You're getting old, Chloe, with all those nostalgic melodies of yours.
Here, try some Polish disco:
You know... I've never heard the Polish language sung before. I like the sound and melody of that Polish disco!
You're getting old, Chloe, with all those nostalgic melodies of yours.
Here, try some Polish disco:
You know... I've never heard the Polish language sung before. I like the sound and melody of that Polish disco!
Glad you liked it!Me too! Except, Polish language with disco sounds a lot better than Russian language with disco.
I love some Russian stuff too!
The Russian language has a certain feel to it where it sounds better and cooler when rapped. I like Russian Hiphop/Rap:
Quote : Say No-Thing
I'm not talkin' about nothin' no more.
Heart Sutra
There is."There are no facts, only interpretations."
Does an objective reality exist? Can we grasp it? Or are our opinions all we have?
Yet there is the craving for coloring the world as it makes it more sensible and intimate to the mind.
If a tree falls in the forest with no one around to observe it...
Does not change the fact it happened.
If a tree falls in the forest with no one around to observe it...
Does not change the fact it happened.
Well of course this is stating that a tree 'did' in fact 'fall' in the forest, so the observer is made irrelevant here, as opposed to 'would' it fall, and we cannot know this, although it does seem reasonable that it would.
Also the term "no one" does imply somewhat a limited perspective. There are many 'things' in the forest that would, or may, qualify as a valid observer, and it may very well be nearly, if not, impossible for this to occur in the absence of any.
The question really becomes first, what qualifies as a valid observer, and second, if these were all excluded 'would' it still happen...
I don't know but the music's pretty good.
Edit : spacing
The premise is quite easy...
Your opinion and take does not matter.
It happened.
Edit : typo