If I gathered it correctly, this paper here says, "Objects that sufficiently warp space create a field within the warping that increases the speed of light by changing the fundimental forces within, such as electromagnetism via pertubation of subspace"
Then I thought about how objects further away are moving away faster than the speed of light, and thought this can haphazardly applied to that.
I considered hypervelocity stars, as things naturally accelerated to near the speed of light. As well as things "further out". All things further away are moving faster, or at least appear to.
Perhaps there is a runaway effect when objects approach the speed of light, and have sufficient velocity to warp space it creates a bubble in which the speed of light is increased with respect to other objects, such as Earth. There is never an exceeding of the speed of light just a localized exponential increase of as much relative to other objects based on amount of warping occurring.
*Or* Objects towards the periphery naturally accelerate faster and faster having been through a denser universe, and what you see are the furthest (likely older) objects warping themselves away from us. It could also explain the non uniform nature of this accelerated expansion.
Any galaxy (which can also approach the speed of light) with a supermassive black hole should have enough energy to do this.
It also says an aether MUST exist in order to increase localized speed of light.
My intuition says dark energy is some sort of artifact of observation and motion and there need not be an outside or speculated influence to accelerate the universe.