Reporting Creeps | Forum

Evilishious Nov 5 '19
I am having issues with a handful of creeps on the site. I mean who would think a network designed for occultists would attract social misfits, perverts, creeps, stalkers and half retarded men that obviously have never been with a woman intimately. I only say this because they are the type to run around my inbox jerking off , half insulting me and getting angry that they are on ignore. 

Honestly Zach/ Admin I was not going to mention anything as I am sure any walking in to a social networking site as this one is going to be be harassed. But you see, I blocked him and figured that was the end of it. Well, I have been away all week and am find out just now that 

1) Block feature does not work. So, I am going to have to adjust my privacy settings so that only my friends can message me and be that bitch. 

2) Not only is this creep still messaging me but he brought two more  autistic fucks with him who are sending me ick pics. They are terrible ones too I think I understand now why they can only harass and torment women. My dick looked like that I would kill myself or at least my father. 

The first person I am talking about its this genius 'satanist10'. He might actually be ten years old. First, he asks me do satanic rituals with him. Then when I politely respond and inform him I am not interested he becomes angry, insults me and pouts of. I blocked him after he repeated that same behavior only two days later. Warned hi then blocked him. Now, he sending me long rambling messages about worshiping Satan and hating Jesus ETC. 

The other two assholes with the micro penises are likely all the same person. But, if my assumption turns out to be wrong Zach. Do you really want creeps like that on your network?  Maybe that is why there are not many chicks on SIN anymore. I remember there was. Seems like it is a possible scenario.

Zach I will call you since you do not return my emails on SIN. Unless there is another admin? I got all the screen shots and messages are still there. 

Oh, BTW everyone reading this. I amnot THAT chick that whines and complains about men harassing her. If you knew where I worked  it would be obvious I am attempting to shame them openly to embarrass them in hopes that not only with they fuck off but other chick they likely are harassing will also complain and proper course of action will be put into place. 

Seriously . You are not scaring anyone. You are not chasing me off. I am also not going to entertain any delusion or fantasy you may have of me responding or behaving in any way remotely desirable. Then again you are showing me your prepubescent genitals you likely have a humiliation fetish. If you two micro dick guys read this you are next if you message me again for any reason. 

Anna Nov 6 '19
The best way is to ignore them completely i.e., not say anything, not even one word. No play no game.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 6 '19
This sounds like that Gundi-fag. 

There was an autistic kid from Las Vegas who threatened to extort some girl that initially gave his loser ass attention and then realized her mistake. 

AK, a former mod stepped in and fucked with this tiny dicked little bitch that would harrass girls in a similar fashion.

It could be that you came in here and gave Zach attention and Zach represents the site that wouldn't let him stalk and intimidate women.

If it is not him, it is some unrelated small cocked faggot that wants Zach and being a little 4Chan troll about it. 

If the emails have weird "macro drawings" or are written like a pissed off 14 year old troll it is likely him. Especially if the drawings (using symbols on a keyboard) come with vulgar suggestions it is definitely him.  

As of 2017 he lived in Las Vegas, Nevada off Desert Inn a mile from UNLV.

If this is that person I will be more than happy to give you the address. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 6 '19
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Nov 6 '19
Either way I did confirm what Evilishious said is true... two of em are getting gone now.  

@DE -  It did cross my mind that beaner boy Mauricio Gonzalez from Vegas was back. It is has his MO on it. Although after looking at the screen shots he either has grown outta his Autism or grown into even a more sad pathetic coward pervert. .

Thank you Evilishious for bringing this to my attention. While I was over there in your account I see you have no shortage of male admirers which is how I assumed the case might be. WATCH OUT  for Magusluz . He literally locks women in Dog Kennels naked and displays them for us in our tinychat ( live chat ) for our own sexual thrill. But he does bring them water and bread so.....ppfft who cares. 

As for the rest of you boys living on her profile.. if spent 1/2 the time courting someone that you are never gonna get and posted with all that repressed libido fueling the forms... it would be like 2013 back in the house . 

Caducifer Apr 12 '21
Am Besten Mann macht den Fernseher aus und vergisst das es das Finanzamt gibt. Ich meine diese Menschen sind Arsch kriminell. Wenn du mich fragst gibt es gar keine psychischen Krankheiten. Die lügen nur rum um zu Gewalt zu verüben. Sei nicht abergläubisch, das sind christliche Engel, sie machen die Satanisten arm und krank und dumm. 
The Forum post is edited by Caducifer Apr 13 '21
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