Lumping Shit Into Categories | Forum

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Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Aug 24 '19
Out of Insomnia I classified all religion into now 10 categories.  

This is pointless, but still a great way to deal with bipolar disorder.  

'Religion' doesn't necessarily have to be of the same base doctrine, just so similar as to group them together.

Type 1:


Sumerian Myth -> Babylonian, Phoenician, Egyptian, Akkadian, Assyrian...

Type 2:


Vedas, Buddhism, Jainism , Taoism, Confusiousism.

Type 3:


Zoroastrianism -> Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Miscellaneous

Type 4:


Olmec -> Mayan,  Aztec, Toltec, Inca, Nazca

Type 5:


Polytheism myth with deism.

Paganism -> Roman, Greek, Norse

Type 6:


Specific to area or country. Used in establishment of government or imperial family. 

Folk Religions, Shinto, Tribal religions, 

Type 7:


No source other than cult of personality, image, and often gullibility.

Moonies, Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, Scientology,  Wikipedia Satanism

Type 8:

"New Age"

Similarity to "cult".  A lot of crystals. No specific source, sometimes arise out of different religion types.

Neopaganism, Ancient Aliens, Transcendental meditation, Theistic Satanism  (Joy of Satanism) 

Type 9:


The altar of peer review and ongoing corrections.  Deals exclusively in what is tangible. 

Type 10:


I dont know a goddamn thing about it other some soccer player and a volcano. 

South Pacific, Polynesian, Hawaiian 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Aug 24 '19
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