Talking with religious people in emails | Forum

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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Nov 15 '19
I will only show my response to respect privacy. 

Sounds like you are or were internally conflicted and possibly critical thinking and atheism caused internal stress to mount to the point of depression.  Regarding supernatural experiences who knows. Seems many found , saw or heard  God or a manifestation of it under distress.  I would be curious to know if good psychiatrist would have been of help. 
Faith is a powerful thing. Billions of people pray and believe in fairytales because it is more comforting than the brutal reality of our existence. . I would love to believe in a loving god and that one day all our suffering would end and we would have a permanent shitty grin on our faces in heaven by its side. 
If finding a God improved your life awesome. if believing in fairytales made me happier I would too. 
I stopped arguing with religious people for two reasons . First it I'd just as retarded to say with certainty there is no God as it is to insist there is. Major difference atheist do not kill millions, torture and brutalize or destroy those that disagree with them.  The fact that god fearing people can justify maliciously killing innocent people by the millions kinda seriously makes me question the foundation of their morals.  Also god is clearly indifferent towards human suffering. If something put all reality in motion we are simply manifestations of " IT " . Praying , sinning, divine intervention etc and projections and wishful thinking  . IT does not care about us.  IT is a concept our minds are not capable of comprehending.  
I have never studied Islam. Never will. If there is a God it is not the ones man writes of. GOD is beyond our comprehension. The more we struggle to fit that concept into reality the more abstract god becomes. 
You cant use logic and reason to argue against faith. For faith is the absence of logic and reason.  

Not sure if you caught my video about my experiences with meditation under ACO 4-DMT. I will link you. IT is a long video and I really need to remake it sober so I don't ramble .

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Nov 16 '19
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 16 '19
A god is certainly comprehensible. 

It's why it exists that leaves you in a chicken/egg mess.

God serves as a catalyst without the need for creation, and rears its head in the mess of Carl Jung's synchronicity. Bias and closed-minded causal assumptions are all that is found, and when such things satiate curiosity you couldn't hit further from the mark IMO. Vacuum genesis of the universe is just as likely a route out of the conundrum. But I have talked on that to death. 


Different route.  Let me pose a way for that god to exist. 

Once more everyone needs to consider a roulette wheel, and consider the numbers things that can happen.  While it is true the previous run of numbers in no way predicts likelihood there is an equilibrium. If there wasn't it wouldn't come out,  48% Red, 49% Black, and 3% green after 1000 spins. 

Everything is balance. Everything, even dynamic events one can only experience, ones that seemingly moving towards a kind of entropy. 

*BUT* You can ride the waves and crest of probability in manner of emergent trends. 

In another casino game, Blackjack, like a coin flip,  whether it's 6 decks or two sides of a coin, no thing will escape that balance over the long haul.

The magician is the one who can spot the run of the numbers and place a well timed bet in flux. 

Lunacy is thinking you can make that run of numbers change to your whims. You may get lucky, but the house will still win, and god is just that line drawn down the center of scattered plots of data. 


'Counting' with Roulette

Rule 1: Only play 3:1 and 6:1 

Rule 2: Everything ebbs and flows

Rules 3: There will ALWAYS be a "more frequent than average" range hitting. 

Here are the recent numbers (from a casino app): 7R, 00G, 10B, 14R, 1R, 31B, 17B, 30R, 21R, 11B, 16R, 13B, 33B, 15B, 8B, 33B, 26R.

Just a few numbers but...

0-00 = 1

1-6 = 1 <-- the ebb

7-12 = 4

13 -18 = 5  <-- The flow 

19-24 = 1

25 - 30 = 2

31 = 36 = 3 

What's a 5 dollar chip on the outside? 

• Playing the numbers 7-18 as much you want to risk

• Pay attention because the flow is in constant flux, and rarely lasts beyond the last 20 spins. 

(I would play 5 on 25-30, and 5 on 31-36, an overall 3:1 bet) 

And that is how god works. 

Of course, all the numbers add up to 666. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 16 '19
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