I am trying to ascertain if you compose this codswallop in an advanced state of inebriation, have neglected to ingest your daily dose of caplets OR overdosed on a combination of both!
Either way I strongly advise that you don't quit your day job.
And of course it's drivel. It is the essence of. It is speculating on a superstition that something like karma exists. It is silly too. Does saving a prostitute cosmically counter killing a nun with a train? I chose to spend 350 words or less sharing it.
Is there anything you would like to say about my drivel or are you still asshurt you the other thread?
I dont think it's necessarily the modern idea of morality that we are seeing play out " I did shit thing now shit thing is done to me" first we have brains that look for patterns, patterns and memory are how we learn and keep from repeating the same mistakes over and over again. If we have done some shameful embarrassing stupid thing that may or may not be knocking around in our mind then we will notice it happening more readily. Like when you buy a new car they all of sudden you notice everyone now has the same car as you. When the average person feels guilty they tend to find some kind of relief in punishment. So the dots are easy to connect.
The balance of nature I agree with. There is no good or evil just polarity. This theory is not mine so I need to do more research but as of right now I agree.
It's not something I am willing to raise above "silly superstition", but I think this is the thing seen as Karma, in the half witted John Lennon way. I wonder if he realized he would shine on as a wife-beating hypocrite... and then get killed by the CIA.
The Satanic Bible has this same disconnect. The last half is space-filling contradictions. It seems like the most devilish thing begat from his dealings with Avon. After 70 pages of down to earth real opinions you have it spiral into a total contradiction. For the "atheist", ritual is made into something like D&D Larping. There may be some commonality there.
I feel a post like this is firmly on that magical agnostic fence between reality and "you never know".