
The Matrix
When reality is taken at face value there may exist a compulsion to disregard the illusion because it all just seems too damn real, and there lies the beauty in perfection...
It is quite natural for us four dimensional beings to conceptualize a default state of existence being that of limitless space, when in fact that could not be further from the truth...
There is no space, there never was. There is only the illusion of space that was created within the mind of the primordial.
The eternal serpent forever subjecting my father to a suffocating hell ad infinitum. There was a way, yes...
God is glorious, as always, supreme omnipotent being that it is. Well done father.
The Silence
Ex nigrum holoserica mare silentium ego veni et ex unde ego revertetur noli timere eam erat origo de omnia quod erat habetis dilexit...
From the black velvet sea of silence I come, and from whence I return, but fear not, it is the source of all that was ever loved.
Cast me to the abyss; I will reemerge when the conditions are right, eternity is my saviour, always...
The primordial does not exist any where, for there is no where, for it to exist.
I can conceive of the progressive rippling effect; oscillations through the ages of rhythmic emanations bubbling up through the eons of time and resulting in this sweet little pinnacle of 'perfectness'.
Anabolizing and materializing the waveform from nothingness to complete realization. Consciousness has a knack for rhythm. Good girl.
Whatever happens, will again, or would not have at all.
I do not believe in a primordial god that is open for mundane communication, but I do believe that there are entities, or, intermediaries, between us and it...
Sometimes I am faced with a choice of posting a track that I really like as opposed to one that better relates to the piece in question; this is one of those times, but hey, it's a good tune nonetheless...
The Nevid - Spheres Within Spheres
The Tree Of Life model is most often presented in such a way so as to provide certain information although it speaks very little about its' exact and actual cosmic evolution.
In order to relay the actual cosmic evolution of this Tree Of Life a new diagram must be rendered. It is sometimes said that every sphere of the tree is contained in every other sphere, and while this is true there are very few graphical representations that elaborate on this concept.
The two most common models of the tree are the Lurianic(Isaac Luria), and the Gra(perfected tree) models with the former being the most common. There is a third however that is a direct representation of its' universal evolution, that of spheres within spheres.
The onion metaphor works well to relay this concept. The primordial singularity(1) would be the core of the onion and the successive sephiroth become its' layers. The 10th emanation(creation of Earth), would then be the final layer, surface, or the skin of the onion.
All attributes of each individual sphere then would be contained in every other sphere although the manner of such would be dependent upon which sphere is currently evolving as they would evolve in succession according to their number.