Lets kick start a new Satanic Panic | Forum

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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Apr 13 '19
Lets put the ' S ' back in Satanism. In the mists of a all time high population explosion of SJW's and PC Liberal activists I think it is ripe time to see something shocking. 
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Apr 13 '19
Yes i am excited to talk about eugenics. This is something i have been pondering and researching.  We could discuss theses things for a long time and not be board.

I don't think anyone would have to do much. If top quality science and medicine didn't intervene in other  country's affairs and affliction the planet would have already delt with "over population" and there would be no "bad guy" pushing the execution button. 

If we want to create a panic or fearful view of satanism just were a shirt that says "its okay to be white " and say hail odin once in awhile. Trust me i get treated worse for my heathen beliefs then satanic,  shoot they just did a huge facbook purge of anything to do with odin, runes, or norths pagans. People are terrified of it.

Anna Apr 13 '19
Why not do something shocking yourself, Zach? Like kidnapping children and raping them on the altar during the Satanic orgies? Or taking a gun and shooting people in broad daylight, all the while shouting Hail Satan? Think about it.
Brother Shamus
Brother Shamus Apr 13 '19

@ Norse dude

But if your heathen beliefs are rattling the concerns of the interconnected netscape and leading to censorship it is Satanic. Especially if you now make it a goal to keep pushing heathenism until it is Ragnarok and Tyr is eating the sun.

You must capitalize on the prevailing trend. 

The Forum post is edited by Brother Shamus Apr 13 '19
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Apr 13 '19
Brother Shamus, how would one capitalize on this trend? I realy do think satinism is the evolved form of our old pagan roots. If the abrahamic religions never spread i think satinism under a diffrent name would have developed naturally as we became more scientific minded.

Brother Shamus
Brother Shamus Apr 13 '19

But I'm speaking more to the "severed goats head in a box".  If facebook is purging what it doesnt like you are given a clear social taboo to transgress.  Take that which creates such stir and rub it in endlessly.  

Instead of listening to this "who cares what other people think" line and trying to be above it, fucking react.  Do something that undermines the opposition or at very least appeases that inner need to not let the aggression stand.  

The Forum post is edited by Brother Shamus Apr 13 '19
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Apr 13 '19
I shared this with my husband and he told me the leader of the kindred has already got a lawyer and other independent members are as well, this agression will not stand ;)
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