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JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Sep 27 '14
"Too many chiefs and not enough indians."

In a civilization that has recently seen unprecedented change in social dynamics, where individualism(s) have become more widespread than ever before, will the above idiom be its undoing?

Spengler seemed to think so.

Subjugation has played a historic role in the development of civilization. So much so that the "master/slave" relationship is ingrained in our very nature.

Buckminster Fuller suggested that the advancement of technology would give way to decline in the need for human subjugation, and lead to a utopian state, if we don't blow ourselves up first.

But is it too much, too soon? Has our technology surpassed our humanity? Can our hunter-gatherer instinct cope with an existence where struggle is not commonplace?

Will we successfully destroy ourselves with technology before it is able to be the catalyst toward the next evolutionary step?

What are your thoughts?

Shawn Sep 27 '14
My first thought is that master/slave relationship isn't ingrained in our DNA. Before the industrial revolution, most people were what we would call today 'self-employed craftsmen.'

MercuryMan Sep 27 '14
Technology will never surpass humanity. But...Technology's misuse of the progressive technological trinkets is certainly a threat; and is a force to be feared. Those who know how to start a fire in the wilderness vs those who can't will most certainly use it to their advantage....and then use it to overcome others. The point being, is that your speaking of a subjugation from elitists, which is a paradigm as old as the ages and man himself. This is babyfood, nothing new....it's always been this way since man formed societies....

You spend more time quoting the words of others, instead of building upon the structure they've layed down for you to come up with your own...

Quote the Mercuy

Oh... And im back....

If you attained the elixir of life (metaphorically speaking) would you share it with the world? Or would you keep it among those that hold those same viewpoints as sacred, to further your own ascension towards godhood?

The hypocrisy lies in you not being where other people already are, then blaming those of a higher caliber for your stunted stagnant system of thought. The dichotomy of those who deem themselves oppressed vs those who have progressed through their own mental momentum is fictitious....Unless your willing to do more than talk on an internet forum about how oppressed we are?....nope? thought so...so cease your self righteous banter under the illusion of being a revolutionary....

The Forum post is edited by MercuryMan Sep 27 '14
mkultra Sep 28 '14
A pretty smart man once said... I'll let him speak for himself.
mkultra Sep 28 '14
Another man said, "a picture is worth a thousand words" ... seems some here are not a smart as they think They are, no matter what Jargon they use. Recycled words, tired ideas. 2 cents worth from the cheap seats. lol
MercuryMan Sep 28 '14
So...lets get this straight.

"A pretty smart man once said"

"Another man said"

"Recycled words, Tired ideas"

Yet you post "recycled words" and "tired ideas" concocted by people who actually bear some resemblance of original thought, instead of developing your own? And use internet memes to express viewpoints that you yourself can't put into words? OK.... The irony is astounding. 

Hypocrisy is a helluva drug....

The Forum post is edited by MercuryMan Sep 28 '14
mkultra Sep 28 '14
Bulls eye , The irony of hypocrisy was exactly the point I was making! Doing it in less than 50 words. Bravo.
JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Sep 30 '14

I was referring to slavery (and similar practices, such as feudalism) playing a historic role in the development of civilization. In almost all cases where civilization emerged from human hunter-gatherer societies, subjugation was involved. Slaves were a means to an end. The need to either submit, dominate, or withdraw from one another is instinctually hardwired, IMO.

Enter technology: Tasks that once required physical human labor are now being increasingly performed by machines. The need for physical labor is shrinking. If the need for "unpleasant occupations" ceases to exist, will this change the dynamic in the above-stated "dominate, submit, withdraw" dynamic?



I try to always be fair about the inspirations behind my words and give-credit-where-credit-is-due -- a practice found to be in very short supply in individuals espousing "Satanic thought".

My posts on this thread are "thoughts spilled out on paper", so to speak. My motive is not to postulate groundbreaking insights on the human condition as much as it is to inspire dialog. Man has been thinking about itself for a very long time.

I enjoy that there are a handful of thoughtful individuals on these forums. If my attempts to stimulate conversation are not appreciated by anyone, I will kindly cease my activities.

The combat zone is in the real world. Let's leave our pistols at the door and parley like intellectual beings.

Edit: typoooos

The Forum post is edited by JamesSTL Sep 30 '14
JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Sep 30 '14
A little background information:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery
JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Sep 30 '14
Also, MercuryMan:

My original point of exploration in this thread was the possible future dissolution of "subjugation" (which still exists in essence) due to its possible future lack of necessity.

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